8 tanks in Deathmatch. PLEASE END THIS CANCER

When one role is disproportionally more powerful relative to the rest…yes it is impossible…

Again…not the case before

The current version of nonRQ modes is the result of not giving them compensation for the change they made to the tank role….which they did for RQ and RQ only with the 1 tank limit


Arcade is not the majority from what blizzard has shown us from misc stats. The majority is QP and Comp along with Custom. I recall 1/3 comp, 1/3 qp. The 1/3 custom/arcade mixture.

DM is not an arcade mode anymore :grin:

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This post makes about as much sense as complaining about Total Mayhem.

This isn’t a good way of thinking about things, sure fun is relative but tanks (especially Roadhog) being in death match makes a good majority of the cast unplayable. Using the idea that it is a casual mode is a very lame and lazy excuse to not have relevant changes be made. Tons of games tweak things for casual modes. Tanks being in death match makes it so other people have to play tanks aswell, not just make tanks an option they are a must pick.

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Tanks in FFA need to be nerfed or removed


This is the core of the game, different roles with pros and cons, DM has no rules for roles so dont expect balance

Who the heck takes DM seriously. Sometimes I pick Ana and do nothing but sleep people. Or sometimes I pick Zarya just so I can farm ult and see who wins when I ult two or more people with it. It’s one of the only fun modes left in the game, and you can be as ‘’ tryhard ‘’ or not as you want.

If you pick Moira though, I’ll make it my mission to hunt you and nobody else except you constantly with Sombra.

It’s never needed them…cause they hadn’t tuned one of the roles so that it was purposely stronger relative to the rest before

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I doubt it. Hog isn’t that popular. They’re probably just grinding for the weekly arcade wins as fast as possible before actually having fun in another game mode. They just need to remove the need for wins in the arcade and it probably won’t be nearly as sweaty.

Tanks dominating Deathmatch should stand to show that tanks are way to strong even when unsupported.

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Fun is subjective, and DM has never been balanced at all in ow

Reaper doesn’t counter tanks, get that out of your head please.


Then….what is his purpose now?

There are degrees to subjectivity….when the vast majority lean one way it’s not really that subjective anymore

And it’s never been balanced just like the regular game has never been balanced either…but it was good enough because the power levels of the heroes were all relatively equal….that is no longer the case

It’s not really a question of balance so much as it is the game mode(s) being broken by the change in tank philosophy

He’s a flanker, plain and simple. You get picks, you death blossom everyone, that’s it. You don’t pick him to go toe to toe with tanks, this is OW2 bro.

Remember there are people who will pay to cheat in games. A self healing one shot tank with 700hp or a 200hp dps that has to aim. When people spam the easy option it isn’t fun for the others.

But people are having fun playing tanks in the mode though? You just tired to mix tank balance and fun in the same comment

Rodhog was always super op in death matches, now more tanks are viable. Theres arguably more viable heroes now than there was before

True. I find it pretty easy to stay on top of tank Deathmatches. Sure, everyone is bulkier, but most DPS do damage faster and at range making kills/steals easier.

Also, I think it would be dumb if Deathmatch eventually just bans certain heroes. Crazy Reinhardts, evasive Lucios, that person practicing Junker Queen (half the forums tell JQ players to practice in DM and not QP), like 5 Genji clones chasing Kiriko-- the variety is nice.

I like to bring Kiriko in and even with her, it feels simple to pop in and duel heroes or finish off enemies while staying on top. The only problem I see in DM are players that love to feed hog /the Top player :joy: (same as Hero Gauntlet)

I feel like halving the health of the biggest and slowest short ranged heroes will nuke their experience. They’d be a free kill for me on any non-tank hero and like Mercy, they’d be running in with half a kit (Hog might feel alright with his heal/DR. Maybe test giving him DPS passive in DM instead of tank passive + reduced hp).

Which doesn’t sound good for those players, especially when

Personally, I’d love for Blizz to make balance adjustments for Deathmatch. The whole thing goes beyond being angry about tanks, though.

Mercy and other heroes can’t use certain team abilities, some heroes have kits that take full advantage of the map’s highground, role passives are kind of wild and the UI could probably highlight players who are closing in on the win to take some of the randomness out of it (highlight not wall-hack)

I want to see the devs experiment with these modes and maybe even give heroes alternative kits (Moira’s tested necro orb, scatter arrow, throwable barriers, Mercy’s valkyrie flight on shift etc) and numbers but it all comes down to how much time the devs want to invest in it compared to the rest of balance.

I report tanks in queue deathmatch for abusive chat and recommend everyone to do so because blizzard won’t change anything. Also i been banned here on forum for making a thread about this already.