A Continuation Of Stealing From Other Games

This is more of a joke post, but it must be said. They straight stole an ability from Genshin Impact for LifeWeaver. The character Albedo from Genshin has an elevator ability shaped like a flower. LifeWeaver has an elevator shaped like a flower.

I just find it funny.


gay albedo xD

straight up, from the soft voice to the hair to the whole plant creation thing as a bio alchemist.

Genshin Impact isn’t innocent.


first up, that dash running was done before, many times, as was sword flourish and overhead swings.

you know there are only so many ways you can swing a sword - that said there are medieval manuals for how you should swing it, so most of the stuff will look alike if not the same.

same with the dash. how else is it supposed to look like?

(are you serious dude?)

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There’s an infinite amount of ways to swing a sword. And literally every animation is the same.

And Anivia from league can build a wall to split enemy team/cut off enemy escape route. This is hardly news…

I dare to say, give me ability, and I find a franchise it already was there…

did we watch the same video? im talking about the one you shared. pay a little attention mate. the animations arent the same. except for maybe the dash and thats been done before nier.

Alright man. It’s not that serious. It’s some random video game that you’re obviously emotionally attached to. You’re kind of annoying.

Not entirely. OP said it was a joke post, so I played into it. My post of the video was mostly like “Haha, look at these two video games. One “stole” animations from the other, isn’t that funny?” and you’re sitting here defending it. Go outside or something.

i’ll try to make it clearer for you, after the overhead swing, which if you look at the body posture (its different) they resume a fairly standard guard position (check the medieval manuals).

next up the flourish. while noelle spins it from right to left, 2b only stabs it in the ground.

the dash though, i give you that. but like it said. its been done before.

(just stay calm, i loved nier alot. im looking forward to the ep9 of the anime, also got the platinum trophy on ps4 to boot. but i also love genshin. and l takes are l takes for a reason.)

if you wanna say genshin stole something, at least mention BOTW. that one they took alot from. they even admitted it.

Bro. Stop. No one cares.

then why even bother bringing it up in the first place?

Look at post #7.

Yeah… you must be very young.

Or just willfully ignorant.

Platform abilities are not new

They’ve been around since the 80s. Megaman is probably the first Nintendo game to have a special ability in creating platforms.

Rush the robotic dog was later added into the game starting with Mega Man 3(?) that added the ability to spring jump to unreachable areas, too.

So, no, you’re wrong. It wasn’t really stealing from Genshin Impact, other than the fact that the idea has been in games since they were first created in the 80s.

Frankly speaking all FPS stole from DOOM.

i think its about the platforms shape and function rather than the idea itself.

There are 3D games that also had platforms designed in the same way as Genshin Impact’s. One of those is a really niche series that you may have not heard of called Ganbare Goemon, or Legend of the Mystical Ninja.

This is not new.

The first elevator was invented by ancient Egyptians, so shame on Genshin for stealing this idea from them.

No, I know platforms have been around since the 80s. I’m 25. And it being an elevator ability isn’t really the point of the post. It’s more so the fact they’re both shaped like flowers.

Well really, in Yoshi’s Island for the SNES, there were sometimes flower seeds hidden in some clouds that would blossom and you’d leap up the leaves. I think both these games owe Yoshi their kudos. :triumph:

not quite the same, but yohis island was a banger.

top notch ost too.
(still listen to it from time to time)