6 nerfs on Mercy now

Don’t think this nerf is going to be the one that pushes Mercy out of top-tier.

The bigger issue is the continued treatment of the community’s feedback of rez-on-cooldown. Mercy is not going to get fixed until some form of Rez returns to Q.

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can you guys believe it? blizz reverted a buff

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“We’re trying to make Mercy’s healing more in-line with the other characters, but it’s still going to be better than say, Lucio’s or something”


She is literally a must pick right now because of her rez and pure healing output. As long as rez is an ability, she will be powerful. Ana has less impact than Mercy even though Mercy is 100 times easier than Ana. Ana has almost no self heal, no movement, has to hit shots but Mercy has HUGE self heal, HUGE movement, can just hold lmb to heal consistently, and has damage boost.

I will still play Mercy, even if they were to nerf her to 1hp/sec for healing. I like playing mercy, not lucio, not zenyatta, Mercy. Nerfing one character that I’ve consistently played since launch is not going to make me stop playing her, she is my favorite character. You could make Ana the most OP healer, I’ll still play mercy. I still think the nerfs are ridiculous, you can make other healers more viable without nerfing another, these small changes over time will make a big difference in the wrong direction. No one cares though. Instead of being mad their healer hasn’t been buffed, people are mad mercy is too popular, to powerful. That’s a pathetic and lame excuse, mercy is the only healer who cannot heal, and attack at the same time. She is an easy kill, yes she’s powerful, so kill her. Kill the mercy first, stop pumping bullets into the tank/dps and kill the mercy first. It’s crazy that we have to nerf a character because she does her job well. This game honestly as turned from a rush home to play every day since launch to a dread to see what the changes are. For every excitement there’s 5 disappointments. The same people who hate mercy are going to be the same people who are wondering why they aren’t being healed enough, fast enough. This may just be a small change today but as you can see from mercy’s nerfs in the past year, I’m sure it has not ended. We will see though, she will just get a cool skin to cover up any accusations that Jeff and the dev team just hate mercy and don’t know how work with her.

because she doesn’t have a weakness anymore.
and her utility is far too high.

strengths were in mercy 1.0
better single target healing
high mobility
heal beam goes thru walls for 1 second
damage boost

mercy 1.0 cons
-Guardian Angel landed you in front of teammates - (buffed) - blizzard added a bunny hopping feature that allows far more mobility that even tracer has a hard time chasing down

  • vulnerable before/while casting ult. (buffed) now she has full control in 3d space and increased movement speed. how many times in OWL has a mercy chased down a widow, it’s stupid really
  • only single target healer - (buffed) now has chain healing during ult
    -rez on Q- (buffed) and this is the biggest killer of all other supports not named zen. as soon as they moved it to an E ability it made every support not as useful.

keep her kit the way it is but only allow 2 rez during valk only. no more rez on E

Revert her and try again, it’s not difficult. Rework isn’t a success after 10 NERFS

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Pickrate doesn’t mean anything though, it just means the character is more popular thats literally all it means.

It’s funny, even after that many nerfs, she is still the best healer.

I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound like Ana at all.

Make my words, she won’t be worse then Ana anytime soon.

Nope my main was driven into the ground when the new meta came out. Now when I play Winston I am told I am throwing.

But a Mercy main wouldn’t understand what its like to play a non meta hero as she hasn’t not been meta in literally years. Even after all the nerfs she still been the best support by far.


You mad bro?People play her because of how consistent her healing is.(She doesn’t require aim)and has a lock on.People play her because of her simple 99% reliable kit.

The “amount of nerfs” mean literally nothing when mercy has been THE MOST PICKED HEALER FOR OVER A YEAR DESPITE ALL THE NERFS
She will still be the most picked healer due to her amazing mobility, amazing constant healing, amazing utility with rez and amazing survivability.

Obviously I’m mad bro. Also thank you for speaking for all people but I don’t fit into that category. I play her because I enjoy her, not for “easy wins, easy sr” I don’t even play her in comp. Some people, maybe, some people enjoy playing mercy, for mercy. Not to fluff their stats. So thank you for your useless response.

Not everyone is good at pc games i can confirm me being one of them it doesn’t mean i don’t like to play but mercy is a great character for me and I wouldn’t doubt that thats the same as others might feel as well. So her pickrate is because people also find her easy and fun to play especially if you have friends who’re better than you. So you cant justify nerfing her constantly just cuz people like to play her.

Then a nerf won’t hurt you.

Pro players don’t pick heroes they just happen to like playing all the time sweetie, they play what they need to win. Mercy was always picked by them for a reason and any other main healer wasn’t viable in comparison.


No, that’s not the reason for her pickrate. The reason for her pickrate is because she’s super duper good. The reason she’s the most picked healer in Overwatch league isn’t because they “find her fun” it’s because she’s the best healer by FAR.

Back with mercy had mass rez, she didn’t have this high of a pickrate cause she wasn’t as good and the other healers were better, but she still had an ABOVE AVERAGE pickrate because people like the character and find her fun. her pickrate at GM with mercy 1.0 was low, but now in GM it’s high because she is still SUPER GOOD

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i dont know anything about the pro leagues I am only speaking that i like to play her and i like her how she is.

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girl the pro leagues are always exploiting what’s crazily good in the game. you like to play her? ok. does the balance team care? clearly not because she’s over powered and their job isn’t to cater to what you’re biased towards it’s to balance the game.

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so you decide to make broad general statements based on personal experience and lack of understand of the high tier scene about the strongest healer in the game?