8 new event skins? Not 9

There’s usually a pattern of 6 legends and 3 epics. So I take it this is the start of “financial cutbacks” then. Top secret stuff was: cutting amount of new items.


One skin missing means Jeff is getting fired soon due to cutbacks.

But seriously, though; one missing skin doesn’t really mean much when we have other goodies.


Well they’re probably just working on OWL (because that’s the only thing that matters right?)

But tbh I’m fine with 8 new skins, just didn’t think /s was needed.

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Darn it, I was waiting to post that

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I’ve been sitting on it for a while waiting for a good opportunity

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1 less epic skin. Not that big problem. I miss Liu Bei tho.
That Orisa skin is epic? Its the best epic skin out there.

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… it’s ok… was busy with guessing the next ptr

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Yknow just cos someone expects a standard set to be met doesn’t mean they’re demanding. Also just “being okay with it” is worse, you’re part of the crowd that let’s companies walk on them.

If they normally do 9 (nevermind we’re down a map) we’re well within our right to kick up a fuss.

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remember when we used to get 8 legendaries haha

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Shall I provide the pitchforks or are we going with throwing pies this fuss?

They’ll probably nerf someone who didn’t need changes and buff reaper’s life steal to 100%

Wow, you people sure are scraping the bottom of the “blizzard is going out of business” bucket. :man_facepalming:

Hahaha do you have like a folder titled “gold ideas” full of gifs you wanna use? :joy::joy::joy::ok_hand:

links for discord now that they have gifs but I’m letting an opportunity go to waste.

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I’m more of a flinging my dung and running off my it kind of rioter.

No, but they are doing cutbacks. I was jokingly implying that’s the reason why there was 8 skins.

They’re all bad anyway (Okay, I get some people will like some) so what difference another bad skin?

You must provide your own dung, I just provide pitchforks

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Speaking of… think it just died rip 🍻 Next Ptr on the Horizon?