A huge thank you to the devs

Ana nerfs, here we come. I’m rubbing my hands to be so happy when I see ‘Ana has been nerfed’


It sure did for Mercy. Even when she was 10% pickrate people were complaining even though that was pretty normal even when she was considered UP in comparison to Ana in S3. Even in gold Ana increasingly becomes better than the others as you climb, there is NO excuse for being a must pick.

And if you’re gonna use a metaphor at least make sense of it.


A huge part of why Ana outperforms Mercy and Moira by so much at high ranks is anti nade. Because the both of them get the most value from clutching out heals when a fight breaks loose, and Ana just denies it on the tanks. And allows her own tanks to completely crush the opposition.

If the effect of anti nade gets cut in half (which it should’ve been ages ago when Ana was on top of the meta last time), then Mercy and Moira can at least still do something to attempt to keep their front line alive and Trans wouldn’t get completely negated. Lower ranked Ana players get much less value out of anti nades usually, but it would certainly help to rein in those at the top.

I think at plat (which is roughly the average for semi serious players), the support meta is pretty healthy and balanced.


Lol what??? Yeah mercy bit is true but moira??? Lol we playing the same the game? She’s top teir with ana

Actually she isn’t doing so great in higher rank play but for a good reason; Lack of utility. She’s very strong in mid tiers though due to how self-sufficient and high healing output she is.

I’m not sure where this is coming from.

The support class is not balanced, especially not at high ranks. Statistics (both win rates and pick rates) show that Mercy is a really bad pick in diamond and a throw pick in master and GM. She’s bad to mediocre in gold and plat. She’s not in a good or viable spot. Not even close. When you have a character that’s as far from the tier win rate averages as Mercy is, it’s a clear indication that they need a change.

Furthermore, the rest of the support class balance isn’t as great as you make it out to be. It’s better than it was two months ago but worse than it was four months ago. For instance, in high ranks Ana is just as much a must pick as Mercy ever was.

I wrote a post detailing this


Well she isnt that great outside her niche because she lacks utility. Sure you can still play her and make her work but overall Ana would be a better pick.

I play at masters level and she’s very fine here but that’s console tho maybe pc is different?

It’s probably because of how controllers work. Mercy and Moira are excellent there due to their lower mechanical requirements.

But it’s the same for pc tho like ‘mechanical requirements’

you cannot have more than 1 of the main supports viable at a time unless there was like 2x as many heroes in this game at least so way more comps, two main supports just dont work

every second thread. seems a bit of a hyperbolic way to say 5 or so posts on the front with the name mercy in them

Yup Ana at 15% pick rate (16.6 is 100% pick rate), while mercy is at 0.9% and moira is 1.2% in GM. Very balanced, not like moth meta or S2-3 Ana at all nope no similarities whatsoever. Everyone are very balanced! Mercy is great!

Mercy is so amazing she will hold that M1 real well, she will never use M2 cause she will never be able to cause her healing is so bad, so guaranteed healing! And her ult is just top notch. She flies in the air and looks pretty, yeah you wont get anything from it but it looks pretty, look at pretty mercy okay. And her E oh my best ability in the game, you know how she will use it? Okay see when she holds her M1 on you, you will take a lot of dmg, she won’t outheal anything so you will die and then… she will res you! Doesn’t that sound amazing?

Pick mercy I promise you won’t get flamed. Very balanced hero.


Mercy IS in an abysmal state. sub 50% winrates, terrible pickrates and provenly does so much less than all other supports.


Well why not that doesn’t make a lot of sense at all to have such an arbitrary limitation when there’s more viable tanks then there are healers right now.


The discrepancy between comp and pro play is large. Mercy has a fairly high pick rate, and win rate in pro matches. In fact the support meta in pro matches is probably the most balanced it has ever been.

When it comes to comp, Ana is just easier to work with in the current comp meta. People in comp like poking and trying to carry. Rarely playing in a team oriented way. This causes Mercy/Zen/Lucio heals to seemingly lack in a lot of cases.

In pro matches the teams are organized and don’t take nearly the same level of poke damage as in comp. The fights are also more organized and you see Lucio + Zen dive comps doing just fine on some maps. Try to run Lucio + Zen in comp. Good luck!

It feels like there’s a lot more to chew on meta wise in the current pro scenes. I would hate to see this depth ruined by tweaks aimed at lower levels of play.


Never happen to me and I play with a lot of GM’s in my rank. There is always some Mercy playing doing well.

Stop being biased.

Nobody eats this pathetic victimism anymore, you had your auto pilot 0 skill unfun- bad designed hero to dominate the entire game for almost a year. Not even D.va had some much value in the previous metas/ charges.

Now the game feels fun seeing others supports and comps getting played

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I haven’t been yelled at for playing Mercy in Masters/GM ¯_(ツ)_/¯


err, reinhardt, zarya, dva winston, orisa are the only really viable tanks in ranked, and from supports, ana lucio zen brig and moira are all viable.

Wow funny joke. Ana is pretty much a mist pick in every rank. Yep seems balanced

I cant even play Moira cause people yell at me to go Ana, and if I dont I’m throwing.

Balance is great

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