A bare minimum to get more Mercy players

Didn’t Ana had top1 pick rate across all the ranks in OW1 period?

Am I misremembering things? That can be deffo the case since I am NOT young :sweat_smile:

well it is feeling based…

And I don’t think I can transfer what I feel on to you.

Not with current tech that we have that is…

If I have to describe it is like when I try to slingshot in valk angelic descent triggers imminently and it feels just clunky.

I know that feelings are not objective data. But if you look at footage of Mercy flying about without valk and then in valk. It is clear that movement is a bit worse in a second example.

I really do not know how to describe it…------

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Yes :slight_smile: - that is how I know she out picked Mercy :slight_smile:

Welcome to the club!

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Well, Kiriko is a pretty clear example of her season 1 hype, vs her season 2 hype.

I am not THAT old

Thanks. I feel better now :*

Is there a secret handshake I have to learn?

I don’t think there is much of a solution for that. Other than the slow wait for these two new supports. But if meta controls your decisions then the game will always be limited. No matter the role.

I guess my way of developing would be chaotic balancing. I’d give up on perfect balance and I’d just flip characters left and right with larger increment changes. I know that shakes things up and wouldn’t be good for a competitive environment. But from a fun perspective and a casual perspective that sounds more fun to me and would make players rotate heroes more and for supports may change how they feel. But to get more support players is hard. Because some people just don’t find it fun. Even though it’s the same as dps but instead you shoot allies.

Frankly I don’t think I have an answer really. What I said felt like grasping for straws for the first time ever on here. I’ll admit that paragraph is made from straws. :joy:

You buff the entire Support Role.

Then lower the survival rates on Tanks and/or DPS to compensate.

Personally I don’t find constantly changing heroes fun. Can’t really enjoy game that way, it’s like if you try to watch TV, but someone constantly keeps switching channels.

Well, it is hard, when game kind of rigged against them.

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But you can’t. Because even though it feels like the world is out to get you, because it is. Doesn’t mean supports are weak. They’re targeted because they’re strong. The stronger they get that harder they are focused.

For other people, it’s probably like the TV only has re-runs.

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Not strong enough to force low rank players to success.

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Tell them to get off your lawn, and hit them over the head with a cane.

I thought you supposed to use 12 gauge shotgun to get kids off your lawn?

Why is anyone being forced to success? That wouldn’t make sense.

That’s the thing. They can.

And Equal Value is fundamentally incompatible with Equal Popularity between roles.

Literally I’ve been dealing with that “You can’t do that” issue for the last 4 years when you include Tanks and Supports, and have not gotten a single justification that couldn’t be easily balanced around. Or that outweighted the downside of bad Matchmaking Quality or Speed.

How are you measuring support player counts?

Because that is point of supporting - you force teammate to success, where one would be unable without you.

Otherwise, you end up with either players good enough, that they don’t need supports, or bad enough, that supporting does them no good.

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I do not have lawn… I live in flat and cannot do this… What do I do?

(ok I shall stop)

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You open window and scream at kids to not make a noise.

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Sorry that was a player skill joke. But yes you can’t carry with healing. Which is good. Because if you could that means dps loses all viability. If healing carried what dies?

I’m not, but it’s pretty clear that

  1. Season 1 they were talking about bad Queue Times (I.e. Matchmaker Speeds) due to a lack of Support players.
  2. Season 2 has better Matchmaking Speeds, but worse Matchmaking Quality.
  3. For anybody with half a brain it should be obvious that Matchmaking Quality are a direct tradeoff for Matchmaking Speeds.
    • I.e. OW1 Quickplay Matchmaking, vs OW1 Comp Matchmaking had a direct tradeoff between Quality and Speed.