A list of Tracer problems that I’m sick of

you clearly dont play flank heroes

i can tell you right now if you do ANYthing as tracer/sombra/genji in a match a team will swap to brig

and while im all for counter picking, in most cases counters can be outplayed if theyre bad.

but in brigs case, only really tracer can outplay her (of the 3 i listed, sombras dmg is nerfed by the armor and her passive healing so even if you hack her. shes not dying. genji cant break her shield). and even then the brig holds all of the cards in the fight

she has the shield the tracer has too spam into (which gives the brigs team time to come and attack her) just to break it. then you have to deal with the HPS and armor.

this is why most people dont even pick tracer for fear of the brig pick. the ones that do pick tracer are either ready to swap or are top 500 aim gods.

ive outplayed alot of brigs since her release, and even in her current state i dont see her as being the most OP hero in the game or anything. but her existance all but prevents genji/tracer play.

bad brigs are trash and they just die, but imagine your genji and a brig just sits next to the target you NEED too kill when first use blade. she’ll stun you right away, the smarter the brig the harder it becomes to bait the stun.

bad brigs are easy to bait (like bad mccree’s) but when you have a shield to block dmg the tracer cannot realistically deal any dmg too you. if she goes behind the brig, the brig can react equally as fast and avoid any dmg. (which could get healed from the passive if she lands a hit)

tracer has 3 blinks and recall, but all it takes is one stun to kill her (assuming they actually know how to do the combo)

this is why you swap off tracer the moment a brig is present. this is why doomfist hanzo and widow are 3 of the best dps in the game. all of em can 1 shot targets (including brig herself)

im not saying, FtS or the bomb nerf wernt necessary. but to say brig isnt in every match is just wrong.

she may not get picked every match, but her presence can be felt. because anyone can pick up brig and play her in there own elo. (you dont have to practice her like you would most other heroes)

i dont even pick tracer much anymore because of it. its too much effort for too little gain. i can just pick mccree or widow (and later ashe FRICK YES) and burst ppl down, basically ignoring armor entirely. with far less stress

but rip tracer mains :frowning:


I main a flank hero. Lol.

I play alot of tracer and I feel ya, most of this stuff triggers me aswell. The Pulse bomb disappearing after being stunned triggers me the most, I’ll only say one thing though, if youre fighting into a team that has a McCree, a Brig, a hog AND a doomfist, i think you should switch.

well your profile says sombra and she barely counts. i list her because some ppl will pick brig to try and counter her. but thats not really my point

id imagine you mostly play in mid/low plat. people dont swap for anything in that elo

the higher you go, the quicker you see insta swaps.

a pharah diving your backline?, get a widow. a genji weebing all over your team? get that brig, mccree solo wiping your team time and time again. send literally any dive tank after him and glue them on.

of the matches i played over the last 2 seasons in the 2800-3200 range, ive only had maybe 10 or so times i can remember where a team didnt swap too a brig the moment a flanker popped off. (and i play about 600 a season)

That whole change was stupid.

People were only asking for Genji and Soldier not to have their ult fully refunded if you killed them during their animation.

Every other hero got screwed more instead. :confused:

  1. Tracer is a glass Canon with her 150HP. Heroes like Mei, Hanzo and Widowmaker can oneshot her. (Hanzo and Widowmaker can oneshot the majority of the roster.) Abilities like Soldiers Helix rockets are also deadly.
  2. I though Tracer’s ability was excluded from favor-the-shooter. I’m curious. What ping do you usuallty have?
  3. This is most likely latency. I highly recommend you to read this:
    [PROOF] Projectile Ults blocked by Lag
  4. It was added so Tracer would become less a counter to tanks. (As a bonus can it not kill Bastion anymore as well.) It’s one of the fastest charging ultimate in the game and it was often used in tanks. They are easier to hit with their larger hitboxes and they are pretty valuable targets. The devs thought it was not her job to deal with them, not even with her ultimate, so they nerfed it so it’s only effective to squishies.
  5. As a mobile glass Canon should you indeed be wary of stuns. The thing is though, most stuns were added to deal with great mobility in this game. This is why they gave Brigitte stun when they designed her to be an anti-flanker.
    I agree with you that too many oneshot abilities are slowly becoming a problem in the game.
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Lol you don’t get to pick and choose who counts and who doesn’t. That’s not how that works :joy:

I am in mid/high plat. People don’t like swapping. I do, and I encourage my teammates to do the same and I support them as best as I can. Brigitte is not a problem for us when they switch to it in the match. :man_shrugging:
I don’t face that issue. We still run flankers with a Brigitte. We just stop initiating with flankers, and have them run in when the engagement starts.

That second point is BS, the devs have stated themselves that blink stops favor the shooter!! As a Hanzo main it annoying af seeing my arrows do nothing when I hit a Tracer!

“Finally, there are a handful of videos in this thread that demonstrate some of the deliberate trade-offs we made against our “Favor the Shooter” philosophy. Any shot mispredicted against a dashing Genji, Mercy, Tracer or Doomfist is deliberate. A handful of other abilities exhibit this behavior as well (Winston/Pharah Leap, Sombra translocate, etc.) We have rules in place where we will not favor the shooter if your target executes one of these maneuvers. This is a trade-off that we have made to accommodate the realities of the internet.”

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Abilities like Tracers recall and blinks are actually coded in favour the defender.

I can’t remember which exact video they were talking about it(maybe the beta dev update on netcode) but most of the defensive abilities actually have favour the defender logic instead.

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Pulse bomb nerf was justify only if Brig isn’t exist. Well she exists, so bringing it back sounds fair.

Tracer’s abilities are.
Mei’s iceblock isn’t:

This is why Mei can still be killed and stunned in the first few frames of iceblock.

Sombra has literally all the same issues. Even the stun ult canceling

Brig isn’t in every match. Simply because she exists in the game does not mean she will be in every match, and for matches without her, she would shred tanks way too easy like how she used to.

Honestly i think tracer is in a good spot other than the pulsebomb being only 250 dmg. I mostly play mystery heroes so take this as an opinion out of comp but when there is a bastion sitting on payload doing nothing and nobody can do anything i stick him with my ult and what my reward. Death cuz it doesnt even kill him at full health. oh ok it was changed to not destroy tanks. why doesnt it kill non tanks then?

Hmm interesting, how long ago was that chat?

Is it possible that the priority has been changed since that chat log as the anti-heal has been removed long ago? I guess not based on the video.

I’ve changed my comment to reflect it is still favour the defender on blinks. I was working off memory and just assumed Ice Block would favour defender like other defensives :man_shrugging:

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Pulse Bomb does 300 damage.

Bastion has 20% damage resistance in Sentry mode, that’s why he doesn’t get killed by just the bomb.

thats my bad then i thought it was 250

It has been a while when they addressed this, but it’s still using favor the shooter.

The worst example of this is this video:

Enemies and teammates can see Mei’s Cryo-Freeze appear and disappear.

I’m not sure about other invulnerability abilities though.

But let’s not derail this thread.
Tracer’s blink should have favor-the-player and not favor-the-shooter, but I too have noticed that I get teleporter back when I get stunned as Tracer, and I don’t even play her that much.

Could this be a bug?

The only reason we have this much cc in the game is to stop tracer being a must pick, plus sleep dart is incredibly hard to hit on a tracer, you can escape doomfist pretty easy as long as you manage cooldowns, Roadhog is easy ult charge and hook his not easy to hit, McCree and Brig are her 2 hard counters.

This was because pulsebomb made tracer better at killing tanks than Reaper.

Happens with lots of heroes, tracer, Mei, sombra. It’s to make people feel like they have some counter play.

That kinda sucks but it’s the game design.

The meta is tanky comps and oneshots are the only way to deal with it.

Tracer is in a good spot and has been since launch. If anything she is still really good, just not against goats.

I highly recommend you to read this thread:

I have explained in full detail how favor the shooter works and how some abilities and ultimates are affected by latency. It contains videos and stats. This will help you understand why Tracer’s ultimate dissappear mid air and why it’s not a bug.