A Mercy revert could revive Overwatch

If Mercy ults too early to prevent dying, it’s too late. She can’t then move to a more ideal location and then revive. She would likely only revive a a player or two in a panic response. Also known as “Tempo Rez”.

Same with Mercy’s ult. Bruteforce works for both except Mercy’s team doesn’t get huge AOE heals.

Same with Mercy. In fact, displacement takes no effort because people respawn where their ragdolls land which is sporadic and scattered.

Mercy couldn’t fly when ulting so the same is possible.

They each have their own counterplays.


ummmm no. Stop acting like Mercy 1.0 would save the game, the game that isn’t even that dead. Sure, many people left out of frustration but it isn’t ONLY because mercy!!! There are other things people are annoyed with. Current meta, hanzo, brigitte, horrible state of sombra, symms rework (to some extend) toxicity, unfair matchmaking, throwers and so on. Reverting mercy will never fix that.
People come and go it’s natural, they don’t have to play this (or any) game forever.

Using bombshell controversy (and yes, reverting mercy is a bombshell controversy) is not a sustainable method of reviving a game


Anyone who says rez was removed from the ult to be more healthy for Mercy is an idiot
Fine it was bad for everyone else but if it was meant to be better for Mercy then well, That’s one epic fail of a rework I’d say


So… it needed more counterplay

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no we need a new rework.

not a plain revert.

though I believe we should rework mass rez so that its actually healthy for the game.

Maybe. Or maybe it’s better left in the grave, as blizz already failed balancing it once.

They failed balancing it with a single buff during a time where Mercy did need buffs
1 buff
1 bad call
You call that a failure. Then what do you call Mercy 2.0?

And leaving her as is isn’t going to keep the game alive for very long if theres a healer drought.

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There is no healer drought–Ana and Moira have been waiting in the wings for months and mercy is still very viable

A character i like, that was released op and then balanced to still unclear degree of success.

Have you considered that entire rework is the result of their inability to deal with mass rez?

So what ?


They didn’t even try to balance Mass rez
There was no controversy until INvuln
Invuln was one buff (the wrong buff as it was clear Mid fight potential is what she needed not a buff to an already very good ult.)

And well… I have no idea how you can like this character who has to cower behind a corner and now has her literal ultimate counteracted by a winston existing oron a team that focuses is basically just a discord orb.


One is more powerful that the other. Let’s leave it at that.

Well, I have no idea how you can like literally the same char but with less abilities and single press ult. So we have something in common :stuck_out_tongue:

They can uninstall the game if they want blizzard won’t play with balance because some kids gonna uninstall the game, mercy 1.0 was broken and it will never return.


:thinking: :thinking:

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I am sorry but mass rez was just as broken if not worse than what we have now. No one but the mercy mains wants this nightmare back.

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We want it reworked and actually balanced.

They can’t even balance the solo rez yet let alone mass rez.

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