A Competent Penalty for Quitting

Yeah sure but youre not gonna sit there and allow your kitchen to burn or your child to fend for itself just so you dont get banned from comp lol

Thatā€™s not what I mean -.- if your kitchen caught fire, itā€™s your fault. Yes you should go and treat the fire, but the punishment in the game is fair, because itā€™s your fault that the issue occurred. And like I said you shouldnā€™t leave your child without supervision unless there is another adult watching them.

Nah I disagree though. Many things could happen outside your control mid way into a comp match.

There shouldnt be a one size fits all but thenā€¦ there is no alternative because diferencing the legit and illegitimate leavers/afk is near impossible.

Unless theyre serial leavers.

If you canā€™t afford good internet then why are you playing comp??? Play workshop or something.
Nice troll post

Decay has no effect on your games - it just changes the shown number. Iā€™ve decayed from GM to exactly 3000 many times, and itā€™s never affected the quality/fun of my games whatsoever. Iā€™d still play with and against GMs/Masters because my MMR was unchanged.

Plus you gain something like 100SR per win after that much decay, so itā€™s not hard to get the shiny icons back.

I think what we have now works well enough :slight_smile:
If there is a serial leaver cuz of either bad connection or ragequitting over and over in rapid succession theyā€™ll be banned for the season. If the punishment counter does a reset after X amount of time itā€™ll sort everything out.
I do feel bad for the peeps who get disconnected over and over cuz of unstable internet tho. I know some people live in areas where a stable connection isnā€™t a possibility, and Iā€™m not gonna sit here and assume that everyone is as well off as I am. ā€œlul, just eat, scrubā€

(I dunno why I quoted you and made it seem like Iā€™m arguing with ya, when we seem to be on the same wavelength regarding this xD)

Edit: I guess itā€™s easy to see disconnects as a big problem if the RNG is sh*te during a short timespan. During my last 68 games there has been 5 leavers on my team, and one on the enemy team. I see that as kinda reasonable, but Iā€™d probably be kinda salty if I had the same number in 15 games

Youā€™re just arguing semantics. Often times, people are gone at least 1-2 mins.

According to the above post, this is what the leaver penalty currently is:

Each time a player leaves competitive matches any time before the Victory/Defeat screen, he will receive a 50 SR penalty. In addition, a leaver will receive increasing automatic bans, with each leave (19):

10 minutes
30 minutes
2 hours
8 hours
24 hours
Season Ban (with a season ban, no rewards are received)

Yeah, and itā€™s not doing enough to stop people from rage quitting. Out of maybe 10 games I played last night, I had 3 matches where someone left - one of which two players left because typically once you start losing and someone rage quits, then other teammates follow suit.

I do support another idea I saw about reducing the SR loss for each player on your team that quits. What would be even more interesting though is adding that quitters lost SR back to the teammates that stayed. So if someone quits a comp game and doesnā€™t come back, they lose 50 SR and that 50 is deducted from what the other 5 players would have lost. So if you typically lose lets say 25 SR for a loss but a player had quit that game, instead those 5 players that stayed only lose 15 SR (estimate). If two players leave, there is no way you can still win that game, so the calculation being that the remaining 4 players who stayed wouldnā€™t lose any SR seems fair.

if someone is gone for more than a minute, I usually assume they are not going to rejoin. Im on console, which is laggy, and I get in within 30 seconds, often 20 or less.
Do you have to type in your username and password every time you lag out?

Sometimes the enemy goes ā€œhaha 2 people left, letā€™s just mess aroundā€
Thatā€™s when I say ā€œsomeone else go Rein, itā€™s widow timeā€. Nearly won a game on Kings Row when that happened. still lost because the enemy team all started tryharding (they teabagged and voice line spammed every time they killed me when it took 3 people to dive and kill me).
Still, that idea is a good one. itā€™s not abusable, because you still lose SR, and someone loses 50 SR, and whenever multiple people leave, you usually lose more SR, because you lose healers, so you cant survive as long, so yo deal less Damage, and having a bad performance.

It kinda is tho. Someone (or multiple people) can take the hit for the team. But the worst thing is that it would give an incentive for the scummiest people to bully teammates off the team if the game ainā€™t going well. I can def see it happen over and over again if a 4-stack has two solo-qā€™ers on their team.

Itā€™s not a troll to say that youā€™re selfish if you know your connection sucks and queue anyway. If you disconnect and rejoin your team is still down a teammate for the time it took you to fix your connection and get back into the game. If Iā€™m having latency or connection issues I donā€™t play comp, simple as that.

the thing is, I donā€™t know when I am having latency issues. I play 20 quickplay games, dont lag for any of them, then lag out first comp game, or Iā€™m on a competative win streak, not lagging, then I randomly disconnect. If I know Iā€™m disconnecting a lot, I didnā€™t play comp.

I play on 5 MB and Iā€™m fine. Random DCs every once in a while but they are totally unpredictable.

Bruh what? I was running 30mb and I was crashing at least 5 times per week.

:man_shrugging: Playin on 5 mb downloads speeds. Ping anywhere from 67-80.

I can take pics when I get home.

For playing games I donā€™t think the download / upload speeds being super fast matters as much as just having a stable connection that isnā€™t being hogged by other people watching YouTube or Netflix or whatever in the same house.

Those are extremely unlikely or irresponsible situations to happen. That doesnā€™t even come close to a comparison.

Just. No.

Penalties for leaving comp matches should definitely be stricter. I would say 50 SR loss isnā€™t enough (100 just might do the trick), as well as longer suspension times (like, instead of starting with a 10 minute timeout, start with 1 hour).

I know, it doesnā€™t favor people whose internet is bad, or if life gets in the way, but honestly, I feel the best approach is just to say ā€œthatā€™s rough buddy.ā€

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Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not possible, but I would also be willing to bet youā€™re the only person using that internet. I use 100mbps because I donā€™t want to have any issues if my wife is Facetiming someone while looking at a youtube video, or whatever.

Point being, if youā€™re going to play comp, have internet that doesnā€™t cause you to lag out or disconnect.

Oh yeah I absolutely am the only one using it lol. I donā€™t share my connection when Iā€™m gaming :joy: