80% of people on here: mercy needs a buff

To be fair, the active members on here represent…what? A millionth of the playerbase?

With Baptiste on her team, Mercy can resurrect while being invincible. Being able to bring people back from the dead needs some kind of counterplay :man_shrugging:

Dont worry, 89% of the percentages used on the internet are made up on the spot so …
Yeah, not even close to 40% of the forum thinks Mercy needs a change. Safe to say you are part of the vast majority :smiley:

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The damage boost change is debatable, but we will have to wait for it to hit live to gauge the effects. It makes it impossible to flick damage boost before an attack animation completes or a detonation. Skilled players mastered this. It does benefit boosting certain heros, like Junkrat, but could make boosting Ashe’s Dynamite and Reinhardt’s firestrike very difficult without proper communication that isn’t present in most areas of the game.

Players now either have to get lucky or pray that another player decides to take advantage of the damage boost. I feel that it’s just another hit to her already hurting skill ceiling.

Also, the Valkyrie speed reduction being removed seemed to have been a bug and seems to be back on the PTR according to some players.

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100% of people on forums = 0.01% of the playerbase.
Noone cares about the loud crying minority, especially if it’s crying just for crying.


You can’t create statistics based on “personal experience” let alone use them as your main argument.

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Are we reading the same patch notes for PTR? Looking at it, is says it fixed some bug where Mercy’s speed wasn’t reduced while in Valk. So what’s this talk that she can move normal?

Moth should be nerfed forever!

Yesterday there was a bug where Mercy’s speed wasn’t reduced while in Valk. Now they corrected it.
That’s why I talked about it yesterday

Ah, alright, thank you for clearing that up.

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U gonna say that it wasn’t a bug?
And cry about it being fixed

Before u could boop mercy while she was using rez and all it did is make her harder to hit and keep the rez going
When mercy is way too far to even make it possible to rez

It was a bug…
Don’t act like it is just a nerf

Mercy would still be in like 90% of the games in OWL unless it was for the GOAT meta in which she has no place in whatsoever.

This thread is old news. The bug is fixed and Mercy has her 75% movement reduction on the PTR again. The boost-beam change is neither a buff or nerf, it’s a playstyle change where instead of buffing the damage when it hits you buff the damage when it’s being fired.

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Your title is so click baity it could have been a 10:30 min long Your Overwatch video.

Probably because they understand that their forum is a very small portion of their community. And even if #buffmercy was more of a community wide thing that doesn’t automatically mean they are right.

I consider that “raising her skill ceiling”, rather than a straight nerf.
“More things to think about” is something I welcome.
And btw: Mercy is not alone (or should not be alone) when a rez is due.
The team needs to enable a safe rez for her.
Rein and D.Va (or whatever tanks/bruisers there are) should always try to create a safe space for the rez.
Flying into a stupidly dangerous position and trying to rez should be easily punishable.
So I think this change is reasonable.
Not talking about whether or not she could use some tweaks.
I don’t think shes “weak”. But she could have a little bit more finesse to her kit to make her overall more fun. (which does not equal “OP”)
But “fun” is also subjective.
People loved her in her original state. And honestly, she was more boring at that time…
The only thing I don’t want to see is, making her straight up stronger, without raising her skill floor. We made this mistake way too often.

I’d like to see the statistic for these 80%

100% of me wants to see mercy mains stop complaining. I don’t even know why you want to play the most boring character ever designed anyway

Heck, I’m not even a Mercy Main. I almost never use her in “regular” matches (i really only play her in CtF, Low Gravity and Total Mayhem). And, honestly, I think she needs a buff or a slight re-work.

In truth, it’s why I play her in the modes I do. In Low Gravity, her Angelic Descentl, actually becomes what I want it to be: a Mini-Fly. Because, in that game mode, she gets enough height (even off of a normal jump on the ground), that you can press the button for AD, and actually glide for a little bit. It gives her a movement ability not reliant on being around team mates (Guardian Angel) and I really love that.

In Total Mayhem, she can Rez every 7 seconds. It actually feels impactful. Yes, that mode is chaotic all around, but even if they cut regular Rez down to 15 or 20 instead of 30 seconds, in Regular matches, it would feel like a much better ability. Especially, when you “only” have Valkyrie as an Ult, for her.

The reason I play her in CtF, is a bit different. In that mode, I think Pocketing a team mate really works well, both for those that do and don’t have the flag. Also, if you go Battle Mercy with Valkyrie, that actually feels impactful. You can make “space” for you team mates to get the flag, or use it to stall enemies as your team mate gets away with the flag. Or, heal them (from the air) as they carry the flag. And, in rare occasions, like Downtown Busan, you can make good use of Angelic Descent (she can use that while carrying the flag).

Basically, what I’m saying here is, the way these modes operate, actually makes it feel like you’re getting some value out of Mercy. And she actually feels fun and engaging to play. In a regular match, all I feel like is a glorified bullet dodger or I sit around and twiddle my thumbs while I hold the beam on a teammate. Because, Heaven forbid I use the pistol at all. Because, according to the community, thats “throwing” :roll_eyes:

In short, the Mercy Mains are correct. She needs work. Not a complete overhaul, just some tweaks. But, the devs won’t listen. They’ll probably “fix” Mercy, right after, us Repear fans, see a “fix” for Shadow Step. Basically, don’t hold your breath for it.

80% of people on here: Mercy mains that won’t stop complaining