8 months in and Symmetra is still trash

All I really want is a victory pose and highlight intro with her golden gun.

Im gonna keep spamming comments here until they buff her


Photon Barrier was really only good for three things: Flashbang, Hook, and killing Pharah during her ult. Unfortunately, none of those heroes need their abilities to kill Sym. Really anything that dinky barrier could block wasn’t necessary to kill her at all.

And considering the first two stages of her old gun were 30 and 60, her gun was not threatening until she was charged (and an old Mercy heal + Ana nade completely negated her level 3). The only time her “reliable” damage output of 30dps was at all threatening was if you landed a right click first, which took 2s to charge and even longer to reach its target who could just sidestep it much easier than the current orb.

Not saying her current gun is much more reliable, but the damage is better, and her burst damage can actually be utilized better and more frequently/reliably. And since her only real reliable source of charge has always been Shields, she even has utility built in for it.

Teleporting a turret or two on to an opponent might take two seconds, but it allows Sym to get into her range to immediately deal damage, even if she misses her orb, you’re still immediately dealing damage and have an escape. I’m fine with 3.0 needing a little prep time, because prep time is what the bare bones of the hero was built around. This ain’t new.

Which turrets aid in with both damage and slow to make aiming even easier, and the autolock of the turrets creates the same panic her old gun did. Not to mention, having a straight line pointing at an enemy in the immediate vicinity when TP’ing in is very helpful.

Yes but for fth to kill you easily, you either have to be stunned or a tank. If he stunned you, you shouldn’t be in his stun range. Sym however, again, has turrets. It only takes 2 turrets and an orb to effectively oneshot a 200hp target. If McCree had turrets with a 10m range that did damage for him, there would be an excuse for fth needing a charge.

Yeah but Torbs doesn’t really meld with his turret in the way Syms wall does with her turrets. And again, his turret is not threatening, even if you shield it really, it’s more of a nuisance that controls sightlines. Walling of Sym turrets, however, can make certain areas impossible to enter for the majority of the roster (which is why I’m confused when people say Sym is worse at holding an area, meanwhile she can literally lock most heroes out of an area at will).

You’re a hero and I can rest easier knowing that someone is doing God’s work.



Anyone asking for a revert is not right in the head.

And can’t aim.

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I think Sym 3.0 is a step in the right direction. TPs on cool down are great because of creative ways of setting up defense and also TPing to point completely throws enemy defense off. Her pick rate may be the same or worse from 2.0, but I actually like 3.0 a lot and use 3.0 way more than I ever did with 2.0.

She needs more buffs but hopefully the devs will give some attention to her after dealing with GOATS and Hero 30 balancing.

Personally what I think she needs:

  • Faster TP set up time. I hate how slow it is to set up the TPs.
  • Increase TP range. Preferably would like to see range be around 40-50 meters, but I’ll even settle for 30 meters. 25 meters is too short.
  • Infinite uptime so that teammates will actually use them! Also this would make Sym practically a must pick on Hanamura defense especially and give enemy teams a reason to want to destroy the TPs. I get annoyed when I go “flanking Sym” and harass the enemy backline and I try to go back to TP and the timer goes off and then I die because of the dumb TPs having a time limit.
  • Increase ammo from 70 to 100
  • Increase primary fire range to 15 meters
  • Increase secondary fire explosion radius to 3 meters
  • Give her +50 HP (150 HP and 100 shields)

The queen needs us sister, we will stop till justice is served


To me, the fact that you saw her proton barrier only being good for such a limited range says all I need to hear. People who never really understood how her kit worked together as 2.0 will never agree with me because they just didn’t get it.

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Photon barrier :tipping_hand_man:t2:

She does need numerical buffs, I can’t see them moving off her current design though. I’ve already posted this exhaustively again and again, showing detailed paragraphs and data in comparison to other heroes. But what it comes down to for tentative buffs;

Increase her orb travel speed by a few meters per second. Currently, you cannot hit skilled people aware of you if you’re further than 10 meters. It really just relies on the enemy making mistakes. At higher skill levels, these will rarely land.

Bug-fix the teleporter; it’s still got some issues.

Decrease charge build up on her primary weapon or increase her base health, pick one of these things.

The biggest glaring aspects at the moment are her damaging weapons and how underwhelming they are. She underperforms by about 35% compared to the damage of other spam heroes (which sadly she remains as). That is, her damage output remains on the level of a higher damaging support, like Zenyatta. Not so much an actual DPS.

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No I do. I’ve probably played her longer than you have tbh, but Photon barrier as it was was honestly terrible. It could’ve been 10x better or at the very least been given a much shorter cd, because how awful it was combined with its cd is what made it truly bad. It’s not that it didn’t have redeeming qualities, but the fact remains that the ability as it was, was not good.

It’s always funny to me when Sym players complain about her current ultimate and being able to “just walk through” when the old barrier literally walked through your opponents for you, and then they praise the old barrier like it was the greatest ability in the game. And once you used it, regardless of what you used it for, you were defenseless for 10s. Because not only did you have absolutely 0 mobility, you had turrets that if you even tried to place in the presence of an enemy, you died.

There was a time where she didn’t have that ability, and you had to learn how to play footsies with people in order to maximize her survivability, the only survivability she had being her shield health. I feel like a lot of Sym players now missed out on very necessary components to her playstyle by having a get out of jail free card with the old Photon barrier and suffer more as a result of the rework.

Why is that a problem? Technically she is and always has been a DPS/Support hybrid and that has not changed just because of her placement in the damage category. Sombra does 320dps with headshots, while requiring perfect tracking. Syms max DPS is 330dps, and while it may be conditional, she also doesn’t have to aim half of it while simultaneously spitting out CC.

In terms of her orbs: I wouldn’t turn down a speed increase, because I agree, it is very difficult to hit an aware opponent further away than 10m, but idk. That’s where the TP and turrets come in. They are bright shiny things that can make your opponent turn around. You don’t always have to take your TP. You can peek one behind someone with cover, plop a turret or two through, then walk at them and pop them with an orb because they have to address the turrets and can’t look at you.

Potato tomato, twenty characters.

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She doesn’t have the healing output or shields to actually be a support, she’s not in the support slot anymore. She’s in the DPS slot, the spamming DPS SLOT. Akin to Junkrat. Even then her damage output is along the lines of Zenyatta, who provides instant burst kills, healing, a VERY good ultimate, and a huge debuff while allows team coordination, concentration, and damage boosting. Symmetra in comparison is throwing out mostly trash damage unless the enemy team is already in a losing situation, then yes, she’ll be able to do her vaulted and mythical 330 DPS for a few seconds and not be blown to smithereens.

Her damage output is just not up to par for the situational utility she provides in a trade off. I’m not asking for her to be as damaging as Junkrat or your other DPS slot, but she does need some minor weapon damage buffs to increase the average value of Symmetra on your team as she’s trading off another hero slot. She has a defensive ultimate as a DPS. There is a value comparison to be made. Some utility is nice, but killing the enemy and securing the objective is even better.

I’m not asking to change any of her abilities or overhaul her hugely, but she does need some buffs to her weapon.

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Hack, speed boost, flashbang, discord orb, etc. > TP

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If the classifications meant anything, Widow would’ve been moved to offense long ago and Sym would’ve been put on defense. Along with probably Sombra as a support, as she too is a DPS/Support hybrid exactly like Sym. If anything, Sym is a DPS that functions like a tank with the utility of a support while also having flanking/sniper elements.

Sym can do all of the aside from heal. Instant burst kills via TP turrets + orb, as it only takes two turrets and an orb to oneshot a 200hp target. Fantastic ult. Turrets debuff and damage. Huge plays can be made off of tp with coordination.

And how would you propose that? Her level 1 beam can’t meet or exceed 80dps, as then her orb -> beam would kill more instantly than it already does. Her orbs are already strong enough unless you want her to be able to trade beam charge for more orb damage.

That’s two different vegetables you’ve named there.

I know, that’s the joke. The traditional phrase is ‘potato potato’, but since I mislabeled it (yet don’t care because obviously people can figure out what I’m talking about by context) I wrote potato tomato. Ba dum tsh.

It is quite funny

yet every other close range hero has some sort of thing to do when not in range, except symm 2.0

the best you could do was spam slow orbs through a choke and sometimes provide a barrier for 2 seconds

heroes like dva got boosters and now micromissiles, rein has firestrike and charge, hog has hook and right clicks, brig has armor packs and flail shot, winston can jump, mei has a ranged right click that can actually hit people not being afk…