Matchmaker is the culprit which they’ll never really fix.
That’s because there is no fix. If people still want faster queues, low ping. Plus even with everyone being the exact same mmr, games could be stomps or not based on what team comp they make. What map they are playing, someone having a bad game etc. The game can snowball quickly went 2 win fights in a row is often a checkpoint, sometimes even 1 fight.
I’m getting really tired of the “matchmaker bad” argument. If you had any tournament or scrim experience you’d realize that the matchmaker is actually pretty good most of the time.
You’re going to lose some games sometimes, even badly, even when you’re playing well, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad matchup. And you haven’t experienced a true beatdown until you face a team of all top 500s trying to win a spot in contenders with your plat/diamond team who’s just trying to get some experience in open division.
Well today I played 25 games, 9 wins and 16 losses. Not a great experience.
One lobby the MM makes you feel unbeatable and the next lobby you’re getting spawn camped. Just makes 0 sense how wild the quality of my matches are.
I’m getting tired of people defending a trash matchmaker using examples of non-normal play.
I used to regularly scrim a team where every time they beat us, it was utter domination, and every time we won, it was by the skin of our teeth. Yet they never won a single scrim night ever.
There were maps where they would spawn camp us. We never did that to them. Again, they never won a single scrim night.
Just because the matchup feels bad does not mean it’s a bad matchup.
Im solo, I dont scrim. The teams I face are random. When I win I stomp the enemy, when I lose I am getting stomped. This winning by the “skin of our teeth” maybe happens once every 15 games or so.
The person is saying, in scrims you can ABSOLUTELY see the MMR balance is the same on both teams, and you still get massive stomps.
I mean yes, the game is stompy in nature but should every game be a stomp?
Your point is?
I’ve also seen one-sided beatdowns switch sides with nothing but a map change. The no matter how good the matchmaker is, the human element will always cause way too much variance to make every match close.
the game is stompy in nature
Yes it very much is, fix that, and people will suddenly think the matchmaker is amazing.
The problem isn’t the matchmaker, it is just a different problem being attributed to it.
To say the problem isnt the MM is false when we see such high spread in competitive mode. They also admit that QP is very loose to bring Q times down.
That playing with a group is an entirely different OW experience compared to just playing solo.
Hero balance could definitely be better. Zarya definitely needs a damage nerf.
This is a nonsensical argument. I’m in an environment where I have complete control over matchmaking, and there are STILL one-sided matches and beatdowns happening regularly.
And you’re expecting Blizzard to do better in a solo-queue environment?
Dude you admitted that your wins playing against the same team is usually by the skin of your teeth and when you lose you get stomped. How is that indicative of a good matchmaker when playing solo? It just means the enemy team you choose to play against is simply better than you. Why are you not stomping that team otherwise?
OW by nature is stompy but OW2 is way worse than OW1 ever was. Match quality is lower now, theyd rather folks play more games regardless of quality just to keep them engaged.
Hard to say without a ranked mode where people take the matches seriously and people with wildly different ranks don’t queue together.
I will say though that the common sentiment at the beginning of ow2 was that snowballing fights and one-sided matches were more prevalent than before. I don’t feel like matches have been any more stompy in the current 6v6 mode. You might have been unlucky tbh.
I hope because 6v6 is still more fun but stomps were insane today.
They weren’t better. We won every single scrim night against them. Faced them many times and they came close a few nights but we won more maps.
Stomps are going to happen. There is literally no way to stop them.
But you see what I mean right?
If your wins are super tight and your losses are stomps, that means your opponents are better. Theres no way to stop stomps from happening.
No it does not mean that they were better, at all. If anything we were too good for them, since they could never pull out a tournament style win after many, many tries.
I have no idea what you’re even trying to say anymore.