90% of full hold on first points involve a Mercy

Nah, it’s in response to you spamming the forums with your “Mercy is Fine” rhetoric while also criticizing anyone else that disagrees with you. I’m not the only one questioning your credibility on Mercy bud.


I would say that repeating the same request (or demand, whichever one prefers) over and over again to the same person who has indicated they will not be assenting to the request (or demand) constitutes not only spam, but harrassment, and I believe that is also violation of the CoC

Mercy is fine where she is. She has a niche

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Pot, meet kettle. You shouldn’t be copy/pasting your replies. #exposed :rofl:


Genuine question here: If Mercy’s healing is superior to Moira and Ana’s and she has better utility than either of them (I find it hard to believe Rez is better than denying healing every 10 seconds, but for the sake of the argument, let’s say it is), then…why is she not being picked more than they are? Both Moira and Ana are picked more than Mercy in almost every rank. So if Mercy really does have the best utility and the best way to heal than them, why isn’t she being picked more?


There is a difference between facts and claims though, until you give receipts to your claim it can’t be treated as facts. So, while you claim you have many hours on Mercy and refuse to give us even a ballpark number, we can choose whether or not to believe you, and that in of itself discredits your entire argument.

I’ve seen you around and a lot of times you throw around “I have many hours on Mercy” to discredit people who have hundreds of hours on her, or are simply disagreeing with you. Just because you have the time, and over-exaggerate Mercy’s strengths while exaggerating the other main healer’s weaknesses means you know more than somone who has hundreds of hours on Mercy, or even hundreds of hours on Support in general.

Yes Ana and Moira have “weaknesses” in the gaps of their healing where Mercy doesn’t, but there are also ways these weaknesses are countered within those heroes. You can recharge your primary as Moira by using your heal orb for like 3 seconds since it slows down when it’s healing people. Not only that, but paired with her primary she can pump out a mean 155hps Ana’s nade has 100 burst heal and 1.5x multiplier for every heal done within 3 seconds. Mercy only gets 50hps, or 60hps while in Valk, and all it takes really is a Winston, or Moira depending, to negate that plus one other person to actually do meaningful damage/secure the kill. People have to work a lot harder to get kills against a pocket Ana or Moira, and even then they don’t really have to pocket.


This exactly. Way too many people got used to mercy being stupidly overpowered. Now that shes balanced, they’re upset about it.


I think her impact surrounds rez and rez being available at the start of a game is imbalanced.

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THANK YOU. You explained it perfectly. That was exactly what I was trying to get through to them but didn’t have a way to word it so nicely. lmao


I never see anyone ask for an op mercy

I don’t see anyone asking for her to be op tho

That’s not the point.

It kind of is. Their issue is not in her power but how her power is designed. That’s more game design than asking for ez wins .

Disagreeing with an aspect of a kit isn’t asking for more power inherently.

Yeah and a lot of them used to involve Symmetra and her teleporter but Symmetra’s teleporter is now a gimmick and the only fast reliable transport now is Mercy’s rez.

:thinking: Well, if you get first pick where they can be rezed, then it might halt it. But at the same time, knowing she doesn’t have rez means you can charge in and/or play more aggressive. Also if they have Mercy and no second main heal, high burst damage will get the job done too, since she only has one rez and 30 seconds is a long time and her healing is weak. Or, if you can, get a pick on Mercy at the start, they usually hide on the right side and will occasionally peak to reconnect the beam to targets.

I think, honestly, people both over estimate and under estimate her impact. It’s not like she has none, but she won’t be as good as Ana and you just need to learn to play around it really.

No, you misunderstand. The point Cyclotol and CaptPlanet were trying to make is some Mercy players may feel like she is underpowered now, but only because she was very overpowered before.

Maybe. …but literally some. I think anyone who asks for mass rez back is automatically discounted and therefore the number of Mercys feeling such way is lower than implied.

Not really. A lot of Mercy mains who are complaining played mercy when she was a troll pick way back in S3, and complained when the rework was first released. They then continued to complain after nerf after nerf and now that she’s statistically balanced, she’s a chore to play, and the big impact moment she’s supposed to have is easily countered by something as simple as a Winston.

Support ults are supposed to be there for your team, whether it be healing them, or providing a lot of utility. Right now, the best use for Valk is to take yourself away from the team you’re supposed to be healing, and go dps Mercy, which (supposedly) means taking away your teams main healer.

Speaking of Main healer, as a support main of 400+ hours, she doesn’t feel like a main support anymore. She plays like one in the sense all she does is healing, but her output (that was buffed way back when Ana was released) is so low she’s not getting those clutch saves you can do with Ana or Moira, and so you end up having to run a Ana/Moira along side her in order to have enough healing. Zen, Lucio, and Brig with Mercy is extremely hard and has the secondary support more focused on healing rather than the utility they’re supposed to be bringing. Not to mention, when Mercy flies off to get the most of her ult you’re stuck with only 20-30hps unless you want to burn two support ults at once.

She focuses on healing like a main healer with the results of an off-healer. That’s why we’re all frustrated with Mercy. It’s not that she was OP and isn’t anymore. It’s because if she is a main healer, she should have the impact of a main healer. If she is supposed to be an off-healer why is she healing more than she is doing anything else?


Anything higher with current Mercy and she could be overpowered. Her healing is much more consistent than Ana or Moira and easier to use. She also has the highest mobility of any support with great self-healing. On top of this, she can also resurrect the dead, and Valkyrie makes all of this better. Her healing has to be lower than Ana and Moira for balance purposes.


She wasn’t overpowered with mass rez and 60hps. Maybe 60hps isn’t the problem.