63% win rate on Pharah and not ranking up fast?

In any video game, if I told you I had a 63% win rate you’d expect I’d rank out of Silver pretty damn quickly.

But not in OW2.

Every game I get “< Expected” and less points, am I being punished for winning now?

Isn’t it supposed to be the opposite? If I’m winning a lot, rank me up.

How is a 63% win rate this much of a grind?

And a 60% WR on Bastion


h ttps://imgur.com/a/rJ19oDN

And keep in mind Pharah by far is my most played in comp.


I’ll update my winrate but now I’m at 64% on Pharah my most played, still a grind… still getting < Expected…


Stop dunking on the noobs so hard, they think you’re smurfing :joy:

All comp is a slog, though. They designed it to be.


I have a similar problem. I have an exact 70% win rate with my main. Last night, I started paying attention to my tier progress because something felt off. I got +12% for a win and -13% for a loss. Both expected. Me last night → :face_with_monocle:

I guess I’m ranking up, but it feels a bit slow. I see videos where GM players win and lose like 60%-80%. So WTF? Why is mine so low?


I don’t get it, it’s so annoying.

Imagine having a 62% win rate and being “hardstuck”



For me it’s quickplay, sitting at 67% WR (still increasing) on Ram on Raw 7-8hours of playtime, my matchup doesn’t change at all

So matchmaking is utterly broken in both system now, nice

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This is seriously insane.

How is this a problem in a supposedly competitive game?

Blizzard needs to fix this because otherwise ranked is pointless.

I have 62% win rate too!

(of course it’s only been 10 games but…)

They have said in the past that in OW1 it took about 50 games to get you to a rank where the matchmaker starts to feel more comfortable that you are where you belong.

Also, 62% is not really that high. You are winning 6 out of 10 games? I’m not sure why you expect to rank up quickly with that low of a win rate. If you put me in silver I would not be losing 4 out of 10 matches, I can tell you that much.

62% is a high win rate lmao.

If you’re ranked correctly you would be winning around 50% of your matches.


I unlocked Ram mid/end S9
Here is proof of my Ram, the last two screenshots are from today

Not really. In the past when I’ve been far off my rank, I win more like 80%. I mean, you lose almost half of your games. You expect them to shoot you up a rank?

Losing 4/10 matches is not like, “WHOA THIS PERSON IS WAY OFF THEIR RASNK!”

Not really why?

It’s enough to climb so I should be climbing.

It means you’re not at your right rank, like I said.

You can disagree but this is statistically correct.


70% winrate on Moira, ~20 games won, climbed only 2 divisions

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Unless you are a solid 2 elos better than your current rank then ranking up is going to be a slow slog that is team dependent. For instance I almost always place diamond since early OW original if I play enough games. I can still smoke through gold but then plat is a bit of a grind. Lately I haven’t cared enough to play enough matches to rank but if I go 6-4 then it’ll be a minute.

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Yeah idk, honestly it’s pretty wild, like I said if I had a 62% winrate in League or Valorant I wouldn’t still be silver lmao.

It’s insane.

You should be climbing, yes. And my guess is that you are climbing.

But no, losing almost half of your matches in silver does not make me think you should climb out really quickly.

This is probably why you even have a positive win rate. If I had to guess, when they put you into matches that you are expected to lose, you lose. You have to win those matches to prove that you belong in a higher rank. If they put you into an all gold match (which you would be expected to lose), you need to win that match.

Also if you do too well too early. Say you destroy silver and gold on a new account. The game might register you as more skill than even you actually are. So its grading you on a harsh curve. So when you do lose a match it hurts more. The more you play the more mmr will recognize your true rank but in the first 100 games or so its going to be guess work.

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It shouldn’t be this slow, if you think the grind should be this bad, that’s you but I don’t think so.

62% = “losing half your matches”

I understand now, you just don’t know how numbers work, makes sense.

That’s not what Expected means lmao. So you don’t know how numbers work and you don’t even know how the ranking system works.

Have a good day sir.


And I said almost half your matches.

I understand now, you just don’t know how words work, makes sense.

If you think winning 6/10 instead of 5/10 is some HUGE jump, well that’s fine, but it’s not.

wow so it really does come down to a grind, ugh.

It’s just really frustrating. Maybe I’ll just wait till we get the mmr reset next season.

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62 out of 100 vs 50 out of 100
That sounds very different