8 months in and Symmetra is still trash

I was using hyperbole for comedic effect but that went over your head :airplane:

One would think thats common knowledge, i mean orisas do the same with their shield deploys when an enemy moves throught it.

On a sidenote since we can discuss some buffs here what do you think about the following idea?

What if the beam could pierce throught the barriers? That would give her a nice niche and while the said barrier is up she could both regain ammo and melt away those who are stupid enough to stand behind the said barrier.

The hyperbole was obvious. The issue I had with it was that you seemed to be trying to get at me for calling Sym’s wall bad, which I never did.

So yes, something clearly went over my head.

I think if the beam could pierce barriers it wouldn’t make sense to have it have the ammo regen feature.

If we were to change the way her beam interacted with barriers, I believe the following would be an interesting change that wouldn’t make her too oppressive while adding to her ‘shield buster’ ability:

  • Photon Beam now powers up twice as fast when attacking enemy barriers.
  • Photon Beam does twice as much damage to enemy barriers.

This would also make Symmetra a very good anti-Briggite hero, giving an additional thing that could help with GOATS.


If you can’t see the value of using her wall against an ULTing Roadhog that does 5000 damage then I can’t help you.

Yesssss u tell them. You are so right but symm mains are the minority and blizzard will never answer us.

Incorrect, sorry. Mercy is one of my mains so I play her quite a bit. I have a positive win-rate with her and no one complains that I am throwing. I have had one person suggest that perhaps we needed a Moira. I said I’d swap if it didn’t work out.

It worked out. Mercy is playable, please stop crying about it.

Also Doomfist is playable. I don’t play him personally, but I have seen him in my games and no one complains that there is a throw-pick.

Just because you see someone as unplayable doesn’t mean they are useless in any degree :wink:

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Well let me congratulate you on being able to play subpar heroes and be fine with it!

I personally would like them put back into relevance, because you know just because you can play them that doesnt mean they are useful.

Hey, I’ll take sub-par over unplayable, because at least there is a tinge of truth.

It actually kind of does. At least at my rank

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Incorrect. They are the LEAST affected by her turrets. Turrets are far more effective against immobile heroes than mobile ones. Genji can dash and Tracer can blink/recall. They also have faster base speed.

No, she doesn’t. She just happens to reload off of them. She’s not a phenomenal shield breaker by any means and has to get into close range to try and break them. All shields offer is an opportunity to get some charge to then try and hit someone.

So? Both those characters actually counter Symmetra if anything. Not the other way around.

Meanwhile they’ll have killed you far more than you them before the ult.


well, they slow them down if they don’t have an ability to escape make it easier to land an orb

Oh God. There’s more… that was about the turrets. I don’t have energy for the rest.

Symmetra mains are impossible to talk to and I’ve probably made a million comments on sym so I’m just gonna say this: Symmetra isn’t a good hero. But at a higher level she is in the best state she has ever been. This is undeniable.

Just give her back the auto-laser-follow-thingy and she will be find I think.

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Personally I’d love if they reverted her and:

  • Removed slowdown when placing turrets and ultimate
  • Increase turret deployment distance. Not infinite as with 3.0
  • Make her orbs charge 25% faster. Making it take 1.5 seconds to charge. (unless I’m worse than I thought at math)
  • Reduce barrier CD to 8 seconds and made it a better shape/bigger (?)

Very unsure about this one but I think it’d be cool although not useful all the time.

  • Give her the ability to stop her barrier(s) either by holding E or by pressing F. To do so she’d have to channel it. Making it so she can’t do anything else while holding it in place… maybe after she stops channeling the barrier(s) would be destroyed? Don’t want my never-going-to-happen Sym to compete with any tanks.

I think ideas like giving her the ability to pre-place her ult before she gets it and simply activate it once she gets it would be cool but I’m unsure about it.

Tbh the change to her primary fire was the only one I didn’t mind (If we ignore that it didn’t work properly if the enemy was close to a wall). It wasn’t used for the majority of the match… but it did feel good to have those half-rare moments where you melt the enemy with a little help from ur team. I think they somewhat managed to retain the “being almost harmless one moment and then being a killing machine the next” that Sym has always had.

I’m not happy at what they did with her (even though she’s still my favorite hero, by far) and I wish they had tried to keep her in the non-healing support role. I liked doing things to support my team so they have an easier time doing their thing. Sym was kinda a force multiplier in that sense. Now she’s just a dps with a teleporter and a thicc Rein shield that’s static like Orisa’s.

There’s something I wanna add about her turrets as well. With each rework the placements of the turrets have become less and less important. With 2.0 it made it so if all 6 turrets got wiped, you could just replace them. Even though it’s a straight up buff it just didn’t feel like turret placements mattered as much anymore. And with 3.0 it got even worse. I don’t even go into a custom game to test out turret placements anymore. They really don’t matter anymore… which I suppose is good as you can’t even place them exactly where you want them anymore because of their hitbox.

This is probably an unpopular opinion as the majority of Sym mains I’ve seen talk about this would just like a revert with the new turrets… some of them even want new orbs over the old piercing orbs, which is a big side eye from me. Or they want 3.0 with the 2.0 beam… which I don’t care too much about but would probably be OP considering she has a TP now.

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LOL most of non Symm players that i found in this forum.

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2.0 was never set up to be a ranged hero, she was set up to control an area after she’d laid claim to it by being within her natural range.

I’m not saying that 2.0 didn’t have her flaws, but she had more consistent strengths as well compared to 3.0 and was able to handle herself far, FAR better in a duel as a support, which is really just not what I’m looking for in a DPS character, personally.

She needed some tweaks, stronger turrets - heck, knocking them down to 6 but only 3 are deployable at a time with the ranged turrets and no slowdown sounds totally fair to me. I hate, hate hate that they introduced slowdown on them because it ultimately feels skeezy and unfair to play with and against, and I just don’t like it. Any kind of ultimate that’s actually, IDK, damaging?? I can’t think of another DPS ult off the top of my head that doesn’t also have the potential to do damage to the enemy if you manage to land it, so why is Sym 3.0 different?

There’s just a lot of things in her kit that aren’t bad but also just don’t add up to a competent kit/character, either.


How so?

Her ult is area denial like Torbs. Unlike Torbs turret, however, Syms turrets are actually threatening. And her ability to shield her turrets is sort of a damaging ult, as making her very threatening turrets almost indestructible aids in both area denial and damage output.

You had your proton barrier and very reliable damage output with your primary weapon. Your turrets also deployed faster, having no ‘float there’ time to factor in, so you could use those more reliably to win duels if you were smart.

Basically, 2.0 was able to pop her barrier and deflect immediate damage.

There is NOTHING 3.0 can do that is immediate, damage or protection. Nothing.

2.0 had her ‘ramp up’ gun, but the lock on feature allowed you to know you were doing damage with it regardless if someone was near you, but now with 3.0 you are required to aim your laser pointer at them and simultaneously hit them long enough to ramp up your damage. Other DPS characters can simply output damage. Symmetra, even with her orbs, must charge them first. That’s like saying McCree’s FTH should have a .5 charge time before it goes off.

There is nothing about 3.0’s kit that is instant, and that is a BIG problem in a game where burst damage is currently king.

Also - my point about her ult not doing damage still stands. Torb’s ult does damage. Just because they both offer similar secondary functions like Area Denial (you could say that of Dva or Mei or many other characters as well btw) doesn’t mean that Sym’s ult does damage. It doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s just a wall that disappears after a few seconds, and that’s it.

Potential matters.


3.0 is so hard to use,the pay is not proportional to the return.


I love playing Symmetra and really the only thing I want is the tp to ALWAYS spawn under her,