7 months and still no Widowmaker bugfixes

This is ridiculous.

  • bug that literally makes her shots miss
  • bug that makes her enemies invisible when she peeks around a corner
  • map inconsistencies that prevent her from standing on expected spots, and allow her to stand on other, unexpected spots
    • inconsistencies in map design that prevent her from even standing on destructible railings on a map-to-map basis
  • a movement ability that has so many detrimental quirks to it, that pros literally have to aim at the ground for escapes in order to get maximum effectiveness out of it

And now people are coming out of the woodwork asking to nerf her because the top tenth of 1% are using her effectively in conditions that will never appear on the ladder.

“but she’s fine, she’s in OWL”

You mean, the professional league that doesn’t experience half of these bugs because they are played on LAN 120+ tick servers?

"but what about Sombra / Rein / (insert other character name here) "

Other heroes deserve bugfixes, but in terms of escalation… when her bugs were well documented and a Blizzard employee said they’d pass it along 7 months ago… and then Blizzard then later proceeds to bugfix and announce future bugfixes for everyone else but her, I’m a bit beyond whataboutisms.

Fix her.


What bugs? Never seen any bugs on widow before. She is probably one of the least buggy heroes in the game

Long reading with plenty of video examples.

7 months? That’s cute.

cries in Reinhardt

When Reinhardt had his first round of bugfixes, they were addressed within 1 months time, when the first video examples went public, and Reinhardt got buffs out of it for compensation.

And now you’re getting more bugfixes. Reinhardt just got confirmed in a private interview with Geoff Goodman, to get really big systemic changes to his Earthshatter and other bugs.

Good on you, congratulations… I’m happy for you. Now where’s that treatment for Widow?

Also, this is 7 months since her bugs were compiled into a buglist.

These bugs have existed since June 2016, and potentially even earlier in beta.

Servers aren’t perfect I doubt this have anything to do with her primary fire and more about the servers

No regs are also pretty common not only on widow

Widow’s no-regs are documentedly because of a specific camera recoil function.

They literally causes shots to miss, shots that your client recognized as a hit and even taunted you with a salmon colored “hit” particle effect before saying, “nope… that wasn’t actually a hit.”

Yeah which is server sided

The only way to fix these hits not registering is to have 120 tick rate servers which I doubt they will add

You mean the bugfixes that added more bugs? The constant fixes to Charge that made it worse? The buff to his attackspeed to band-aid the fact it STILL doesn’t register?

And yea, I am happy they are finally doing really something about it soon™.

Rein has been bugged since forever as well. Widow will see her time too, just gotta wait patiently, they know. I’ve learned with Rein they aren’t going to give any dates or say much about it at all, not even when they are a 99% sure.

Yeah yeah, a widow main complaining about Widow bugs.
We will put that thread next to the Rein main complaining about Rein bugs. The Doomfist main complaining about Doomfist bugs. The … the … the …

Why your main should be debugged quicker than others ?
Because it’s your main.
You wait, like all of us.


It’s not a server sided argumemt.

It’s a two part problem where;

  • the netcode does not support redundancy in bullet information
  • a post-processing camera effect, where the game physically steals control of your camera’s pitch-rotation and alters your aiming coordinates after you’ve fired a shot

It’s also something that Blizzard advertised months ago saying they hoped to roll out a fix the next patch, yet it’s STILL in the game.

Blizzard has set a precedent with Rein’s original charge bugs and Sombra’s original translocator bugs, by having a fast response time. Then even faster response times to Lucio’s wallride issues.

And then proper, transparent communication with a moderately decent response time with Doomfist, following a megathread.

Widow was the second hero to receive a megathread, yet she hasn’t received any of that treatment. She has an unnaturally long turnaround time, and a long legacy of inaction and inadequate communication from Blizzard, one that Jeff Kaplan himself has acknowledged as being a problem by literally globally ridiculing a Widow player for being frustrated with her balance (and then subsequently did nothing to improve that inadequate inaction/communication).

Multiple times, after the megathread was made public, players have reached out to get a status update on Widow. Myself included. Nothing. No response.

Furthermore, salt in the wound – Blizzard confirmed in writing in just the last week alone that Rein and Sombra are getting further passes, with Rein’s issues being confirmed to be completely systemic rewrites. Doomfist has gotten literally straight months of bugfixes.

There’s clearly a difference in how they treat their sub-communities.

Maybe because Blizzard has a documented history of shafting Widow mains.

  • singular day’s notice on nerfs
  • disagreement with scope mechanics and a refusal to compromise on something that exists in virtually all snipers in all games released before Overwatch
    • introducing a new sniper character that has the exact scope mechanic they just took away from Widow
  • incorrect PTR patch notes, on a sorely needed Widow buff
  • ridiculing Widow mains on a global stage
  • ridiculing a singular forum user who was a Widow main on a global stage because he was frustrated about the lack of communication and response times
    • apologizing in private to that forum user, telling them a reasonable status update, and then refusing to communicate that status update publicly nor transparently

The bugfixes squashed most of the bugs that were created as a result of changing Charge. Any bugs that that existed before Charge was modified in the first place, still remained, and were not created by Charge’s bugfixes.

Rein is literally my most played hero this season, and I regularly played him.

Whether or not there’s still a few bugs doesn’t change the fact that charge has been made more consistent in its behavior (and the bugs that exist come from newly added mechanics to the game, specifically Brig and Doomfist). It’s still, definitively, better. You can actually charge on staircases now.

Rein’s hitreg issues are much more gray area than Widow’s hitreg issues because it deals with kiting ranges which can often just be user-error.

Widow’s hitreg is obvious when it happens - a headshot suddenly turns into two misty bullet trails and double the recoil, and the highlight/POTG/killcam replay says they just overshot the head entirely.

Furthermore, if we’re talking about band-aids that don’t fix the problem, Widow’s 4 second grapple cooldown reduction still doesn’t change the fact that the hook will either gravitate to places you aren’t intentionally aiming at, or literally stop for no reason and let you plummet to your death.

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wIdOw dOEsnt nEEd fIxEs bEcAUsE shEs mEtA


7 months and still no widow nerf

Keep your opinions on balance to yourself. This is about bugfixes. If you want to talk about balance, make your own thread, don’t yuck up this one.


“Grappling hook is utter bullsh*t”

I don’t think I’ve said any sentence more often than this one in my entire time playing overwatch. I can’t even count how many times I died because hook did utterly weird things.


So basically this is the same age old debate all snipers have had in FPS games since the beginning of time?

“We want less lag and higher a tickrate”. Won’t happen. They’re not going to double their server costs for obscure cases where a Widows misses a headshot. Especially when the character is already performing extraordinary well in high ranked games.

It’s annoying. I get it. Nobody want to miss a kill due to server technicalities but that’s just reality. :confused:

Uh, no actually… you’re misunderstanding completely.

These issues do not happen in LAN conditions, because LAN is hardwired to a literal server box and (short of complete catastrophic computer failure) do not drop packets. So you never see or hear about it in OWL broadcasts. Viewers never catch wind of it, and pro players never worry about it or make a big deal out of it because they practice and compete on Blizzard provided LANs.

This has nothing to do with wanting better servers and less lag. If you bothered reading my posts, this clearly stated that this was a netcode issue, and how no singular mechanic in game has built in redundancies to make doubly sure that abilities fire when you press the button.

This isn’t complaining about missing shots, this is about the game not having the proper tech in place to make sure the shots hit. Furthermore, this is a complaint that the current tech in game, actually contributes to missed shots by literally altering your first person camera before confirming that a shot was fired serverside.

Laughs in Ana