8-21secs tank vs. 2-3mins DPS queues

Because it didn’t fix queue times and you gaslighters are just funny to point out.


But tanking would be more fun in 6v6. the big problem of tanks is the constant counterswaping. While countering was a thing in Overwatch, you could still play against your counters thanks to the second tank. Countering was also mainly used (and effectively) in High Ranks.
In OW2 its just Swap or Lose and this even is a common thing in mid or even low ranks.
And counterswaping is not fixable in 5v5.

Also queue times would only x2 worse than currently if we only look at the Playernumbers.


Turns out that people don’t want to play shotgun bastion or support sombra XD
Funnily enough i’ve enjoyed the event as dps.

On the actual topic though.
Tanking is miserable because only a few tanks are capable of getting value while not terribly imploding under the bigger bullets and nerfed healing.
90hps is not enough to offset over 300dps

Which is why orisa is so popular.


There is no point, this dude firmly believes that OW is better today than at any other point in time even though he’d be sorely incorrect.

Simply adding new heroes and maps and content overall would ‘fix’ any ‘problem’ 6v6 ever even had because 6v6 never really had any problems, to begin with. The problem is that they stopped making new content to charge for it all while lying about a sequel, 6v6 isn’t the problem. But he’s gonna deny that and I’ll be falsely flagged/banned for calling him and the people like him out as the gaslighters they truly are lol.


Or, you can stop getting triggered and throw fallacies when 5v5 was NOT made to fix queue times and no one said that. Thats another option.

God no.
I hate depending on the other Tank to not be dumb and pick something that works. If you are a good Tank and your duo sucked, you take the L every time. That doesn’t happen in 5v5.

But thats not how it works, it would be way way way way worse, because there is internal MMR so its not about finding 2 random tanks, its about finding 2 tanks that ALSO have the specific skill rank/bracket compared with the rest of the team etc.

And again, in 6v6 more often than not, you got Tanks with 1000 SR less than the average of the team. It was awful.

Again with the lies. I never said that. Stop lying.
All I said is factual:
Whatever queues/situation we are in today, it would be way worse in 6v6.

Take a hike.


You say it all the time, I’m not triggered either.

I’m exhausted.

Bro really trying to speak in facts when he’s just speaking the opposite.


Blizzard said it numerous times. Have you not seen GreyFalcon post the same Spilo clip about 30 times in the forum where he talks about it too?


I don’t. Again, you are lying.

It was a byproduct of switching to 5v5. The main reason was Tank design/power balance projecting the game into the future. They could have shortened queues removing 1 DPS too but that didn’t happen, did it?

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Aaron Keller himself literally said its to fix queue times and essentially is using it as the only reason to not go back to 6v6 even though that reasoning is still flawed.

Sure though, let’s say that you don’t parade around stating these things as ‘facts’. :yawning_face:


That wouldn’t shorten queues though. The thinking was that there weren’t enough tank players and too many dps players. The tank bottleneck caused massive queue times for dps.

it’s been talked about time and time again.

Granted OW1’s issues are not OW2’s issues and I dont think there’d be a tank problem at all if 6v6 were as fun as I think it’d be. :person_shrugging:

Obviously there were other reasons to justify one tank and 5v5 like making tanks into “bruisers” and all that but queue times was the same refrain that came up every time.

I mean you keep lying but clearly you are hardcore triggered if you have to lie about someone saying things they didn’t, in this case me :man_shrugging:

You can say whatever you want but I was here when the decision was made and communicated to us and they clearly said Tank design / Power balance in the future was the reason why they did the change. It was unsustainable to have 2 Tanks and that also affects queues so thats a bonus.

It would, but not as much obviously.
Again, when they released Sigma, they realized how Tank design / power balance would be a bigger issue the longer the game is alive so the decision was made really.

Thats the thing, we already had this game with 2 tanks and that was clearly not the case lol.

Also “fun” is subjective and like I said, many many many Flex Players (who were most of the people playing Tank btw) did NOT enjoy being subjected to the duo issue (what I already wrote above). So again, FACTS are not changing:


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Does everyone remember the gaslighting I pointed out? :skull:

I am genuinely not triggered I am simply exhausted.

I want my game back but people like you who actually hate OW just ensure that it won’t happen which is very sad to the majority of people who want the better game to come back.


I’m not going down the 6v6/5v5 spiral with you. OW1 is not OW2. OW1’s problem was slow balance changes (if any) and putting the game into standby mode to develop the sequel we never got.

That’s it sport. You can’t look at OW1’s situation and say, “Yep, that’s what would happen in OW2 as well.”


Yeah it’s the same thing every time. :roll_eyes:

It genuinely feels like talking to a wall most of the time.


5v5 exists soley because of the lack of tank players and the resulting long queuetimes. What other reason do we have for that? Hell in a old Video from Blizzcon 2017(?) Kaplan explained why they landed on 6v6, and they tryed 5v5, 4v4, even 12v12.
And during an Experimental card they tried 1:3:2, also because of queuetimes.

If not for the Daily and Weeklies I would not touch tank with a ten meter long pole. And I played tank in Overwatch quite often.
The tank population currently is smaller then ever. Flats and Emongg to not have much fun with playing Tank anymore in 5v5 etc.

And it still exists in 5v5. Remember the time where Dia and Plat players got into GM Games?

but we would have never gotten into the current situation. also dont forget that Overwatch had a Paywall and was abandoned for years and yet 5v5, dispite F2P, has rising Queuetimes and in some ranks its even worse then it ever was in 6v6.
Also DPS isn´t the most player role, its Support. hell I had times where Support had a estimated time of over 5 min while Tanks and DPS had sub 1 min, and it was in QP and during a Season/time without a new support.

The tanks themselves are fun to play, D.va probably has the most fun playstyle in the game for me. And yet, I never play tank, because the tank role just isn’t fun even while the heroes themselves really are, or should be. I’m not sure what they can do, but something has to change.


… what? Dude you are definitely triggered :rofl:
IDK what kind of frustrations you have with Devs and their decisions but its getting really really really really weird that you picked my comment, started making up lies, and the moment I called you out, you start taking the dishonest point of “oh, if you say Im lying, you are gaslighting me”.

Its amazing how you claim I said X, provided zero evidence and when I tell you to stop lying, you double down on the lie. Yeah :skull:

Oh yeah, whatever you say bud :wave:

Well that was what my comment was about all along so feel free to stop replying then :man_shrugging:

I literally just wrote it lol.

There are many reasons (again, said by Devs themselves) and Queue times are a bonus, but people just like to throw it out there like no analysis was made and people were running around in Blizz offices like headless chickens because DPS queues were 20 mins and someone pressed a Red button and suddenly 1 Tank was gone.

If thats what you think, live your dream bud :+1:

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Yessir! :saluting_face:

Tanking in this game is almost always the scapegoat for a loss, so nobody wants to play it.

If you start out on the wrong tank that gets countered, you’re almost guaranteed to lose first team fight and then get snowballed from there while the team is like “if only we had a tank” like what happened to me last night. Started out on D.va - so ofc they had a Zarya that rolled us, then we were never able to gain momentum.