6 VS 6 was Peak ow

Either you agree or disagree with me. Still overwatch 6v6 was most of the reason people played ow because it was so unique and it was incredible fun and made Ow E-sports one of the most fun things to watch I’m
100% sure if the devs decide to go back 6v6 it wil prob bring back most of the player base and more new players.


Of course it was, because it was balanced. In 5v5 they’re still keeping 90% of the hero’s ability that wasn’t designed for 5v5. Not only that, but solo-tanking broke the tank balance too, which again was designed with 6v6 in mind.

No amount of stat changes will make Overwatch 1 tanks that was designed to be played in 6v6 playable in 5v5 without reworking them from the ground up. Tanks in Overwatch 1 was designed with synergy in mind and you can’t just force them to solo all of a sudden.

I think as time goes on 5v5 will start to become balanced and finally feel as good to play as 6v6. But it will take time, since it took Overwatch 1 three to four years to finally become balanced.

IIRC Seagull was saying that 2021 Overwatch was the best it has ever been balance-wise (therefore fun-wise as well): Overwatch: The BEST it’s ever been (seriously) (youtube.com)


Peak OW also didn’t have RQ….also didn’t have most of the heroes or maps…still had 2CP…was still pay up front with loot boxes

Just being accurate (and for the record…I’d be down)


I agree completely!

We gotta keep fighting the good fight. Hopefully 6v6 will return eventually. I’ll be very happy when it does.


I don’t think 6v6 needs to come back. They just need to make squishy heroes more tanky so that the game doesn’t get decided by whichever team’s tank dies first. Tanks will need to become brawlers like Junker Queen.

And we need to start reducing things that hard coutner tanks, like snipers (e.g. widows) that tanks can’t interact with. I mean yes there’s dive tank but some maps and team comps makes dive tanks a bad pick. Other things that needs to be toned down is hypermobility/get out free jail card abilities on tank buster heroes like tracer.

The game needs to become more like Brawl Stars basically. I think Venture serves a good role in 5v5 in helping to take away the attention away from tanks.

If there was a 6v6 mode - I would play that instead.


Same. I would never see 5v5 again.


Yep. Same. I miss 6v6 so bad :sob:


Blockquote Not only that, but solo-tanking broke the tank balance too, which again was designed with 6v6 in mind.

This a million times. I remember when I finally gave in and started OW2 I tried getting a friend who had never played OW into it and we kept having the same conversation.
Friend: Why can that character do that, that seems so overpowered
Me: Well you see when there were 2 tanks it made sense because…

And after saying that enough times it becomes clear that most of this game was designed with 2 tanks in mind. Yes, the game is slowly but surely correcting itself to make 5v5 feel more natural, but the fact that its taking this long is proof of how much really needs to be changed to accommodate the loss of a tank


Time I am nostalgic for was better

The part you’re forgetting is “with no 222 in mind…”

It’s hard to say if the game was designed for 1, 2, 3, 4+ tanks when there wasn’t a restriction on how many you could use

The game was not DESIGNED with a particular type of hero/role in mind…not when you could have any number of them….it was restricted to 6 players per side…which is VERY different

You can’t even say the current tanks are designed for 5v5

They’re designed/balanced around the idea of having only one…because it’s not the 5v5 part that changed them….its the “1”22 part that did it (which could’ve also occurred in 6v6 btw)

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This is just straight up gaslighting, and that’s not an exaggeration. People were saying they strongly preferred 6v6 when 5v5 was in beta and they could play both at the same time. You’re saying they were blinded by nostalgia for something they could just go and play?

I was dreading 5v5 since it was announced that 6v6 would be taken down, but was I blinded by nostalgia for the game I was actively playing? But no, you’re right. “New thing is new and therefore better, it is impossible for the older version to be better”. When OW2 came out and I instantly didn’t enjoy it NEARLY as much, that was me being nostalgic for… ah yes, the literal day before.


Let me go ahead and add that to my initial reply thanks

Yeah then the new hero releases just ruined the game like Sombra, sigma, souljorn maybe ana only new character I like is ball

While I prefer 6v6 I honestly don’t know if it would be a good idea at this point. Players constantly talk about how the devs can’t balance the game. What makes people think it’ll be any better?

For the record I’m all for a return to 6v6.

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Anniversary 2018 was the peak.
[NEW SEASONAL EVENT] Welcome to our Overwatch Anniversary! (youtube.com)

Are you Aaron Keller? You are the reason OW2 is so bad, lol


Well yeah. Technically they were at their best around launch or Ana release. Basically up until fortnight. But that’s not due to 6v6.

most people share this sentiment. its just blizzard is too proud to admit it


The only options here to fix tank is going back to 6v6 or making all the tanks play the same and remove what makes them special, but, the second option won’t fix the problems that are outside of the tank role so for that I’ll pick the first one.