A better Mercy rework idea- Kid Icarus inspired

She never had skill potential only a OP ult

We need a healer with two modes like this! This is a good idea, I just don’t think Blizzard would do this for Mercy.

This is why we support the idea’s/changes to make things happen.

If the community is so quick to complain about a hero change why are they not as quick to reply with a better suggestion?

Her skill consisted of juggling beams and priority healing/damage boosts. It also goes along with positioning also. Valk negates both of those. Mass Rez meant before invul you had to have amazing game sense and ult economy/tracking ults for rez to even be effective. Mass rez only became OP due to invul as it lacked counter play. The OG rework and before the big nerf patches, was also OP. But OG Mercy with reg Mass rez was very underpowered. If you’re going to suggest changes to Mercy you should know her skill sets, identity, and history.


This is a lot of judgement based skill sets but im referring the mechanical skill,
not just observing the situation.

Mercy would still have her staff. The bow would be optional so you could still play her the way you want to.

Her mechanical skill is her mobility and her pistol. Mercy isn’t supposed to be mechanically demanded. Even after Sym’s rework they kept in mind that she is supposed to be a less mechanically demanding hero. I don’t mind adding a little bit more, but upping her mechanical kill to being a sniper is way too far.

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The bow and staff doesn’t go together and the bow makes no sense into her identity.

A bow seems more fitting for an angel than a pistol.

She’s not a literal angel. She is a combat medic who is a pacifist. A minor weapon was given to her for self defense.

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I don’t really understand the point of having both the Bow and her Staff… is it just that she has more range?

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The bow would mainly be a cosmetic change. It could still function fairly similarly to the pistol, but could also heal allies as well. Blizzard knows Mercy players aren’t Hanzo mains. They wouldn’t make it too difficult to use.

What would be the point of a bow if it’s a cosmetic change ? Why not just make it so her normal pistol also heals ?

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While I have mixed feelings on this concept, this line right here is amazing.

and survivability.

For those of you who dont know the Kid icarus inspirationg is from this character:

Angel’s have been depicted using many weapons of staff’s, sword’s, bow’s and shield’s:

I just think a bow has more potential for cool skins. The slower fire rate would also allow for higher burst healing and damage than the current fire rate, projectile size and speed of her current pistol. It would also allow Mercy to do damage in bursts so she isn’t too distracted from healing.

I’d just replace the staff and gun for the bow all together, that way the healing could be increased as she would be a way higher skill floor character similar to Ana.

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by the bow you ment like medic in tf2?

Yeah but Mercy is a very volatile hero, having both would make transitioning to the changes easier.
The staff would be ideal for close healing if you cant shoot a particular target or things are moving too fast.

And having both gets rid of the things that are supposed to be a drawback. Increasing her skill floor by that much inherently means that it’s okay for her to have more powerful abilities.