What on earth are you guys doing?
You straight up massacred doomfist’s self sustain as a tank. Put him in DPS if you don’t know what to do with him in 6v6. Christ
What on earth are you guys doing?
You straight up massacred doomfist’s self sustain as a tank. Put him in DPS if you don’t know what to do with him in 6v6. Christ
the 8.5 second slam had me laughing
It’s actually so bad.
Can’t live at all, his damage sucks, and his slam cooldown change was something only hitler could come up with
He 100% should be back on DPS. I mean CCVenture is there so why not Doom. Their insistence on dmg and hp being the most important thing over the feel of the characters is wild.
He should be a DPS again
Thats how 6v6 works tho
You nerf individual tank self sustain because they have a 2nd tank to sustain them
Tanks rely on their 2nd tank to get anything done and survive. That is what 6v6 is
If you wanna dive on doom you gotta have a dva or zarya to enable you or you get punished and die. That is how tanks used to work before they could survive anything
They can’t have doom harassing the mercy kiriko skin buyers. What are you thinking?
Ya you have to play doom a bit more like a flanker and off angles dont front line him in this test
I was not laughing. I was mostly just crying.
Honestly I wouldnt mind doom being DPS again, but only if they also reverted a bunch of other hero reworks as well and gave back CC. Sombra needs her hack back, mccree needs his flashbang, mei needs freeze.
Doom feels broken when paired with hazard zarya. WHat is thias forumer take
Like what is he supposed to do lol
Doom is pretty weird in this mode. He either feels oppressive or is just feeding. I think it depends on dps focus.
brother, it’s been less than one day. updates will come.
doomfist can NOT stay a tank in 6vs6
This is how doom was before he got the ow2 skill floor raise.
Hard CC existing and their refusal to remove it is literally one of the biggest reasons why OW1 failed.
You don’t need hard CC back, for doom to be able to function as a DPS. Hard CC was overkill if anything.
Respectfully, I completely disagree. Plenty of hard CC existed in the game during nearly every phase of the game’s existence. The game was still immensely popular and thriving even when the game contained flashbang, mei freeze, doomfist, and 6 second hack on Sombra.
That isn’t a good thing!
Again… that isn’t a good thing!
We’re talking about 6v6 role queue. Tank players aren’t going to want to play getting stun spammed, because that isn’t fun.
There is zero reason to add hard CC back into the game. It’s sole purpose is to be an infuriating mechanic. The game doesn’t need it.
What all did they do for changes to him