šŸ“‹ A Manuscript of Changes I want to see added to Improve the Overall Health of the Game and it's Community

Sometimes a larger problem is never going to be easy to get across. :confused:

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Then try Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State. Itā€™s even bigger.

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I like the new ideas, a lot. But balance changes are way off, the Mercy changes are huge, Ana changes will put her back to where she was 4 months ago. Making Brigitte a squishy is an awful idea, and the Reaper change is laughable.

Let me tell you something partner, Ana and Reinhardt doesnā€™t need any nerf. And the Sombra nerfs outweighs the buffs, unacceptable. The Tracer blink nerf is just an overkill, she doesnā€™t deserve that.

I say you keep making those awesome new ideas, but for heavens sake stay away from hero balance.


I like some of the ideas, but for the most part, the hero changes make them less unique and takes away from the core premise of Overwatch.

i have read multiple Governmental and military documents over the years and honestly im glad that the op kept things so short and to the point. i may have issues with some of the points presented but im thankfull that it was brief and to the point.


Terrible idea. Those forgiving healboxā€™s are still more of a hindrance than helpful.

You want the main healer with the lowest average heals per game to heal less?

Not a bad idea, but not needed either.

With healing so strong it gave us that horrible one shot meta, and being in such a tank heavy meta thatā€™s reliant on healing, you want to get rid of one of the only things that counters that?

Honestly, Iā€™m okay with this. I really didnā€™t think she needed that buff to begin with.

ehhā€¦ having things like this that can affect the hero so drastically be optional is bad for a game thatā€™s trying to make it big in esports.

You do notice that these are basically reverting all the buffs that came as tradeoffs to the nerfs, right? Crippling her M1 range but not fixing the wind-up, doubling the charge rate on her M2 to just make THAT not worth using anymore either, halving the HP of turrets that are already too easy to destroy due to their compression, removing the ability to escape ults with it in exchange for a minor improvement to deploy delays.

This is basically taking the only things that Symm 3.0 tried to improve upon and ripping it out.

Symm needs buffs, not even harsher nerfs than the rework already was.


No I didnā€™t. I just didnā€™t quote them; I quoted the most problematic aspect of your idea for a change to Sombra. Why post your ideas about hero changes if you donā€™t want input from others ā€“ especially Sombra mains ā€“ on how your proposed changes would affect the hero?

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I donā€™t like any of those changes. No thanks

You made A LOT of effort, and I like a lot of your Ideas (like the scoreboard).

Unfortunately, I think because it is that much a lot of people (including the OW Team) will skip it

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There are chile and brazil servers

But its not common that us spanish speakers get matchmaked with brasilians and we struggle hard to communicate

We tend to try english or just say basic callouts since both lenguages are similar

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well said . and i like the changes

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I enjoy the Orisa recommendations able to pull bastion. Well created thread KUDOS! I think a map maker would be pretty interesting but probably really difficult for Blizzard to do.

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you realize the ā€œchangesā€ to junkrat is way more nerf then a buff, HE JUST NEEDS his primary fire size back to what it was, keep the 2nd mine because he needs the mobility and because of the falloff of it, and tire is fine as a fast charge rate because you are vulnerable to every flanker and their mother when you use it, announce exactly where you are when you cast it and the tire itself can be completely stopped by just shooting it WHICH can be one shot by widow and hanzo and nearly instakilled by many other heroes

The anthologies wonā€™t be out until sometime in 2020. Iā€™ve had several publishers contact me with offers in the past six months, with deadlines for summer to fall of 2019 for the stories. So given publishing turn around time, I imagine 2020 since they have to edit everyone and put the books together.

Beyond that, I just left the Table-Top RPG industry in the past year (I was there since the early 2000s) and returned to full-time fiction writing for the first time in 20 years. My first new novel (in all that time) comes out January/February 2019. Itā€™s a super-hero novel called: Prize Not the Mask.

For my own novels and stuff, I am Amazon exclusive so I can be part of the KindleUnlimited program.

You gut heroā€™s and have some terrible ideas for hero balance


Ew, Pharah, the hero that flys above everyone, does not need those buffs.

All for killing snipers with the map balance, Snipers are unfun garbage to fight so them getting nerfed means loew blood pressure for me.

D.Va nerfs :sleeping_bed:

Okay, as previously indicated (now that I have some timeā€“thank goodness for short work days), Iā€™m gonna respond to the balance changes. The rest, Iā€™m not super opinionated on, and I donā€™t really want to waste more time crawling through the monster thread than I have to.


The only change I agree with is the Biotic Grenade change. 50% might be a bit much, but you can play around with numbers.

While adding a damage threshold to Sleep Dart is tempting, I think part of the trade-off in power is the fact that the target can be woken up so easily. Youā€™re potentially taking the enemy out of the game for 5.5 seconds, as well as potentially interrupting ults, and all from a fairly considerable range without any kind of after-the-fact counterplay. Thatā€™s very powerful. I donā€™t think it needs to be made ā€œeasier.ā€

In fact, Iā€™d say that about most of the changes you list here. The Biotic Rifle and General changes in particular seem to just cut her skill ceiling, when realistically, her healing really isnā€™t an issueā€“itā€™s the power encapsulated in Nade and Nano. Which, Nano is an ult, so itā€™s supposed to be powerful, and it depends heavily on the good work of your teammate to be useful. The only nerf I can really perceive for Nano is cutting the health restore to 200 HP.

The QoL functions for Nano seem okay, I donā€™t think you really need both. Accidental Nanos arenā€™t as big an issue as folks make them seem, and itā€™s part of the skill curve of her kit.


Damage isnā€™t everything. Case in point: Bastion gets more damage and Elims than any other character by a mile, but heā€™s (or at least was, recent changes TBD) garbage. I will criticize your points of comparison, thoughā€“Soldier is generally viewed as power-creeped out of usefulness, and McCree is in a weird spot where heā€™s strong but still loses a lot (probably because nearly all of his value is wrapped up in FB combos).

Until Ashe becomes an obvious problem, I donā€™t think we should consider any kind of nerf for her.


He needs an actual rework IMO, because his problems extend beyond just balance and into kit design. That said, if people insist on not reworking him, I think the changes you list here are okay.


Oh boyā€¦ :roll_eyes: A huge nerf on the whole, and one that shifts what little remaining power sheā€™d have into the parts of her kit that make GOATS powerful. These are legitimately terrible changes, because they effectively encourage Brigitte to just be a shield-bot since she can gain the majority value from her kit without ever dropping her barrier (or doing it very fractionally).

This would essentially be the Mercy rework for Brigitte.


Over the top changes, IMO. Just establish exclusivity between DM and MM, and slightly lengthen the cooldown between flicks of DM.

The critbox/health changes in particular would probably make her too powerful, since being able to easily crit her is really the only thing that a lot of heroes have going for them when fighting her. Overall, sheā€™s very strong, and she doesnā€™t really need this kind of buff.


I anticipate that heā€™s going to approach troll tier again after these changes. In light of the unfortunate reality that Blizzard rarely ever does reverts, heā€™ll need some kind of buff.


He simply has too many ā€œcrutchā€ mechanics going for him. Itā€™s mostly small stuff, like the mentioned lack of damage threshold on Swift Strike, and the fact that double jump hides his critbox (or, isnā€™t on a short cooldownā€“one or the other could stand to change). Despite being a ā€œhigh skillā€ hero, heā€™s just got a tonne of saving graces that make him unnecessarily forgiving IMO.


Absolutely not. First of all, I think your philosophy behind Storm Arrows is off-the-mark to begin with. Your comparison to Junkrat, for example, is specious because Junk A) has a much higher ROF than Hanzo, B) has AOE, and C) has additional value from mines (CC, mobility). Storm Arrows have damage. Thatā€™s it. Considering Hanzo has traditionally been viewed as a tank buster, he needs an ability that will reliably and fairly let him burst tanks.

Secondly, reverse fall-off is a pretty terrible mechanic, particularly on projectiles where a shot that you lined up and fired to deal maximum damage now didnā€™t score a kill because the enemy walked two steps forward. It removes your ability to pressure foes because it actively encourages them to advance toward you rather than stay back, so Hanzo is obligated to hang out at long range where he doesnā€™t really belongā€“this is Ashe and Widow territory.

The only real nerf I see as reasonable for Hanzo is tightening up the time he has to fire Storm Arrows. I donā€™t think it should be complete arrow spam, but it shouldnā€™t really be as precise as his primary fire, so he shouldnā€™t have as much time to line up shots


The dual changes of removing a mine and increasing Ult charge are excessive. One or the other. Heā€™s really not powerful right now, so compensation nerfs are unnecessary.


Right now, Lucio is very strong and doesnā€™t need buffs. At all. Certainly not to Crossfade, which is one of the major supporting abilities of GOATS and would only serve to make the comp stronger if buffed.


The recent FtH buff needs removed, and Deadeye needs buffed (the ones you propose are okay). He really needs an ability to reward precise shooting, such as a mechanic like Outlaw or Kill Clip (on precision kills) from Destiny.


Sure. Not really opinionated on Mei.


Staff changes seem fine. Thatā€™s about it.

GA change is unnecessary, and Brace overall seems like a situational and generally weak ability. Resurrect is unnecessarily over-complicated mechanically with the scaling. See Titaniumā€™s suggestion for Resurrect for a more intuitive version that I think suits Mercy better and solves a lot of the old problems with it.

Or, remove Rez entirely :man_shrugging:


She needs some kind of minor utility, which is the principle reason sheā€™s not as good a pick as Mercy or Ana in most scenarios. It honestly could just be tied to Coalescence, like a mild anti-heal to enemies damage by Coalescence for a few seconds. She doesnā€™t need much.


While I like the changes you propose, these will not make her competitive with Reinhardt because she remains unable to dynamically move her defenses in response to enemy maneuvers. Itā€™ll improve her personal survivability and power within her niche, but it wonā€™t suddenly make her a strong main tank pick in higher tiers.


Doesnā€™t really solve the problem that sheā€™s very floaty and dependent on her team to present any meaningful value. She needs power redirected from her primary to her mobility, so that she can very dynamically and responsively move around in the air.

Also, Iā€™ve said this countless times and Iā€™ll say it again: making Barrage cancel-able doesnā€™t make it a good ult. It just makes it like McCreeā€™s ult: still crappy, but not a death sentence if youā€™re willing to just give up whatever value you had.

Pharah probably needs more extensive changes that approach rework level, as her problems again extend into her kit and not just her balance.


The compensation nerf to justify the buff you propose is clunky and would likely be very frustrating to use in practice. Realistically, Shadow Step can just have its casting time reduced by ~1 second (from 2.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds) and duration reduced by ~1 seconds (from 2 seconds to 1 second). Speeds it up without allowing him to reliably use it as a mid-combat ability.

Other reasonable changes include the railing change, and altering the animation to match that of his highlight intro (so heā€™s not just sitting in the same pose the whole time).


Charge is probably one of the biggest skill shots in the game next to Sleep Dart :roll_eyes: Its already probably the least useful part of his kit, it doesnā€™t need to be worse. Also, the Rocket Hammer change is unnecessary.

Main nerf Iā€™d propose for Reinhardt is increasing the Ult charge on Earthshatter. He can get it very quickly using Firestrike, which is overall a pretty fair ability (slow moving and no crit value, but can hit multiple targets).


His ult is not intended as a damage-dealing tool (and, to the extent that it is, it already deals an obscene amount of damageā€“it doesnā€™t really need more). Like most tanks, his ult is intended for crowd control. Thatā€™s why the KB was buffed. I think Whole Hog is pretty much fine now.

The only change I would like to see from Hog at this stage is giving him a passive to mildly reduce the degree to which he feeds, but not eliminate it. 20-25% reduction is probably adequate, considering he canā€™t outright deny ult charge as other tanks can.


Canā€™t agree. He doesnā€™t need large buffs, but he needs to just be a little bit better in each department. Probably his biggest offender is Tac Visor.


Iā€™mā€¦ not really sure where to begin with this one. Seems like a Rube Goldberg machine to fixing Sombra, when just removing the infinite abilities, tightening up the duration of hack w/ a slight cooldown reduction, and giving her damage thresholds would likely be more than adequate. Some QoL changes here and there, but certainly nothing to the scale that you described.


Primary fire changes are a noā€¦ People need to give up on the lock-on, unless theyā€™re willing to concede a considerable amount of damage from her primary for it.

Secondary fire change is a noā€¦

Turrets are a no.

Teleporterā€¦ actually probably fine, except for that last bullet point.

Symmetraā€™s problems are again of the variety that pure balancing probably wonā€™t fix without causing other major problems. She needs a well-defined niche, and she needs a rework to shape her to fill that niche. Feelings about whether ā€œthis is how Old Symmetra feltā€ are secondary to that need.


Add in a few extra globules on Molten Core, and another mild critbox reduction (itā€™s still giant), and Iā€™ll buy it


Thisā€¦ is probably okay, but Iā€™d rather see Blink lose a chunk of its favor-the-defender mechanics that allow double Blinking to work so well in the first place, and Recall to actually restore Tracerā€™s health to its value three seconds prior. The former change still allows good Tracers to blink around enemies and spin them around, but if the enemy can match her tempo, sheā€™s not so easily forgiven. Second change hurts her sustain (which is fine, sheā€™s not meant to have a tonne of sustain) and ideally lets enemies who canā€™t just one-shot her before she blinks away a little more opportunity to effectively respond to her.


Eh. Sheā€™sā€¦ fairly balanced, just frustrating to play against and with. As you said, these changes are probably unnecessary. Venom Mine could honestly get a slight slowing effect in exchange for a mild damage reduction, so itā€™s more focused on ensnaring enemies to set up for headshots, but I wouldnā€™t do a lot to mess around with Widow right now.


Probably best balanced hero in the game, I agree heā€™s fine


No. Firstly, Adaptive Shield knocks him out of ball form for a reason. Iā€™m down for increasing its range to make it more reliable, but he doesnā€™t need to lose the counterplay.

Secondly, Piledriver/Grapple changes. Unnecessary, and frankly, Piledriver should reward direct hits more than it does now (direct damage to 120, but AOE stays the same). We donā€™t need to encourage more yo-yo Hammonds just spinning on the point.

Minefield changesā€“see Roadhog comments. Itā€™s not necessarily intended to score kills, but to keep enemies out of an area. The higher health helps make sure that the Minefield can do that for its duration, rather than just being deleted instantly.


Yes, probably fine


Unneeded change, heā€™s fine.

As I said before, your balance proposals leave a lot to be desired. Some are okay, but a lot of them seem very contrived or try to buff/nerf aspects of heroes that donā€™t need changedā€“or they just gut the hero entirely.

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Hey! First, Iā€™d like to say, your effort is commendable, and deserves receogntion (nice job!), second, Iā€™m going to be responding to your proposed changes with my own personal opinions, I hope youā€™re open to a civil discussion.

1 (General Changes)

I like this idea, the way Iā€™d think to execute this is to make the winning team (in stats) have a halted passive ult gain for 15 - 30 secs at a time, being reset every 2 minutes (after the halt has passed), encouraging pure activity from the winning team to gain ult.

I like this idea! So much potential to be had and can work so well especially with more heroes! Yet, thereā€™s a simple thing that can destroy this, and thatā€™s stream sniping + trolling. Youā€™d have people banning heroes due to the enemy team having a really good x hero, so you ban that hero. A fix that can be given to that is to restrict the votes that a stack of 3+ can perform, to not totally ruin peopleā€™s days simply because they keep banning a streamers hero or troll ban a hero.

This change could be fairly simple, Blizzard would just have to change the amount of fire given to an assist accordingly.

Yep, a simple bug fix (Iā€™ve had my Moira orbs just disappear out of thin air) I like it.

I also heavily endorse this idea! I just wonder howā€™d they add to and not force a whole update to the game each time they change something.

Thank you! As a lover of FPS games (especially TF2), a scoreboard would be great! Yes, it can be toxic, but so can the medal system.

YES YES AND YES!!! This change, now THIS, oh itā€™d be heaven, itā€™d be like experiencing TF2 community maps!

Yes, definitely! The order should be as goes:
HP -> Natural Armour -> Natural Shields -> Added Armour -> Added Shields

Do I require any words? Well, of course I do; the response to this proposed change is a resounding agreement.

As an Australian player in OCE region, Iā€™ve rarely dealt with other region problems, but when it does happen, itā€™s just annoying. Yes, people of all regions should recieve support to choose their region to get their preferred language and communication.

The reporting system is weird, it needs to be more specific. Such as there should be specific options like ā€œ1-trickingā€ ā€œThrowingā€ ā€œTrollingā€ ā€œFalse Reportingā€ etc.

2 (Hero Changes)

If she got the sheer leniency or healing squishyā€™s like a tank from any range, that takes away her high skill ceiling for aim on allies, and would be laughably easy.

Her healing is fine, it wouldnā€™t need a nerf (assuming we donā€™t change the allied hitboxes, since itā€™s already lenient).

That sleepdart change would be superb.

I think 75% would be better, since if it was 50%, Anaā€™s would be heavily encouraged to use more defensive nades instead of hybrids or offensive.

Those Nano changes I all agree with, except Ana self heal, maybe 50 self heals or none at all (Nano is very strong).

The CC interactions are reasonable.

That Ironclad would be nice, since it wouldnā€™t be a 500~ HP Bastion when heā€™s in turret.

Self-Repair is fine, if he got those animation changes, heā€™d be just a better S:76 by that point.

That choice to end in Recon OR Sentry form would be a huge QoL change for Bastion.

That health change is fine, since 250HP for a Support is hella strong.

40 damage on her regular left click is more dangerous than it seems.

She should be able to use E while shield is up, but only force her shield to go down during the Repair Pack animation.

If she has no Whipshot, whereā€™s her only ranged capability? And her LShift?

These Shield Bash changes are what I very heavily disagree with. 75 damage? You know what that means, right? Assuming she gets 40 damage flail, she can Flail -> Flail -> Bash -> Flail to nearly kill ANY 200 HP hero? Now, this would slightly decrease her TTK (time to kill) in a 1v1, but it doesnā€™t take that long to perform a 2nd Flail after your Bash. Her ā€œstunā€ effect at 1s is already long, 1.25s just seems too long. I like the idea of that booping, yet it would allow her to get very easy book kills. Her meter increase would make her a very fast threat, and sheā€™s already swift enough.

Now, I can understand her Bash not being able to cancel out an ultimate, yet if she can receive CC thatā€™s directly upon her shield, shield interactions would have to be changed altogether or spend time for just the Brigitte shield.

That Onspire change seems fine where she heals her team more than herself.

OK, assuming this ā€œconeā€ is the same radius as her Inspire, she gets to heal her whole team in that field 40HPS, and not even have to attack anyone to get that insane AoE healing!

The FOV and GUI changes are fine, but holy hell if she got that much potential out of her basic healing with her healing, sheā€™d be like Lucio 1.0 (where he had a HUGE radius and could hide and heal).

Her HP is fine, since she risks feeding hard with that HP.

Removing her crit hitbox? Even if she had 500 HP, thatā€™d make her like a Hammond that is able to eat ultimates and kill someone swiftly with her cannons.

I agree with that DM change, maybe slightly increasing her DM max time would be made to balance out the travel time requirements.

Iā€™d rather his Storm Arrows not be able to headshot, deal 70 damage, and have reverse fall off.

Also, in my opinion, Hanzoā€™s main problem is that his playstyle is very malleable (being able to be a sniper, close range tank buster and mid range damage dealer).

Yes! 0.3 size grenade would be nice yet again!

His 2nd mine was too strong, if he got his 1 mine back again, itā€™d be one a 8 sec CD (like the old one).

Yep, Rip-Tire needs to be charged slower due to his sheer damage.

His AoE range currently feels fine (also cylindrical crossfade would be fine since idk how itā€™d work).

These Sound Barrier buffs seem unnecessary, his ultimate is already insanely good, maybe 6.5s would be fine (also the feeling of the ult Iā€™m neutral on).

Yep, his Deadeye is just hilariously weak right now (except for his reload technique, even then itā€™s not that strong) so these changes would be good.

60HPS? Yes please! 20% dmg amped? No thanks! Her dmg boost would be worthless at that point, since her heals would then be very consistent, so 30% would be fine (and we have to remember, she has to rely solely on her damage boosted target to do anything, unlike discord where you can kill your discorded target).

Firstly, her GA cooldowns is 1.5s, secondly, GA is THE most balance part of her kit right now, it doesnā€™t need to be touched a single bit.

Thatā€™s a great ability! Allows for the Mercy to have a better understanding of gamesense and prevent deaths via this ability! Maybe the cooldowns is a bit too short, but weā€™d have to see that in game to determine that.

Now this version of Ressurect I like! LoS based, no invulnerability, and cast time! I think the Rezzed targets should also not revive ult charge for 3 seconds once rezzed to prevent huge snowballing. The only changes I can think of making to this is to make LoS requirements for 3 players >, meaning that the Mercy can tempo Rez with ease, and making her ultimate charge slower than it was with Mass Rez (she gained that crap so quickly).

Youā€™re now my best friend since you say Moira is balanced

Fortify, in my opinion, feels very well balanced right now; Orisaā€™s current problem is her shield consistency and how Rein counters Rein (due to earthshater outplays).

That halt change is perfection.

Her hoverjets feel fine, since thatā€™s never really been a huge problem about her. I can see your idea working, yet hoverjets right now feels fine.

Those rocket launcher changes I like, makes her more rewarding to hit her directs.

I dislike the binding default changes, ignoring that, making her conc blast more consistent with this change would make her feel fair to play against.

Ooooo, king of like piledriver I see! I donā€™t know how itā€™d function, but hey, it makes Pharah vulnerable on the ground for damage so it could be very good!

Rocket Barrage being cancellabe would probably break her, since she if she can get 3 picks and die herself, thatā€™s still a 2 man advantage to you.

Shadowstep buffs are always welcomed.

His damage for his left click is fine. If a Tracer gets 2 tapped by a Rein, thatā€™s her fault.

His charge damage is fine, especially since CC can nullify any use of it.

Not sure about these changes, might just need to test them to see howā€™d they function I guess.

Her Oppurtunist passive is fine, please donā€™t tamper with it.

Keep her gun hitscans, besides that, those changes could work out.

Her stealth is very strong, if she gets attacked, she deserves to be revealed, and her decloak time is fine as well.

Why remove such a great ability? Especially Translocator!

That Hack change could work out well, yet itā€™d be useless against people like Mercy, and should disable ultimates.

I like how you can choose what hack to use, yet did you have to remove Translocator for this?

Removing her ability to hack healthpacks removes a core part of her kit, I donā€™t agree with it, also (not sure if you knew) her EMP already does do a ā€œmini-jumpā€ when activated (also her EMP changes could work out).

So, kind of like Moira grasp? I like that idea!

Secondary fire should probably be 1.5s, not 2s charge up rate.

More consistent turrets for less HP? Yeah! Iā€™d like that!

I like those Tele changes!! Until you said not being able to be used in ultimatesā€¦ Itā€™s a huge part of her Tele to be able to escape that, itā€™s so cool to be able to do that! Other than that, Tele changes would be nice.

Yep, I agree with these!

I honestly think 0.5 blink internal cooldown would be better, and 11 sec rewind (since 10 secs is just really short for such a strong ability).

What??? 90 DMG 100% charged scope? Sheā€™d only deal 225 damage per headshot if she had that change! Sheā€™d need to deal 3.34x to have the 300 dmg scoped headshot damage!

Widow isnā€™t just able to spam bodyshots to win a fight, maybe 105 damage fully scoped Iā€™d be fine with, since a tiny bit of healing would make someone a 3 tap bodyshot.

Those other changes I donā€™t mind, but that 90 DMG scoped? I personally find that preposterous.

I thank you again for saying that such a good hero is balanced like Winston

Wrecking Ball/Hammond:
I have no clue howā€™d these work out, but they seem like nice changes!

His discord is fine as well, since Zen dies very easily if focused by even 1 person.

Those map changes? I agree with them, especially the 2CP ones, since those maps just suffer so much.

Lore? Yeah, I really want more as well.

Overall, I very heavily appreacite your intentions and acts of putting in an absurd amount of effort into a game we both adore.

I hope you read this and we can have a civil discussion!