68.6% OWL players on USA teams are korean

Just going to turn my edit into its own post haha

This also touches on an issue with esports in general. Games typically don’t have the staying power as actual physical sports. Graphics become outdated, games stop getting updates eventually or updates change the game too drastically, etc. I love gaming but have issues getting interested in esports at all for some of these reasons. I think that issue is just compounded more if you’re a casual fan or someone completely new to watching a particular esport.

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Who cares, OWL sucks now. OW E-Sports were a lot better when it was grassroots anyways. It was always cool to see NA/EU go against the South Korean final boss (Lunatic Hai back in my day).

Yeah, South Korea always kicked their butts, but it was such good content watching two completely different playstyles/teamwork fight against each other.

You won’t get that spectator experience ever again. If you just optimize your team based on performance, then you will get mostly South Koreans in E-sports because they take e-sports seriously and even have anti-cheating legislation.

Final boss South Korea was so cool, maybe you can find a few lunatic-hai vs whatever grand finals vods somewhere on youtube. Ryujehong was my favourite player, World Cup 2016 and 2017 grand finals are great e-sports vods as well.

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EVO, the world championships for fighting games, is streaming this weekend.

There will be some Korean players. There always are.

But overall the genre is absolutely dominated by Japan and the US.

Special shoutouts to South America holding down KoF.


You keep talking on behalf of Americans without backing it up. There are many more Americans watching OWL, even now, than ones that hold this opinion of yours. I’m noticing a trend here where you’re justifying xenophobia by assuming everyone does it. That’s not true, maybe in the 18th century but now it’s pretty weird.
Also I’ve been to South Korea (and Japan and China) I didn’t experience any racism. Sure it exists in parts everywhere but most people aren’t as bad as you think.

You haven’t yet backed up a single thing you’ve said. Not about Koreans killing OWL, nor about all Americans being racist etc.

Seriously where’s my Hana Song.

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That still doesn’t make it ok.

There is a serious lack of representation. It’s always been there.

When OWL started I ( A british citizen ) supported philly fusion because “London” spitfire were all koreans. At least PF had some british talent which is why I went for that team.

I bought all their ingame skins and a team jersey to wear during their matches.

Now I couldn’t even tell you anyone that is in the OWL from any team.

Oh how times change.

You could just not watch grown men playing children’s game calling themselves “professionals”

It’s also the reason OWL was boring

See worldcup it’s exciting cause different regions have their own playstyle, see Saudi forcing pharmacy at top tier play they may not win the cup but exciting.

Compared.to all owl teams playing the same way.

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So you want me to prove that people feel this way lol? Its been brought up here and elsewhere before. I didnt even start this thread, someone else brought it up this time

You act like its means they are are super racist bigots when its not nearly that severe. Its having biased thoughts and feeling a disconnect about people that are different. Everyone does stuff like this and yes its minor racism

I never said it was the main reason the league is going down either, you read that into what i said and thats wrong. Its a real phenomenon and not as deep as you made it out to be here

If the Seoul team were all Americans there would be people there saying the same thing. Korea is among the least diverse places in the world with a ton of racism too. Wheres your outrage over that?

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Liberal company trying to virtue signal with their professional eSports league. Thorough shocked right about now …

Makes you wonder what?

Yes, this is artificial sport, not cybersport for sure. Glad it goes away.

It’s cause Korea is pro gaming country where government encourages being competitive in online games, e sport player is seen as an actual career there. So with all these supports it’s not hard to believe why they are so good at the games

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so you get to use the word dumb, yet when i call you dumb, for saying something dumb, dumb admins sabotage account? instant immediate contradiction. thereby proving that most account sabotage/silence are completely bogus af out of bitter bias and without any actual merit. has user base expanded since last invalid account sabotage? didn’t think so.

Using alt accounts to circumvent a ban is against the rules and will get you banned again every time. I said the concept was dumb too rather than calling someone that directly.

Your reading comprehension isnt as good as you think it is. There is a big difference in how we used it. You used it as a direct insult multiple times in multiple posts and dont see anything wrong with that :rofl:

No one got you banned but yourself for clearly breaking the rules over and over again. You may be a sociopath.

You will be banned for using alt accounts to break the rules and also for discussing a ban on the forums(also against the rules)

Your post history man, yikes. You should seek help, you really are a sociopath.

There are some korean players i like but next to none and its based on their personality. They rarely show excitement when they win.

Some do but its rare while us players pop off and its exciting.

That being said. I watch valiant only because they are the only full na roster.

Used to be paris and defiant as well but they brought in koreans. Stopped watching them immediately.

Theres a reason other leagues are more popular. Valorant for example has us rosters. Eu rosters, etc. As do multiple other esports.

This would drastically boost their numbers.

Its like us citizens who watch soccer just to cheer on the us even though they all hate soccer.

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Valorant has us rosters. Cloud 9. Us owned team. Us roster. It happens all the time. They have designated teams for many locations.

Spreading misinformation.

circumvent sabotage? see how dumb you are? regurgitating moronic stupidity. i get it. circumvent implies validity of account sabotage to begin with which is not the case. as proven. circumvent also would imply account sabotage reversal. smarten up. ignoramus. should you ever, i’ll read the remainder of your stupidity. but for now, enjoy your block. excessive ignoramus.

Nobody sabotaged you. You broke the rules and got yourself banned. I never made you say anything, you did it all on your own just like you did in this very post here. You really are that sociopath blaming others for your own mistakes