So...more legendary skins this year than any other year...?

Yeah but this is not a new content. They are just a recolors of already existing skins.


That is cool

But also one question, will this event replace all the other evens till ow2, and each time its up will we be able to play all the modes?

Zen looks okay, but I would hope they would add a darker version too. Like black and red.

I would like that for Mercy for sure.


So by “We weren’t just…” does that mean these recolors are included in that count? Because the normal amount of skins + recolors still does = more than ever, and that’s still pretty misleading.

Are we still getting “more than ever” even if these recolors aren’t counted?


Thanks for clarification, also what are gonna be the lootboxes during those remix events? how are people gonna get voice lines, sprays, emotes during those remix events?

As stated in the original post, it will be replacing in game events while we focus on the development of the OW2 PVP Beta. We’ll have custom brawl lists for each Anniversary Remix.


so i take it no competitive lucio ball this year? (since thats like specific to summer games and not anniversary)

Hot damn! It’s like a dream come true to not have to go through that

I am going to guess it is white :smirk:


Is there any link to see what skins they doing and how they look ?

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Thank you for the clarification, again. Maybe people will finally listen and stop spamming nonstop threads “wondering” about new content, when the devs have told them this multiple times already.

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They should function like normal Anniversary loot boxes, with the remixed Legendary skins added to the drop table.


Any chance we could at least have the possibility to buy past blizzcon skins again?
These limited-time event skins coming back doesn’t mean so much to those of us who sticked with the game and completed the challenges the first time they were around…


oaokay I get it now I guess? correct me if I’m wrong. so it’s anniversary event each time there is supposed to be a seasonal event, weekly challenge skins will be skins that were only available during a time limited event and the remix legendaries will be obtainable from lootboxes only.

Andy we need an Ashe and McCree OWL skin, take my money bruv


Skin recolors look nice. Looking forward to seeing what else got a fresh coat of paint in part 2 and 3.

The one thing they always get right is the feeling of disappointment, no surprises here


You all are very fortuanant to have amazing artists there at blizzard.

Food for thought:

Cosmetic skins for 1 dollar each or like 5,000 credits each. Thoughts?

If you asked 100 people in a shopping mall, at random times of the day, each at a random time " if you could borrow 1 dollar for a soda" and walked away. At the end of the day you would have 100 dollars.


I think it’s pretty wildly dishonest to say “You’ll be getting more skins this year than any other year” and then to include literal palette swaps of existing skins in the count.

Like, I’m fine with this, but I dislike that it’s being sold as “new content.”

Normally, we’d get 3 entirely new legendaries plus others. What we’re getting instead now is much less effort. Wish they’d just be honest about that instead of framing it like some big new content drop.


And do we get to buy old skins during this like the Anniversary event? Hope that hasn’t been answered already.