A bare minimum to get more Mercy players

Have the same question here. What is this reward for afk values gameplay?

I’m hoping for a second. But they don’t have to be anything like a majority.

Theoretically “Season 4 Support Hero” will be Mercy-ish.

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Yeah I actually agree. We don’t need more Mercy players, we need more support players. Mercy is one of them so it’s great if she gets some quality of life stuff or even changes to help make her more impactful in general, but that’s something the entire support role needs, not just Mercy.

One thing I want to be looked at is the support role passive. Giving everyone Mercy’s old passive is great and all (aside from for poor Mercy who lost out on that, even if it is slightly stronger on her than on the others) but unless you’re one of the more mobile and evasive supports like Lucio, Kiriko, Moira and Mercy, you probably aren’t going to get much use out of it.

Mind you, I think role passives as a whole are a big failure. They make sense on some heroes but not on others. Like reload speed passive is useless on Hanzo, and marginally pointless on a bunch of other DPS, and knockback resistance doesn’t make much sense on some of the tanks, and all.

why make tanks suffer for a problem they didn’t cause?

why make supports even less role-focused?

If OW1 Matchmaker had problems, because of a lack of Tanks.

And Season 1 Matchmaker had problems because of a lack of Supports.

What makes you think Season 2 Matchmaker problems have nothing to do with a lack of a specific role, or too much of a specific role?

it is strange but im starting to see mercy like every match. i dont think we need to “buff” her to get more new mercy players. also i dont think she needs any changes or nerfs. if we give her 60 hps that really makes her op imo but i wouldnt mind a faster reload buff

mercy is really popular imo… i use to LOVE playing her in overwatch 1 but man… i have so much bad luck playing her in ow2… i lost so many games when i tried her out. probably just bad luck. i think?

Right, but why Mercy players, as opposed to Ana players, Bap players, etc?

The problem you pointed to above is pretty predictable based on the below data, as opposed to altering the abilities of just one hero. Not that those altercations are a bad idea, or that they wouldn’t help toward the cause… I’m just saying they are less significant than the main problem which is the sheer lack of support hero selection (which will improve at least some soon in the oncoming months with two new support hero additions), as shown below:

Current OW2 Hero Roster:

  • 11 Tank Heroes (31% of Hero pool)
  • 17 Damage Heroes (47% of Hero pool)
  • 8 Support Heroes (22% of Hero pool)

Probably not a bad luck. Mercy is one of few supports, that can survive flanker paradise, but keeping her team alive in the process is asking for too much.

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Because I haven’t gotten around to it, and there’s a patch tomorrow that will reset all the assumptions, but here’s something close to what you were talking about.

[OW2] Solving the "Damage Boost" issue

Which isn’t going to change any time soon, so it basically doesn’t exist as an option.

Gotcha, yeah, that’s true. 2 new support on the way will help, but getting to 17 is a long way away.

There isn’t a lack of mercy players at all. I personally abuse the hell out of her for easy win in comp games
Tbh she’d be much better with reduced cast res time in exchange for bringing them back at 50% max health instead of full

Let’s also remove mercy beams lock so that she need to precisely track allies like hitscans do to heal them

Did you just do the asian/steven he thing?

the what?

Care to elaborate?

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there is already a mercy player in every single match i play of this game we dont need more

Steven he is a hilarious youtuber and the “haiyaah” you did just reminded me of him cuz he does that a ton too

Not enough, since queue times still aren’t good enough, need more.

I don’t know him. Maybe I’ll check it out?

But it’s just a common saying (-;

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except that she wont
she will still be a character that gets extreme representation regardless of sojourn being nerfed
especially now that she has these movements that only hitscan dps like widow ashe and sojourn can deal with

mercy does this while enabling the heroes that can actually kill her.
shes creating a feedback loop. the only way mercy falls out of favor is if a sea of ana players come out of nowhere.

is she problematic to the game? somewhat, but not a major contender.