A bare minimum to get more Mercy players

I did not say bring solution today…

I said do not wait for OW3…

There is a difference

You can say rational solutions but they will do what I said in reality imo. We’ve already seen in OW1 how they treated tanks.

Ok every one… Here is the Blizzard CEO…

Pay your respects…

Dev team will do what this person says…


Well, something short of OW3 won’t really be a solution, I believe. It will cover up rusty parts with fresh paintjob, but layer of paint doesn’t make for sturdy construction.

There would be attempts to avoid it, obviously, but chances are it would be full Murphy’s Law with “solution produces new problems” with them.

While true I do not think she is rusty at all…

That would need to be shown in the first place

Lol no, all that was supposed to do is buy them enough time to make the role more popular with buffs.

Where they did…5 more bullets.

Well it seems you have pretty big confidence in them. Just believe and imagine as your liking.

  • 60 HPS is too strong for an off healer that also provides damage boost
  • Great
  • Great
  • 0.1 is too fast, it just wouldn’t feel right, and I don’t think we’re at a point rn where mercy players are frustrated at all on not being able to pull out their guns fast enough. 0.35 is fast as is.

These are all minor things that would help and I have no issue with, but if you really wanted more players to give mercy a shot, you’ll need these two things fixed first.

  1. A real, game changing ult instead of her super passive, play it safe current one. No tank or DPS is going to see mercy’s ult and go “Wow! I wanna give slightly better mercy heals and powerboost to my whole team without any of the fun mobility she has for 15 seconds!”
  2. either a new ability other than rez, or a change to rez that either distributes that power to the rest of her kit, or can be used in any comp that isn’t snipers.
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I am not the one that said ‘they (dev team) will do what I said’…

Projecting much?

Pretty sure they believed, that adding(for once) support, that can counter antinade, was final solution to support question, as main complaint finally has counter to it.

Turns out there were more complaints to worry about, so now they are in the process of figuring out, how to fix them too, while throwing around some pointless buffs to keep game from falling apart, before they figure it out.

Expect more pointless support buffs, if devs need more time.

what I said is just doing nothing special till OW3 comes out as they did to tanks in OW1. What’s the problem here unless you trust them so much?

why replace things that make mercy any good with even more heal powercreep?

Because complaints about powercreep are irrelevant if all Supports get buffed, and DPS/Tank players can’t switch to Supports midgame.

And we are looking for solution to enjoy the game ASAP not 7 years in to the future when OW3 will be released…

Yes you and people can say it as tanks players in OW1. But in reality…

that is support powercreep, you have literally described heal powercreep to me in your own words

Nice suggestion! When the money cow OWL makes these suggestions we will surely see them implemented. Otherwise whatever!!

Well that’s the thing, the Support survival rates are going to go up. But that’s going to need to be compensated with less Tank and/or DPS survival. Since they don’t want teamfight durations to be too long.

But really, if they buff Supports, does that mean the strongest hero in the DPS role is going to be a Support hero? No.

why? why not just nerf the support healrates that have been allowed to be permanently busted since ana got released?

They totally could nerf the heal rates on the healers like Ana/Bap/Moira.

But there’s more than one way to make things die more.

For example, reduce the health on all Tanks by 100hp.

Or increase the firepower on Supports.