8 months in and Symmetra is still trash

She can deal 180 dps to shields and tanks after standing there for nearly 3 seconds.

Tracer can deal 240 dps to shields, and potentially 480 dps to tanks.

Soldier 76 can deal 171 dps to shields and potentially 342 dps to tanks.

Neither of them require standing there for nearly 3 seconds to reach that damage. Sure, maybe Sym is better at destroying sheilds because she doesn’t have to reload. But, there’s not that much of a difference between them. And, if Bastion is ever in a viable state, this ‘tank-busting’ niche that Sym has will be easily outshined.

And in doing so, you have to place at least 1 of your 3 turrets away from the the rest of your turrets, which will easily be destroyed.

Unless you want to place all 3 of them somewhere on the off-chance that they pass by.

Also, I’m confused why you missed out Wrecking ball, because he’s heavily countered by her turrets.

Her wall isn’t enough for her to be a justifiable counter to pirate ship over the likes of someone like Sombra.

Roadhog can literally burn through her shield.

Genji’s way to mobile to allow you to consistently track him. That combined with having to charge up your beam, and it’s way too hard for her to be anything close to a Genji counter.

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I enjoy wrecking as Sym.

She is fine… she is not that bad.

She isn’t trash. Just in desperate need for long-awaited quality of life changes. Such as these:

Also, the ability to destroy/refund her own turrets/creations.


Dont forget. Teleporter destroys destructable railings in the way when deployed.


Roadhog’s ULT does 5000 damage. If he uses his entire ULT to break your 5000 HP shield I think that’s been a pretty good shield.

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Roadhog’s ult really isn’t that great though, so burning through Sym’s ult to help his team seems like a good move on Roadhog’s part. 🤷

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Yep, its a shame shes so bad that she has to rely on turret bombs in order to be impactful

Sym will get her shield back in no time? :man_shrugging:t2:

It still denies the value of Sym’s ult in that fight. 🤷

Perhaps how you play her.

it just stopped 5000 damage to your team. Are you having difficulty processing this?

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her beam is pretty impactful

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There’s no way that Roadhog’s ult is ever gonna deal anything close to that full 5000 damage unless he combos it with grav though.

you’re right. Sym’s wall is garbage. Tear it all down. No impact whatsoever.

I never called it garbage, but go off I guess? I just don’t think it’s as great against Roadhog’s ult as you’re making out.

okay, sweetie

Symmetra? Bad? Tell that to my play of the games :sunglasses:

Sis, feel free to quote where I’ve ever called Sym’s wall trash.

There’s a reason why I didn’t respond to your point about her wall being strong against hitscan dps and D.va’s bomb though.

He doesn’t want a revert but buffs instead.

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