8-21secs tank vs. 2-3mins DPS queues

Seriously, how short of tank players are they now? I hit the button to queue tank in QP at peak time and I barely get time to alt-tab to youtube and a game is found. Quickest was 8secs, longest was 21secs.

But DPS is a different story. Generally they are around 2mins - fastest 1m56s - and go up to near 3mins - longest 2m48s.

You have to find 2 DPS so if we double the time for tanks to 16s fastest vs. 116s for DPS. That is a huge number difference in those queueing for the roles. The multiplier here is over 7x.

And what are Blizz doing about it? Making tanks sick of playing tank when every game devolves to orisa at least on 1 team. Leaving heroes like Ana and Sombra to ruin the tanking experience in most games. Leaving tank busters and adding more (sojourn is very strong against tanks).

Great work Blizz. Let’s see if we can get that queue time multiplier even higher!!


Tanking is miserable more than ever. So of course the queue times will be almost instant.


This is really good. The last couple of years before OW2’s release the queue times for DPS were over 15 minutes around the median skill line.


That’s fine. 2-3 minutes is still way way better than the 10-15 minute ones of OW1. 2-3 is so chill.


OP is noting the difference of current tank vs dps que times. This kind of off topic. They’re speaking to the state of tank ques and the tank population in general.

Edit: Also, Que All = Que Tank a crazy high percentage of the time. In my experience.


From what others say though this comes at the cost of loose matchmaking and is the reason for such terrible games all the time. Faster queues into terrible games? Is that better? Were games where you waited 15mins in OW1 better in QP?


That’s fundamentally false.

Right but that’s fine. They’re still there. If queues was the main reason to swap then 2-3 minutes is not a dilemma. And tanks can’t be too sad about fast queues, right? What’s the issue?

Did you read the topic?


It’s all the same to me. Yes I was stomped in some games in OW1. Yes I stomped in OW1. Yes I had close games in OW1. It’s all the same to me.

No I think I messed up. :joy:


15 min supp queue times or instant tank queues

neither thanks

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I thought it was miserable in s3 when they nuked hog, haven’t been back since unless i am playing open queue… And i refuse to all roles even if it is a challenge… They would need to offer 100k xp for that challenge for me to even consider it…

I only ever get another role if it is backfill. For new games it is always tank.


I hate when I look at the queue times, see that that Tank and DPS are 2-3x the time for Support, queue for flex, think I’ll probably get support (yay!), and then I still get Tank.

Three times in a row.

At which point, daily achieved, no more tanking.

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Queue all is usually healer for me.

I call queue all “And sometimes Tank.”

On the flip side, queueing tank and dps in mirrorwatch I kept getting dps. :person_shrugging: The lore is real. :open_mouth:


What? 5v5 fixed queue times.

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Yeah same for me.

Support was my most-played role last week.

IDK why people keep bringing this up. We all know that whatever situation we are in, it would be 5x worse in 6v6.