I really only clicked on this thread expecting to see a picture of a grab holding a knife or something.
Personally I will like one to combat Genji, double shield can be countered by Bastion/Symm/Junkrat…
but since they don’t throw shurikens and aren’t fun to be seen in owl they will never get some buff.
also when you can’t fire into someone for 2 seconds (2) because he send back all your hits… well is like fighting triple shield to me. But at least I can destroy a shield.
No it was actually Blizzard. Like you know Jeff was actually the reason Sym got butchered right?
I’m pretty sure it went something like Jeff got a higher rank than he expected on Sym and felt like he was doing “too well” for his skill level and thought she was busted.
Why would I want Zarya’s beam to bypass shields? I don’t want easy mode. I’d like if Beams would make it harder for shielding people to see. From a beam flash back. But that’s it.
Shouldn’t make a hero directly to make a play style irrelevant. It makes that hero a must-pick every game and overall makes the game a mess.
Buffing Roadhog (and maybe DVA again honestly) would be a great start as he’s an incredibly weak hero right now and this would give Orisa a different partner than Sigma (or give Sigma a different partner, although he has been paired with Rein a lot too). Roadhog has always been a shield buster but he’s just a weak hero right now and buffing him would not only give the game a shield buster but also another viable off tank (and a viable tank without a shield). I don’t think shields are really OP right now, I just feel like the off tanks without shields are really weak and burst damage is so strong that shields are necessary.
Lowering the damage in the game and specifically targeting burst damage would be the main step in getting rid of double shield. But heroes like Zarya, Hammond, and Winston have actually started to creep back in the meta. We need Roadhog and potentially DVA to get buffed so that these tanks without barriers can survive and be effective in the current state of the game. But in the end, more substantial across the board nerfs to damage and burst damage may be necessary (and potentially healing to compensate) that way people don’t need to hide behind shields in order to avoid getting instantly killed.
The game also just needs more tanks, and specifically more tanks either with no barrier or incredibly weak/situational barriers. There aren’t that many tank heroes in the game and like half have barriers, so if one or two of the tanks without barriers are weak that alone creates a double shield meta, which is what we have right now.
Sym 2.0 use to have a favorable matchup vs shielded teams.
Orbs would bypass shield and weaken foes
And shield gen would make flankers stronger so they could play even more aggressive.
This lead to tons more opportunities for diving teams to combat shielded teams.
But she was deleted from the game so rip
This is some heavy scoops… You should get in contact with some game journalists. You’d get paid a lot of currency coins.
There is one called bastion
It’s funny how they triple buffed him and it’s his meta yet he can barely get above 0.5% PR
I played some bastion today
I did good, thoughr we lost anyways due to genji still beeing busted
Sym says hi. We already have one but the developers want to keep her in the trash.
Agree, lets buff Sym.
Wow thanks for being such a thoughtful breath of fresh air. You’re exactly what brings people to this game.
Peak Tank balance was actually around February 2019, as I noted in October last year: Tank Balance was Perfect 6 Months Ago (with stats)
Feb 2019 GM Tank pick/winrates:
Pickrate | Winrate | |
Orisa | 4.51% | 56.94% |
Reinhardt | 4.51% | 56.26% |
Zarya | 3.65% | 53.20% |
Roadhog | 3.50% | 54.52% |
Wrecking Ball | 4.89% | 51.86% |
D.Va | 4.92% | 50.57% |
Winston | 4.96% | 52.89% |
GOATS was already dead on ladder by this point - it was played in OWL, sure. 2-2-2 would’ve solved that problem though.
Of course, Sigma didn’t exist at that point and there would probably still be a double-shield meta today if all tanks were reverted to their February 2019 state because Sigma is the primary cause of the current issues. Other tanks may be slightly better choices than they currently are, though.
And have damage be high? High pass
I dont feel like being one shotted everytime i turn my screen
Well the idea is if we nerf double shield and sustain, we nerf most if not all the buffs DPS have gotten in the last 2-3 years (outside of maybe Sym).
Doomfist ignores shields so does rein brig Winston genji when ulting moira’s damage orb and hammond as ball I’ve given you 2 heroes atleast from each role that can completely ignore barriers but people just want to pew pew or frag off solo
Yeah but then windowmaker and hanzo will go back to being meta. Would you want that?