68.6% OWL players on USA teams are korean

sounds like the people who complained sports had too many black people back in the day

Umm hello that is diversity in action and we should thank blizzard for being so representative of the world’s citizens

You’ve spent this entire thread moving the goalposts on your opinions when you get constantly proven wrong. I hope you’ve at least picked up some info about the world beyond NFL.
Still, I can’t believe you get to vote.

Here’s the question everyone should be asking themself:

Why are there such few koreans then on all the other non-USA based teams (excluding korea)
London Spitfire (0 koreans)
Guangzhou Charge (0 koreans)
Hangzhou Spark (0 koreans)
Vancouver Titan (2 koreans)
Toronto Defiant (2 koreans)

= 4/25 players
= 16% are korean
vs the 68% that make up the USA teams

Culture wise

In Korea it more profitable and respected to be an eSport player.

In the US it’s more profitable amd respected to be a streamer. At least with OWL.

it’s kinda hard to root for your city’s team when no one in the team even speaks your language.
But what the owl is missing are the stories, the iconic characters. Remember Big Boss Pine? the JJonak nerf? In n Out burger? Dragons being the underdogs? xqc and muma arguing? ameng slaying with hammond during goats?
people watch sports for this too.

what does current owl offer? players that just play the game, shake hand and walk away. there’s nothing to latch onto the teams besides colors