8 new event skins? Not 9

… it’s ok… was busy with guessing the next ptr

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Yknow just cos someone expects a standard set to be met doesn’t mean they’re demanding. Also just “being okay with it” is worse, you’re part of the crowd that let’s companies walk on them.

If they normally do 9 (nevermind we’re down a map) we’re well within our right to kick up a fuss.

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remember when we used to get 8 legendaries haha

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Shall I provide the pitchforks or are we going with throwing pies this fuss?

They’ll probably nerf someone who didn’t need changes and buff reaper’s life steal to 100%

Wow, you people sure are scraping the bottom of the “blizzard is going out of business” bucket. :man_facepalming:

Hahaha do you have like a folder titled “gold ideas” full of gifs you wanna use? :joy::joy::joy::ok_hand:

links for discord now that they have gifs but I’m letting an opportunity go to waste.

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I’m more of a flinging my dung and running off my it kind of rioter.

No, but they are doing cutbacks. I was jokingly implying that’s the reason why there was 8 skins.

They’re all bad anyway (Okay, I get some people will like some) so what difference another bad skin?

You must provide your own dung, I just provide pitchforks

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Speaking of… think it just died rip 🍻 Next Ptr on the Horizon?

They’ll nerf Torb so he has 5 less armor during his E.

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Seems blizzardish. But I’m sure they’ll bash Brigitte some more.

More legendaries requires more lootboxes, which means more $$$. Epics will be collected in the process of collecting legendaries.

So, higher # of legendaries is the key money-making target.


Also the PC launcher literally has an ad saying they are hiring people for the Overwatch team.


If anything, this is slightly less of a grind. It is harder to clear epics than legendary (without spending coins) anyways. I always hated epic skins, so I am not losing sleep. But I am still shocked at just how much content they are cutting from their main source of revenue. With Blizzard struggling, I thought they would double the skins, not nearly half them aND make it easier to not spend money.

#8 (八, BĀ) - LUCKY

Maybe the reason was because “8 is the luckiest number in Chinese culture because 八 sounds like 發 (fa), which means “wealth”, “fortune”, and “prosper” in Chinese”.
But that is a just a guess.

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