A grandmaster players opinion on every hero balance wise (5/8/19)

NOTE: im looking at all these heroes from a grandmaster perspective, you dont have to agree with me, im just putting my opinion out there



  • No changes


  • No changes


  • No changes


  • No changes


  • No changes

Wrecking ball:

  • Fix the piledriver hitbox

Alexis Comments: Sometimes, the piledriver hitbox can be a bit buggy


  • Energy decay decreased from 1.6 seconds to 1.3 seconds

  • Bubble cooldown increased from 8 to 10 seconds (projected)

Alexis Comments: These changes are aimed at trying to lower the amount of time Zarya has high energy. As it is, it’s extremely easy to build energy. These changes will help properly punish Zarya players who misuse their bubble cooldowns.



  • No changes aside from removing golden bob (sorry)


  • ironclad now takes effect while transforming

Alexis Comments: This change will help Bastion reposition himself when he needs to


  • minimum ultimate damage increased from 20 to 50

Alexis Comments: This change is looking at raising some of the power in his ultimate. As it currently stands, it is not very good.


  • Dragon strike cast time increased from 1.4 seconds to 1.7 seconds (hanzo himself not the arrow)

  • dragonstrike is now one hitbox meaning you no longer take less damage close to the edges

  • Critbox is no longer blocked by bow

Alexis Comments: These changes are aimed at making Dragonstrike easier to counter when being used by Hanzo but slightly stronger when it is already out


  • Remove pause after detonating tire
  • (optional) revert back to the 0.3 grenade hitbox


  • No changes


  • No changes


  • No changes


  • Ultimate is able to be canceled by pressing the ultimate key again
  • Movement in air increased from 4.11 m/s to 4.50 m/s

Alexis Comments: Allowing her ultimate to be canceled means it will be less risky to use. Increasing her movement speed will make it harder for her to be shot at by some of her common counters like Soldier:76, Mccree ect.


  • No changes

Soldier: 76:

  • No changes


  • EMP cast time raised from 0.5 seconds to 0.8 seconds
  • hack duration reduced from 6 seconds to 4 seconds
  • base walking speed increased from 5.5 M/S to 6 M/S (same as tracer and genji)
  • stealth cooldown lowered from 7 seconds to 5 seconds
  • Spread decreased from 2.7 to 2.4

Alexis Comments: These changes are aimed at making Sombra less frustrating to play against while allowing her to be more stealthy and agile. Making her move faster means she will be able to get more things done at once. Lowering her spread will allow her to take duels easier. If this ends up making EMP charge too fast we will raise the charge.

Symmetra: (Dont play her sorry)

  • Teleporter health increased from 50 to 100, shields remain at 250
  • Golden glove because all the syms mains really want it

Alexis Comments: This change is aimed at making Symmetra’s teleporter more easily useable. the reason i did not put faster tp was so the backline wouldnt get assassinated


  • hammer swings faster in overload


  • No changes


  • Impossible to balance her so i won’t attempt it



  • Nano healing reduced from 250 to 150
  • Time left for nano displayed on the nanoed targets HUD

Alexis Comments: This change is aimed at lower some of her nanos heal potential.


  • No changes


  • Honestly, i’ve been sitting here for 20 minutes thinking of some kind of fair buff for her but i don’t know how to do it without breaking her again


  • No changes


  • Healing increased from 50 HPS to 55 HPS

Alexis Comments: This change is aimed at making it easier for mercy to heal tanks


  • Healing goes through shields
  • Healing range increased from 15 meters to 20 meters

Alexis Comments: These changes are intended to help Moria heal her team from distances and from behind shields


  • No changes

EDIT: forgot genji, whoops, i wouldnt change him anyway

EDIT 2: added an optional junkrat change and a fun torb change


I wish Rein got a passive that gives him 50% knock-back resistance (could be tied to his heavy armor). He’s sort of like a pinball with the CC storm currently

Also I believe Reaper might be in need of a secondary fire

Doomfist needs power taken out of his rocket punch and into his ult, if it’s not reworked


i think reapers in an alright spot, hes not terrible but hes not great. hes just very situational

a think riens alright and i dont think doomfist needs any more nerfs/rework

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Even so Reaper’s got a 0.2% pickrate and a negative winrate, not even Bastion or junk was that bad

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i mean thats true, but thats due to reapers design being catered towards low ranks. the reason junkrat isnt as low is because he has good mobility, a good ultimate if you can use it correctly and if you can hit directs some really solid damage

reaper has a pretty bad ultimate, meh mobility and you need to be in the enemies face to do something, at least junkrat can play somewhat back but reaper literally cant

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I could live with most of these changes.


Yeah, that’s what happens when heroes have low skill floors. They are difficult to make viable in diamond+ because of them being overtuned in the lower ranks


what changes dont you like?

I don’t really like the idea of increasing DF ultimate damage, but that’s probably my bias. Also, it’s more that I am having trouble imagining changes like Hanzo’s. Overall though, I can see a lot of them being implemented and not being too drastic as far as balance goes.

if i was a dev i would push the sombra changes i suggested into ptr right away, shes pretty broken at the high levels of play (mainly emp being an “i win this fight button”) i also feel like those changes would make her more fun to play as on top of it

the hanzo change is mainly aimed it stopping you killing him and the dragon still going off, that really annoys me

It would be better it Piledrive doens’t stunlock you in the air, making you defenseless, even when it does 100 dmg.

i think piledriver is fine aside from the hitbox being super weird

For hanzo I might decrease his rate of fire so he has to carefully aim his arrows a bit more, reducing spam

Or reduce arrow damage to 110 (squishies still get one-shot by 250 HP heroes wont)


brig healing is fine (as long as we dont get some sort of enforced role system - it would need to be buffed at that point)…her “tankiness” not so much…lower shield hp…her effective HP is always more than 250

brig does not need any more nerfs, shes in a fairly weak spot but if you buff her goats will become dominant again. no idea what to do with her

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screw that, I rather have them revert the shields buff


well i stipulated if they do a 2 healer only type deal THEN you have to buff her…i wouldnt buff her now

First you would have to figure out what role she should be played as.

TLDR: OP finds Sombra frustrating to play against and wants to change her.