5v6 in OWL= pause or even a reset. MEEEEEEEEANWHILE

So you want people to be forced to yank their internet cable instead of just quitting? Because it will change nothing. In the end you can’t differentiate between an intentional or unintended disconnect, so intentional and unintended leaves count the same.


Yes you can and yes, i want to force people to kill their connection. Why? Because it takes effort most wont do, those that know how anyway. Id wager a significant number of players don’t even know how.

Beside the point tho. There is no good reason to not have backfill.

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It is not possible to truly tell the difference between the legitimate disconnection and those who unplug their router.

Backfill is also something that is not likely to happen for competitive play, this is to ensure that the original pairing is fair for both teams. If a backfill came in and carried the team that had the leaver, especially if the other team was winning throughout the whole match, it would be unfair for the team that did not have to leaver.


Multiple people in this thread and others have pointed out that there are countless reasons to not have backfill in competitive.

And Blizzard is not going to waste effort coding in a even higher penalty for players who leave through the menu vs those who pull their internet.

If everyone in the thread disagrees with you, you may not have made a valid point.

Yes there is. Track the sockets timeouts on the servers and track the menu clicks on the client. Done.

If a player has rare socket timeouts, its probably just internet weather. If a player has a high number of socket timeouts its on purpose or a fixable networking issue, either way they shouldn’t be playing comp so ban them.

If you cant track menu clicks whilst also having a giant red warning screen then you have some busch league coders on staff.

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Not everyone disagrees. You don’t account for everyone.

I’m fine with the backfiller losing SR but you’d need to adjust the SR loss based on percentage time of the game.

yeah bro I’m sure you’d be saying this if you back filled into a team that just got rolled on A.

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No. No there isn’t. EVERYONE disagrees with you on this, because you are factually incorrect. Muting the thread because you are both bullheaded and wrong. I suggest reading a book.


Unfortunately they penalize every single time it happens, this is to ensure that those who do have a technical malfunction are encouraged to not continue to play competitive play. sorry but this is the way it works and it does help ensure that we have less leavers in more games of Overwatch.

As one of the forum MVPs, I see this argument quite often. And right now more players want more penalties and stop players from leaving games. Remember each time a player leaves, it affects 11 other players in that match.


Yes there is, if you knew anything about networking you’d laugh at the insinuation that it cant be done.

Give people a full days ban if they leave in the middle of a match.


In competitive, I wouldn’t mind seeing the game go into a pause limited to 1 minute the first time a player disconnects per team - so max 2 minutes of pause time. Under such a system I would also like to see the DC’ed player return to where they were when they disconnected instead of in the spawn room with no ultimate. After that minute, the game should resume but the DC’ed player should still be able to rejoin.

I would also like to see competitive get a ready check that pops up right before putting you into a competitive game so that players who alt tabed and missed the queue popping won’t cause the game to start and cancel out. That will hopefully make those matches where you roll the first fight only for the match to cancel much more rare.

that’s how they supposed to feel, they should feel ripped off, all of the players in that game, should feel ripped off if someone ruins the game of BOTH PARTIES. What you said basically meanS "Having a leaver in your team is your fault, not the enemy team and you should be responsible for that, that you are unlucky and it’s your fault to be unlucky. this is pure BS.

  1. Why would it be unfair to the winning team? They won an easy 5v6 match what is already unfair.
  2. Just how would you abuse this? Someone leaving your group means hes banned for the day and you still lose points for the defeat.
  3. Welcome to real life, even the current system is unfair towards DC’s.

If you cant lose points but can still gain some people would keep that box ticked in.

Also this means you get into matches faster because the system now puts you into running matches.

If they do so multiple times then sure. If not I don’t think giving 'em a ban instantly is a good idea.

There are multiple great ways to create backfill systems.

The easiest would be where you get put in a group, you cant lose SR but can only gain like 10 at max when you win.

Since its a backfill system it decreases all the quene times for the players who use it.

Fairness is a moot argument in this because winning against an 5/6 team is already unfair soo the other team has no right to complain that their opponent got a backfill.

SR inflation is no argument again when you can only win minuscule amounts, it would take a whole year of constant backfilling to get to a point where someone actually goes from silver to gold with the help of backfilling.

If you implement harsh enough punishments to the leavers (whatever their reason is) you can also make sure that the backfilling option is limited because there are less teams to refill.

Your leaver is now replaced with a roadhog AI. The enemy team charges SO many ults off this bot.

Skill rating isn’t currency, but it shows progression. Progression taken away due to rage quitters doesn’t help motivate players to keep playing when they’re still stuck with the same pattern.

No playing with a premade and friends won’t solve that solution either.

That’s what they need to do. It may not be the best option, but it still helps out.

I can’t stand backfilling in casual modes. If I sat in a DPS queue for 10 minutes and backfilled into a comp and and instantly lost I would delete this game.