68.6% OWL players on USA teams are korean

yeah and most cricket players come from countries where cricket is taken seriously, there’s no mystery about why

That person said they don’t necessarily agree with you. So it’s a party of a one.
Also I never said super racist bigots, you’re reading into things, I said being the opinion was being racist,

Which you apparently agree with.

I never said main either.

Except mixed rosters are a normal thing in the league. Seoul Inferno has had many white/Latinos and Koreans playing together. Korea and China are the two biggest Asian overwatch countries and play together on mixed rosters like the Hangzhou Spark. Shanghai, one of the most important cities in China, has had a full Korean main roster for a while. Their fans don’t care because they usually do great, they like to see their city winning OWL.

What? What are you talking about here? Also they have ethnic variation from other asian countries and regions but I’m guessing you won’t see that as diverse.

Only 68.6%? What a shame that percentage is off by 0.4%. We could have had a magic number for a far more sensational topic title.


Others in the thread do agree with me the op thought to bring it up. They didnt bring this up for no reason at all

I really dont have to prove anything to you, ive heard this before and it was brought up here again this time.

Its true, SK along with NK and Japan are the least racially diverse countries in the world(with large populations)

There are a few at the bottom of the list beating them but they dont have lots of people

h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_ranked_by_ethnic_and_cultural_diversity_level

Yeah again your complaint is you don’t like foreigners in your team because they’re foreign and to back this up you’ve said “I’m an American!” And for this you want to lower the bar for league’s talent level with forced representation on teams? This is just going to make every team in the league move to South Korea to soak in their talent and leave zero opportunity for NA and EU teams. I’d rather my team won with the best players from all over the world.
There’s not really a solution to this other than saying this is international sport. There’s no popular esports league that does race quotas.

Yeah, I know. Like I said I’ve been to each of these other than nk. What am I meant to be outraged over?

You know these places are less ethnically diverse than somewhere like the US because the modern US is entirely built on migrants/slaves? Or for Europe have created global ties through colonisation? Whereas Asia has only fairly recently stopped being exploited and become a prime location on the global market.
I’m not getting what your point here is. This is just history.

It’s because Korea doesn’t have a strong sports culture comapred to the USA. Competitive people trend towards Football, Basketball, etc in America, but there’s not much of a space for that in South Korea. As such, eSports fill the niche to some degree, and thus becomes a pretty large market for finding people to fill teams.

It’s like Hockey. There’s 4 Canadian teams and 28 American teams. Despite that split, 40% of hockey players are Canadian. Less than 30% are American, and the rest are Eastern Europe/Russia.

Teams want the best of the best, and when this much money is being thrown around… they’re not going to look at a players’ country of origin, they’re going to look at their skill at what they might bring to the team.

My wife commented about that when I was watching OWL back in the day. I just had to shrug and tell her “equal opportunity, but also language barrier.” It’s really all or nothing when comms are concerned.

How many American or European players do you see speaking Korean in OWL? Lol.
Plenty of Asians speaking English tho…

OWL is over soon, let 'em do whatever they want.

The whole “pick Koreans to win” thing died a few years ago. You have lower-tier teams like Eternal and Shock who are almost entirely Korean doing badly. It hasn’t been uncommon for teams who do poorly to pick up Korean players thinking that’s all they need, then they still suck because the issues go beyond the players, such as coaching or upper management just being terrible.

And sometimes picking up Koreans can be more trouble than it’s worth, because then you need to hope they can communicate with their non-Korean teammates in English, and you also need translators on the team if they can’t.

They would feel this way if the Seoul team were all Americans too. They would want Koreans to represent the city. I explained that 3-4 times now.

Not reading your posts about this anymore. I said what i said. If you still dont believe it im not going to go on and on and on about this forever

Ive heard people say they feel this way both on here and elsewhere including in this very thread that i didnt create

That’s not that unusual when it comes to professional sports teams. Take the latest stanley cup winners Vegas Golden Knights (Let’s goooooo). American team, 66.7% Canadian, 12.8% American. Professional sports team always tries to acquire the best players, and in the e-sports world the best players are predominately from South Korea.

As I’ve said 3-4 times now you’re wrong. Mixed rosters are a normal thing in the league. Seoul Inferno has had many white/Latinos and Koreans playing together. Korea and China are the two biggest Asian overwatch countries and should have more cultural issues playing together than with english speakers, and yet they do play together on mixed rosters like the Hangzhou Spark. Shanghai, one of the most important cities in China, has had a full Korean main roster for a while. Their fans don’t care because they usually do great, they like to see their city winning OWL.

You’re a minority in this issue. If you wanna watch global sports you gotta be prepared for the real world.

In South Korea the video game is a culture and a profession in all respects, and it is also one of the reasons why it has become a highly shared country in social networks around the world. Blizzard in particular made its fortune with StarCraft, a popular video game in South Korea. However, video gaming in the US and Europe has always been seen as a passion rather than a profession.

Now: all over the world is there a glittering passion for FPS? here is Overwatch! But blizzard did more: it treated this show in an extremely different way from the format proposed for StartCraft, it claimed… to be a kind of NBA of FPS e-sports. But this is not enough to change the mentality in Europe and the USA. Koreans continue to treat e-sports as a job opportunity, while Europe and the USA consider it too particular a hobby and dependent on visuals like a YT content creator. The Chinese population is even worse off: politics often hinders their participation with political obligations of what can be played, at what times or even companies that manage online connection agreements (see Netease with Blizzard).

The problem is not that there are too few non-Korean gamers… but that blizzard has been obsessed for too long with maintaining an e-sport on a game that had literally stopped developing THE GAME for its Players. if you treat your gamers badly, then there won’t be any more pro players willing to bet their passion on that franchise. And all over the world, if gaming is already “not a profession”… why should it be on a game that stopped updating at some point? so here is that many e-sport companies stop paying to participate in the entry fee to a show that is not so interesting as before. and of course, fewer and fewer non-Korean pro-players willing to base their careers on a game that doesn’t have the same media appeal as before, a video game that is made fun of because it’s called “2”.

You want to get the best person for the job, sure. S. Koreans have quite the e-sports track record and watching them in starcraft is just insane and next level play.

However, What blizz tried to do with OWL was to try to get some sort of local ‘home team’ vibe going and with most of the pro players being unable to even communicate with their ‘local’ fans, let alone be relateable, well…that idea was just going to go splat like a baby on prom night.

Blizz utterly failed with their forced e-sports. I mean, they probably made money so they think its a win but they set back the state of e-sports for a quick buck.

I dont think home vibe could last long if the home team got destroyed utterly and completely every season.

But yes, OWL has too big of an ambition and so far it has not worked out well for them.

Its a failing league that fans dont care about, and i told why in the US

I said if t were ALL Americans on the seoul team they would feel this way too. you are not even reading and responding to what i actually said. We are done here dude. I said if it were all of them! not a few over the years

Im blocking you now tbh, you dont even read and simply dont want to believe the truth.

Yah that is why i supported the Outlaws in season 1, bought a hat and everything (I don’t generally watch sports or people playing games so I was bound to stop watching anyway)

I mean it could be. I don’t watch sports but I live near cincinnati and Bangles fans are die hard even though the team was apparently horrid almost my entire life