90% of full hold on first points involve a Mercy

Rez is her thing. Why else would you choose Mercy, unless you are on console running Pharmercy?

Factually, the premise of this remark is non-factual, and as such, the question you stated based on said premise is moot

That said, when someone states (for example) that Mercy is motionless while rezzing, one does not even need to have a minute on Mercy (or even have played the game at all) to know this is a non-factual statement because the details of the rez ability are spelled out in multiple publicly-available documents

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For me, her “thing” is her kit as a whole, though rez is indeed an important and unique component thereof

But… You don’t have any hours on the hero though. So why are you thinking that your opinions about her are fact?


Factually, I have many hours of play as Mercy

Factually, I think you don’t have any hours, since you never shown the hours on her that you play. Meaning that I’m left to believe that the hours you do have are very small. How am I supposed to believe you? Prove me wrong bud.

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It’s actually 123% of all first point holds that involve a Mercy. My totally scientific study shows it.


Factually, I have parents, and those parents have names. Can you say their names? I can.

Factually, I have one or more siblings. Can you say how many? I can

Factually, I have a certain favorite food. Can you say it? I can

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And Factually, you can’t give playtime on Mercy. :ok_hand: mic drop :studio_microphone:


Factually, there is a difference between whether one can do x versus one actually doing x

I can provide the proof of my hours on mercy

I choose to not do so

The hours I have on Mercy remain a fact, regardless of whether I provide the proof or not

You do you bud. You still don’t have any experience on the hero though.

Factually, I’ll just keep saying that you don’t have any playtime on the hero. Because factually, you can’t prove me wrong. :rofl:


Factually, I have many hours of playtime on Mercy

Factually, there is a difference between what one can do and what one actually does.

In this case, as far as proving you (or anyone) proof of my playtime on Mercy, I can prove it, but choose not to do so

This is a very progressive back & forth.


Factually, I do have many hours of playtime on Mercy

factually, there is a difference between what I can do and what I choose to do

Nah, I literally am convinced that you can’t. You have yet to do it. I don’t think you don’t have experience on Mercy. I can prove that, since you haven’t given any evidence to make me wrong. So until you do, I’m winning. My facts are bigger than your “facts” bud.

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so get picks quicker… She can only “undo” them every 30 seconds.

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Where did you pull this 90% from? I want the receipts.


I have already stated many times that there is a difference between what one can do and what one will actually do.

I have already stated many times that I have many hours of playtime on Mercy

I have already stated many times that I can provide proof but choose not to do so

I have nothing further to add

If I am following you correctly, repeated demands across multiple threads for the same information, such as one’s profile information, would then also be a violation of the CoC?

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Mercy also has to be in range and has to rely on the good positioning of her team. Mercy is reliant on others more than other healers to position well.

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