A Hero to combat Double Shield

Peak Tank balance was actually around February 2019, as I noted in October last year: Tank Balance was Perfect 6 Months Ago (with stats)

Feb 2019 GM Tank pick/winrates:

Pickrate Winrate
Orisa 4.51% 56.94%
Reinhardt 4.51% 56.26%
Zarya 3.65% 53.20%
Roadhog 3.50% 54.52%
Wrecking Ball 4.89% 51.86%
D.Va 4.92% 50.57%
Winston 4.96% 52.89%


GOATS was already dead on ladder by this point - it was played in OWL, sure. 2-2-2 would’ve solved that problem though.

Of course, Sigma didn’t exist at that point and there would probably still be a double-shield meta today if all tanks were reverted to their February 2019 state because Sigma is the primary cause of the current issues. Other tanks may be slightly better choices than they currently are, though.