A list of MINOR balance changes

Roadhog - Fire rate increased to .7 from .8
Doomfist - Canceling an Empowered Punch refunds 2 seconds from the 4 second Rocket Punch cooldown
Orisa - Javelin Spin no longer deflects beam weapons

Echo - Ultimate Ability hp increased by 50 when duplicating enemy tank
Mei - Movement penalty during Endothermic Blaster primary fire reduced to 25% from 40%
Sojourn - Primary Fire weapon spread increased (again) from 28% to 32%
Soldier 76 - Ammo reduced from 30 to 27
Sombra - Hacked target damage multiplier increased to 29% from 25% (193.5 dmg per second hacked targets)

Kiriko - Suzu healing dropped from 50 to 25
Brigitte - Movement Penalty while using shield decreased from 30% to 20%


It already cannot block beam weapons, so you fished your wish there!

Oh okay that’s good to know! I thought it did. Maybe its the armor damage reduction that makes it seem like its not effective. Does it deflect Accretion?

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Nope! Fortify will make her immune to the stun however. My guess is your issue probably has more to do with fortify’s damage reduction and CC immunity it grants Orisa. She can pop it during spin, though usually she wants to try and cycle her CDs rather than using them at the same time. If she does use them at or near the same time, your team will have an opening afterwards to pressure her.

Gotcha. I know Orisa is all about cooldown management. I was trying to find a way to give more opportunities against her since she’s still so meta despite ball mania.

That is not a minor balance change…

I like most of these though.


You think it’s too dramatic?

yeah, and I’m not even sure it is needed. Is Mei doing well? I thought she wasn’t.

She is not. I was thinking about something with her ice wall health per block also, but figured giving her more ‘chase’ speed when using primary fire would be better to secure kills.

She’s considered one of the weaker DPS heroes since while M1 does more damage, they removed her freeze. I think if they changed her movement to 30% instead of 40% reduction even that would be a big difference for keeping up with some targets at least.

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I think the moment penalty is the enemies movement penalty when she is spraying.

She doesn’t slow down, her targets do.

The moving to 25% from 40% is a nerf, not a buff. It is the effect the freezy gun has on her targets.


Nope! She slows enemies by 50%, but while she is using M1 her own speed is reduced by 40%.

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Oh, I misinterpreted the data! I thought that was HER movement reduction, not her targets. My goal was to let her chase without having her target feel CCed because apparently people hate being CCed.


I don’t use left click all that much… I’ll fire up a game and go check it now.

I didn’t think she was slowed using it. maybe I am going to learn a thing today.


It’s hard to notice because you are also presumably slowing your enemy down, and she’s not particularly fast anyways / you don’t need to move a whole lot when your enemy is also massively slowed.

I legit had to double check myself though, but wiki has the info for it at least.


Wow, will you look at that!
I seriously didn’t notice.

I main her, and I didn’t notice, because I’m just right clicking all the damn time.


I support this lmao xD


So all three of us learned a thing. Look at us!


Lucio: Look at this team!


This is ok imo

This is already the case, Javelin Spin cannot block beams or Sigma rock

I like this.

Tbh currently there is exactly 0 reason to nerf Mei right now.

Infact she might actually need buffs instead.

This does nothing but make her a chore to play.
Just changing her Railgun to not crit without ult is enough.

Soldier is good, but not overtuned, he doesn’t need this.

Heck just go for 30% and make it 195dps, her hack duration is nerfed anyway and she can’t rehack targets either, she’ll be fine.

They should just remove the healing entirely and add another second of cooldown (15s).

Yes please.