A list of Tracer problems that I’m sick of

  1. Too much defensive sustain in the game to warrant a Tracer pick over any heroes with one shot capabilities.
  2. Favor the Shooter system actively screws over the Tracer player. I’m sick of being pulled back through my blink or Recall because the game system decided that Mccree flashbang hitting takes priority of my life.
  3. Ult stun cancel. This is absolute bullsh*t. I can literally see and HEAR the pulse bomb attaching and exploding, but since Blizzard decided the game needs 4 different CCs, your ult just vanishes even after a clear stick.
  4. Pulsebomb nerf was too much to add on top of Brig. Blizzards reasoning for the nerf was so she couldn’t destroy tanks. Cool I’m fine with that, if you didn’t then add a hero that gives her entire team an extra 100 armor. I’m mean all the tanks already had answers to cancel pulse bomb damage except Rein. But now they get an extra 100 armor as well. I mean it can’t even kill an armored up Brig. And the damage fall off for it is way too harsh.
  5. Too many CCs in the game to keep track of. As Tracer you have to look out for Brig all together, Ana sleep dart, Mccree Flash bang that will probably pull you out of your abilities, Roadhog hook, Doomfist all together. There’s soo much to look out for on top of, how are we gonna go kill something in the back line and hopefully not have them be insta healed by Ana nade or Brig heal pack.
    Overall I want the Favor the shooter system out of Overwatch or it shouldn’t take favor over Tracers Blink and Recall. I want a pulse bomb revert as it’s now worthless against anything with Brigette. (Who remembers seeing clutch three man pulse bombs? Now it’s good if you even get one.). I want GOATS to go die in a hole. And we need to start addressing the amount of defensive sustain power creep that has taken over the game. It makes it so the only viable options for DPS are those with One shots.

inb4 “tracer was dominant for so long, u can take a seat honey :)))”


Good luck posting this on these forums, support mains will take over this thread very shortly saying how OP tracer is still.



I can understand your concern here, but just the same, I still destroy tanks as Tracer. Get a full clip in first THEN ult. That’s the work-around.

I suppose I’m not opposed to a partial revert on her ult. I’m indifferent about it though.

That’s all fine and dandy but if Tracer isn’t going to be affected by favor the shooter, nobody else should be for the sake of consistency.

I mean like most of my complaints are about Favor the shooter and the ult stun cancel changes. I’m not asking for much, just that there aren’t systems in the game that actively screw over the hero in every way.

Biggest problem with tracer is that red team can swap to brig ezclap and invalidate you with the best peel in the game and half her abilities cutting your damage in half feelsbadman


That’s what I do, but with Ana Brig in every game, they’re just insta healed back to full hp.

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I mean I’ve hooked Tracers before and had it either instantly break or they recall out of it before I’ve finished pulling them to me. :man_shrugging:

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I’ve only ever had it pull me out of my Recall or back through my Blink, especially with Mccree. I’m sick of the game cheating me out of my life even though I time abilities perfectly.
Edit: I think that’s more of a Hook problem with it not slowing down enemies.

Lucky you then, I’d like to not get cheated too.

Yeah but with hog and Mccree you get cheated out of an ability. I’m getting killed by the system not favoring my inputs over the flashbangs.

I agree with 3 and somewhat agree with 4, i’m okay with the pulse bomb nerf since it’s basically a ability anyways but they should at least improve the drop off damage.

Getting cheated out of hook can mean death for Hog. The main game I’m remembering, that was actually the case with this Tracer who was dominating my team. Either I hooked and one-shot her or she danced around me and eventually killed me because of her crazy sustain and inability to miss me, while I had to basically get lucky.

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Yeah that’s called Blink management. Good Tracers learn to time their blinks and recalls so it feels like they’re untouchable. Also Hog has plenty of sustain ever since his take a breather rework. And he has Ana Brig who are very meta rn.

And landing a hook/flash/anything on a Tracer with good Blink management is called prediction, but it’s okay to be cheated out of that? It’s not just about Hog, having flash off CD can be a death sentence for McCree too.

They can be on Tracer’s team too.

I don’t know if there’s a way to make everyone happy regarding this. Either way someone is going to get cheated and it sucks for all involved.

You’re missing the point. I as Tracer Blink away or behind a Mccree. On my screen I’m behind him and it even used one of my blink cooldowns. But because of the Favor the shooter system, and the fact that when Tracer blinks, there’s actually two Tracers for a brief second, the Tacer player is pulled back through her Blink or Recall, even though on the Tracers screen, they are behind or away from the flash bang. The game says that since Mccree is the one who’s technically shooting, the game favors his screen over the Tracers, even though the Tracer player wasn’t there. It’s literally canceling your abilities that keep you alive because the game wants to favor the shooter.

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I think that’s favor the shooter and that’s not fair.

But the pulse bomb nerf was justified IMO. It was way too good at tankbusting.

I think with the amount of CC in the game, people underestimate the power of mobility. You can work around it and bait out the CC abilities.

  1. Yes it’s the favor the shooter system.
  2. As I said in th OP, I was fine with the nerf by itself, but then to add it on top of Brig coming into the game and then have all these insta heals in the game, makes it unjustified.
    Either make one choice not both.
    3.Yes you can dodge ccs, but there are soo many in the game right now, that you can’t really warrant a Tracer pick over another one shot capable DPS. You even think about going Tracer and you know if the enemy doesn’t already have Brig, they’ll pull one out, cutting your damage in half and making you have to constantly dance around ccs.
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They’re both necessary.

Brigitte isn’t in every match.