A Continuation Of Stealing From Other Games

I think at this point in videogame history its really hard to come by something entirely new and not a mix of things or 80% this and 20% “new” etc.


The bigger crime is that Ow 2 stole the BP pricing model but doesn’t have Fort Nite or LoL quality of upgraded cosmetic animation.

Slap new on a legendary recolor, better charge $20 for it.

Yeah because that game doesn’t look like BoTW with Anime girls

As a Kendo practitioner along with other weapon forms, i can safely say that there are no infinite ways to swing a sword, especially in an efficient way.

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Taking from other games or media is like the Blizzard creative process 101. Not specific to Overwatch either.

Mercy has a healing beam that autolocks on to her teammate just like the Medic from TF2!!!

Widowmaker has a sniper rifle, and so does the Sniper!

Torb can build turrets, Engineer can build turrets! Such a rip off!!!

Surprised no one even talks about it. The skins are low quality trash except for Mythical.

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Kendo is a single style with a set philosophy. That’s why you think there’s a limit. Its all you’ve practiced. Consider dropping it and picking up fencing for a bit, or something. Then after that, pick up HEMA. Then after that, pick up Escrima. Then after that, pick up Wushu.

Then you’ll realise there are an infinite amount of ways to swing a sword.

Not to mention, Japanese styles tend to be strict and emphasis doing the techniques exactly (This is not a criticism. Just pointing out, thats how they are). It’s not like practicing more loose styles that allow more individuality like Jeet Kune Do, Capoeira or MMA.

I practiced Capoeira for 4 years, and everyone I met had a highly personalized style of fighting. It undoubtedly proves that there are an infinite amount of ways to move. Because everyone was different. I’ve also done some MMA and saw a similar pattern (probably more strict than Capoeira, but not as strict as traditional Japanese styles).

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If we did a [this] took something from [this²], you would find nothing is original.
I’m glad different hues and contrasts are allowed outside of inked art.

Would be suprising to see a overwatch hero that cant be compared to other games or diferent media :man_shrugging:

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Ideas are generally built on other ideas.

McCree is based on old Clint Eastwood movies.

People have argued that Genshin ripped off Devil May Cry

Everything since Jinx has been a copy of her, a copy of tank-girl. And I’m sure she was inspired from blah blah blah. If you try looking hard enough, and the people are alive to say something, it will always be “I really liked [thing] and I kinda ran with that. And I was listening to a lot of [genre] at the time.”

Should’ve been just “genshin impact”

that’s it. that’s the post

flower / leaf elevators have been around for literally decades my dude. Decades.

Zelda OoT had things that look just like it, the deku seeds you plant as a kid and when you turn adult turn into elevators unlocking new areas?

Clown post.

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The Bloodborne Brigitte skin is the most egregious IMO

I think this is a pretty big stretch. It’s just the elevators that are already in game turned into an ability and the elevator design has been around longer than Genshin Impact. The flower part maybe but like jumping on flowers/petals has been a thing in games for a very very long time. Most of the things you will see today whether its a new tech, food, movies/shows, games, etc all copy from each other.

I don’t see it as stealing from Genshin Impact. It’s stealing from Overwatch.

“Okay folks, time for a new support. Let’s go crazy. Let’s think outside the box. Pure creativity. What about… get this - an ability that can raise allies or enemies up into the air?”

“Like a Mei wall.”

“No. Obviously. And what if, when the hero dies, they leave something behind on the field?”

“Like a Junkrat.”

“No, not like Junkrat. Obviously. They could have an ability that pulls allies to them, and makes the ally invulnerable! Really wild!”

“Like if a Kiriko Bell screwed a Hog’s Hook.”

“Neil, we’re not trying to censor each other here, this is about original thinking . Okay, so what if their ultimate provided cover for the team, broke line of sight and could be used to like, block a D.Va ult or High Noon?”

“Like a Mei wall.”

“Aw screw you, Neil.”

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To be fair, they didn’t say in an efficient way

I feel bad for anyone who sees limited similarities and conflate the two due to poor pattern recognition skills.

I’m glad none of you work in design.

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Imagine if this was cod and they said that their totally fake guns were rip offs of real ones