5v6 in OWL= pause or even a reset. MEEEEEEEEANWHILE

Give the team with leaver no sr loss/reduced and the other team 50% of the SR they would’ve gotten. Idk. This would be based off the current score. If they’re tied, both get a slight SR increase, but nothing worth abusing their system over.

Skill rating is not progression either. Progression implies that something is moving from point A to point B, that is not what a rating is.

Look I understand we all don’t like leavers, and especially those who leave deliberately to ruin the game for everyone else in that match (as my current discussion topic goes into great deal). But really, reactive solutions is not going to stop leavers and many reactive solutions tend to open the door for players to try and abuse the rules.

Isn’t that how it works now? The winning team gains less, whilst the losing team loses less. Could be wrong.

It’s actually kind of working like this again (and technically it shouldn’t be per the last known developer stance on the matter).

I don’t get why if there is a leaver, we can’t just severely punish the leaver and turn the rest of the match into a casual game.

The punishment will still deters leaving without ALSO punishing 5 innocent players.

A leaver shouldn’t impact my SR unless I’m the one doing the leaving :man_shrugging:t2:

Same answer for why a match is not canceled after the first minute, it is not fair for the team who didn’t have the leaver to have their time wasted at that point. If matches cancelled at any point players (despite no matter how severe the penalty is) then trolls would be incentivized to leave right when the opponents are about to win.


And it’s not fair for them to have an advantage over the team with a leaver… which is essentially a waste of the leaver’s team’s time…

So… can’t we just ban the trolls then?

You leave for any reason, you’re out for the season.

Good motto. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yes, but at that point the game applies the logic the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. The team without the leaver is 6 players. The team with the leaver is 5 or less.

Nope because all leaver penalties also apply to all disconnections and crashes… which can happen to any one of us any any time without warning. Furthermore, it is impossible for the game server to tell the difference between a legitimate malfunction and one that is forcefully created.

That is why the penalty only starts at 10 minutes but will quickly ramp up with repeated offenses.


How about a slight buff of some sort on a random player for the smaller team to help compensate for a leaver?

And, yeah, I guess I’m one for zero tolerance when it comes to leavers. I don’t care the excuse, I’ve got no sympathy for it. Lol.

It’s a noble and honest idea but the development team rejected it a long time ago as well. Catch up mechanics either are not powerful enough to make an impact or are too powerful to where it’s not fair for the team with the leaver.

Just remember you said this when you ever have a disconnection, power outage, or crash.

Again, no one knows more than I, the difficult balance to stopping leavers versus making sure innocent players have a second chance to return. It’s why I am a forum MVP to begin with.

I believe stopping deliberate trolls and deliberate leavers lies in resolving how players participate in Competitive play and finding ways to reduce the ease of using alternate accounts. But I have a separate topic for that.


See it isn’t necessarily a known issue…

I don’t think a minutes pause time is unreasonable. This would let people actually come back because as it stands, why would you… you take the loss no matter what so why bother =\

I would wager that 6 people in the match would be happy to take a brief pause to even the odds even if the other 6 didn’t.

What I mean is that if you drop once at random… STOP AND INVESTIGATE! If a player who is having a technical issue deliberately returns to Competitive without taking time to fix the issue, they are just as guilty as someone who leaves deliberately.

Right now the rules are a leaver has two minutes to return while the match is in progress (if after the first minute) and can avoid penalty. So there already is a window and a pause is not necessary.

How about the team with the leaver receives no penalties, but the other team gets the equivalent of Fast Passes to cash in for quicker queue times to compensate for their “wasted time”…?

Okay I am back on my computer (and not on my mobile) so I can give more indepth answers…

First off, remember that the development team does state that remaining players on a team with a leaver takes the loss in order to actually deter leaving. Here is the precise quote from Principal Designer Scott Mercer:

Now as far as getting player who are affected by leavers to get into a new match faster. Its not a bad idea, but you have to remember matchmaking is not like a line to a theme park ride. Not everyone is in the same line. The matchmaker has to make an effort to put two teams of the same average skill rating together and this means pulling players from very different skill ratings from each other (especially in really high ranks and really low ranks). It would not surprise me if the development team does do this at some point for those who have a Competitive Match canceled in the first minute for or a player who backfilled in a quick play match, but remember that it takes months if not years for their team to rework the matchmaker entirely. So don’t hold your breath for something like that to happen.

I am going to get back to work on a custom game I am building in the Workshop. Again, I understand everyone’s frustrations, and yes I do believe more can be done to stop leavers. Unfortunately aside from possibly changing the suspension time to a “low-priority queue system” (like how League of Legends does their leaver penalties), I don’t think there are many reactive solutions to stop and discourage leavers (especially deliberate leavers).

I much rather see an overhaul to Competitive to where players can progress and feel like they are moving up with thresholds where they can’t fall down once reached which can help filter out deliberate leavers and trolls. Similar to the Beta Competitive Play system. Again I have a huge topic that has been going on for many nights where I touch on that in greater detail.


Just stinks that it’s a lesser evil solution to punish a few for the good of the many. But it is what it is. Thanks for your answers and service to the community, brother! I’ll check out your other topics, yo.

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It will be up to the Overwatch Development Team to really deliver a solution. Please keep posting the feedback, I may step in and provide insight, but I do so to keep the community brainstorming better ideas and hopefully we will see some of these make their way into the game. Cheers! (^^)v


If you’re repeatedly dropping in an out of the same match sure. But random power surges, Windows being crap, etcetcetc.

So they receive full benefits of a win?

Also the team with leaver still has the disadvantage. So pause is necessary.

Appreciate it! And I totally forgot all about the Beta Competitive system. Never losing a promotion down to the next tier felt great. I agree, an overhaul incorporating that feature would be nice to have. I honestly miss it now that you’ve reminded me of it. I hope the devs haven’t forgotten about it. Lol. Cheers :beers:

(Ps - Do me a favor… if you’re ever able to bend the Devs’ ears, ask about OWL Grey Skins, please? Maybe see about getting them added to the in-game store… or some kind of OWL lootboxes. :wink:)

Do you think adding bots to take over the leaver would be the best solution? Of course it probably won’t swap heroes unless someone commands it. What’s your take on that?

Because often people ragequit when they get stomped. Why should i get less SR? Most matches in lower ranks are absolutly onesided.

There are people who have like 10 accs or so. Even if you just have 3-4 you can groupe up with someone you want to boost and every time you lose the booster leaves the match and switches acc while the one who gets boosted loses much less SR.

OW is actually really unfair in general but it doesn’t mean you have to make it even worse. You shouldn’t lose like 100SR+ just because your game crashs one time … these thing can happen to everyone. Losing 50SR is enough and ban time increases if you have multiple dcs.