A Competent Penalty for Quitting

The only way leaving will ever be fixed is by a compound ban policy that does not expire.

Every time you leave, your ban duration doubles from the previous amount.

First time you leave comp, 10 minute ban with a warning explaining the policy.
Second time you leave comp, 20 minute ban with same warning.
Tenth time you leave comp, 85.3 hour (almost 4 days) ban, same warning message.

This policy would both allow leniency with people having network issues or who have to unexpectedly quit, while at the same time it properly punishes those who leave over and over. I get that after so long there’s a permanent ban, but the rest of us have to deal with those players in the meantime, and once they get banned they’ll just make a new account.


Just want to take the opportunity to remind people that you’re incredibly selfish if you knowingly queue for comp with unstable internet.


Hmmm. If youre kitchen just caught fire or your child fell down the stairs I can see the ban being harsh to them.

However, how does one differentiate the legitimacy of having to leave a match? Maybe the internet decided to soil itself?

Im so with you though, leavers who just leave for no good reason need serious repercussions.

Oh and the people who purposely derank. They need a place to sit and think about theyve done too.

But that’s the thing… in this scenario unless you have a record of quitting comp, you’re only going to get a 10 minute ban if it’s your first time quitting. If my kid fell down the stairs or my kitchen caught fire, not only would I be fine being away from my game for 10 minutes while I deal with that catastrophe, but it wouldn’t keep happening causing issues for other players.


I wonder how many times emongg has been disconnected over the years? He’s someone who probably has a stable connection, and he’s as far from a rq’er u can get, but I’m quite sure that his connection has dropped (or game has crashed) more than 10 times across thousand upon thousand hours.
Would be kinda funny if his game crashed and he went “ah Geez, unluckers! See you in 28 weeks, guys!” :stuck_out_tongue:

Isn’t this how it works already? The bans scale up and up and up, until you get permabanned from comp, forever.

The penalty does reduce after more games played, but IMO that only makes sense. If I quit 5 out of 400 games that’s very different from quitting 5 out of 5 games.

:man_shrugging: Get better internet? When I had a random issue where I’d DC after 1-2 minutes in every game (when the ping would reach a certain point with everyone fighting), I stopped playing comp and figured out the problem, which ended up being a setting that was changed on my router by a software update. Frustrating, yes, but my fault and I fixed it.

Well, I’d say it clearly isn’t working very well because quitting comp games is still a pretty big issue and doesn’t seem to be getting better.

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Fun fact, I used to have crap internet so I disconnected a lot.
If I ever got disconnected during the first minute of the game, I got banned.
Untill they fix it to let us rejoin if we disconnect, That would make people with bad internet never be able to play comp due to fear of disconnecting. even if it is a 1/20 chance, they would never play.

Hmm 1/20 chance of disconnecting, and we are selfish. If I ever got booted from the game, I rejoin as fast as I can. Nice troll

SOmetimes you can fix it. Othertimes, like my case, you cannot afford to get a better internet (because of bills), or, in my friends case, The internet repair people can’t come for 2 weeks. It would really suck if I’m in GM or something and I can’t play for 2 weeks.


Yeah, I’d consider that pretty selfish, even if you can rejoin quickly. A missing player will cost a fight, a single lost fight can cost a game.

I had an internet issue a while back where I kept randomly disconnecting every 12 or so games. I stopped playing comp until I could get it figured out.


I disagree with the idea proposed, but obviously Blizzard has a system not meant for real competition, just to slap people on the wrist who play bad so they keep buying their games. Which is why everyone has to stop taking comp any more seriously than anything else they play over the internet.

A severe system would allow for recovery, but be far more brutal in season. Time outs are less important that the so called SR penalty. SR really doesn’t mean anything, except it’s considered holy for those falsely thinking this baby is a ladder into a spot on an OWL team.

So…make leaving a game tank your SR a minimum of -150. Maybe more. That way the person leaving loses more SR than his whole entire team combined. Start there, and make penalties escalate from then on. I would only give people half of it back if they rejoin the match within a certain period of time, so that they receive -75 minimum if they at least come back.

The other 11 people playing shouldn’t have to deal with the repercussions of your poor internet quality. It’s blunt and harsh, but save the bad internet playing for quick play where new players can be put in quickly and it doesn’t adversely affect the match. And I say 11 because people on the other team want a fun, competitive match as well. Playing 6 vs 5 is a hollow victory.

You can’t afford to stop playing comp when you are higher than diamond. You shouldnt have to spend $100+ a month on a good WiFi to play comp.

First of all, not everyone hardcore cares about SR. I’ve heard “eh it’s just 50 SR” far too many times. Many people like me just play Comp because it’s the only mode where people actually try to work together, have mics, and win. Secondly, by this system, someone can just leave a few games to move themselves down to a lower rank, and then smurf a few wins against lesser competition.

Right yes thats fine. The chances it happens to you again is so astronomically low depending on if you live in a straw hut and have very ditzy children but a situation like that may happen very often to different people at different times.

Hence it may just be extremely unfortunate you grouped with people match after match who are busy IRL - shouldnt be queing I know but hey…

Theres no easy fix for this situation.

I pay $40 a month for 100MBPS with WOW Internet. Most internet (Spectrum, ATT, etc…) is around $50 for that speed, and that’s a good bit higher than you need for comp play. You could easily get away with 50MBPS, but people will be playing with 10 or less. Again, that’s your problem, don’t ruin everyone else’s game.

Not trolling. If you have shaky internet that disconnects regularly you just shouldn’t play comp.

Even briefly disconnecting can lose games. It resets your ult charge and leaves your team 5v6 for at least a minute or two, which can cause an easy fight win for the enemy and the next fight too from all the ults they got.

But Blizzard said smurfing isn’t a problem, see?

If you disagree with smurfing, big SR penalties are not the problem. Multiple accounts are and that requires another solution. Such as account registry.

A minute or two? I’m always back within 15 seconds, and if I get disconnected in the first minute, I rejoin within the 10 seconds, but that doesnt matter. Longest I’ve seen in 30 seconds. It does suck to lose your ult charge. But you can get it back.

My point is: this would punish their most loyal players. If you are a 5 star diamond boarder you are bound to have racked up some disconnects over the years (due to server crash, your internet going down, power outage, emergency IRL stuff, your software messing up, your hardware messing up, your cat knocking over the router etc etc etc). It’s beyond broken if your disconnect from June 2016 is taken into account when you disconnect three years later

If your kitchen caught fire, it’s most likely your fault for not turning off the stove or something. A normal child (teen and above) wouldn’t fall down the stairs if they had a brain. IF you have a small child at home you shouldn’t leave them without supervision anyways.

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