5v6 in OWL= pause or even a reset. MEEEEEEEEANWHILE

Yes if they wi

Right now the “offical” bots are limited to a handful of heroes and they feed like crazy, it would be more of a benefit to the opponents if anything.

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When did this happen? I always thought it was made that if you leave you lose 50 SR no matter what.

Regardless, it still should provide a grace period pause to ensure that the match is fair.

I’d like to do it otherwise.

First of all, remove the ability for players to “leave game” while in competitive. The only way you’re getting out of a game is by a disconnect, going AFK, ALT-F4, or going into task manager to kill the program.

If a member of team A leaves, then the game is paused for 30 seconds and someone else of team B with the exact same role can leave as well. The game offers this to one person with that role first, who can decline, after which it is offered to the other player of that role.
The permitted leaver will get 15-20 competitive points, no SR adjustment, and perhaps queue priority if they decide to requeue in competitive. Them leaving doesn’t result in any negative consequences for them.
If someone accepts the offer to leave to make the game fair, they will be kicked after the 30 second pause. Unless the first leaver rejoins in those 30 seconds, then the game just continues as normal as a 6v6.

If they both decline, then the SR loss of the disadvantaged team will be reduced in case of a loss, but it will be increased if they win. The opposite happens for the team with the advantage: SR gain is reduced in case of a win, but SR loss is increased in case of a loss.

So, ideally, the game continues as a 5v5 with the exact same roles, making it balanced. The first leaver can rejoin in the 30 seconds pause, but if they fail to do so they should just get a standard 5-10 minute ban from playing any gamemode as well as the usual 50 SR loss. And some form of “leaverbuster warning”; warning the player that leaving is not anywhere near okay if done intentionally, and if it is unintentional, then they need to fix their connection.

Should anyone else leave afterwards during the 5v5, the same happens, but the competitive point rewards will be reduced each time. If, for some reason, there are 3 people or less on the team(s), then the game will just become an automatic draw and nobody will win or lose SR.

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Kinda tired of this wornout excuse. There are any numbers of ways to implement leaver mitigation, and the answer is simply that they won’t because they just say “well we don’t know if they really left or not”.

Yes that’s very fair. OWL is played in a controlled environment. The real game isn’t. Trust me, you don’t want it to be different because people will abuse a different system and the next thing you know, we’ll all be having constant pauzes in our competitive games.


So it’s bad thing that they’re upset they didn’t get their free win with no effort?
Sounds a bit sketchy to me

If they’re mad they didn’t get a win handed to them on a silver platter, free of charge, then they deserve to lose

And does that make it somehow fair for the other team?

You are fighting less enemies in general so by basic math you should get less SR for it.

And what would they actually gain? As i said upper numerous times both teams gain/lose low points for them.

Do you actually think that some people are that desperate ingame that they would use their friends 10 account up to gain like 50 SR total?

It was never enough and you yourself has said it upper that people still ragequit. Ragequitting and just leaving the match in general should be handled as worse as you can.

Maybe not ban from the whole game, just ban from ranked but it needs to be harsh enough that people think twice on hitting that escape.

Most of the time leavers have no impact on the game … i actually wrote down wins and losses and dc’s and throws and so on for a while. And again … why do you want to punish winners for something they have no fault at?

You can buy people to boost your acc … looks like there is some sort of demand for it … don’t make it easier for them. Just take someone who boosts and has really good aim and someone who gets boosted who picks a pocket mercy for him. It’s already really easy to boost with that comp.

And how will you prove i ragequitted and didn’t just have dc? Spyware on my pc? And no one should get this insane punishment for 1 or 2 dcs.

No matter how you look at it playing 5v6 is not fair, just one leaver is enough to put a team at disadvantage by default it doesnt matter how good they were.

You are actually arguing the a team shouldnt be punished over something they have no fault at but that argument stands for the team who lost a member too.

If you read my post there you would realize that im talking about 5SR gain/loss per match in our case. Just one lost match will get you back to the starting point and you had the soo called secondary teammate lose 10 account for the day for such meager gains.

Everybody should be punished equally. I dont give a D about if you ragequit, got crashed, lost electricity or died there. You shouldnt play when you cant make sure that you cant finish a match its equal to sabotaging your teammates effort.

No matter how the DC’s must be handled the same way as someone quitting and shall be punished harshly because otherwise we are in the current situation where everybody just quits leaving their team in disadvantage.

It does not matter! It’s not fair to have teammates who can’t do the most basic **** like grouping up and think it’s a great time to ult after the rest of their team just died …. I don’t wanna lose SR because of them too.

5 SR doesn’t sound much, but it adds up over time and it takes a while to get 4-5 accs banned.

Everybody gets punished equally right now. And there is a huge difference if someone ragequits or if the game crashs … it’s like saying someone who actively throws a match is the same as someone who just has a bad game.

This might be shocking, but most of the time someone has dc he isn’t doing that on purpose. I had dc once because my entire neighborhood had a balckout.

A real solution would be that if some one left mid round on King of the hill. When the round ends the team that lost a player would get a new one on before the next one starts. For payload the game should pause at check point and restart after getting a new player

What an hypocrite to be honest as usually.

Talking about “Unnecessary inflation” when the game is infested by smurfs with level 25 accounts on Master/GM. And Blizzard haven’t do anything to prevent it like asking SMS Verification code when a new account wants to register for competitive mode.

And you can even make it incentive based. Filling in for a team that’s down and win? Double st gain lose only minus 10 let’s say.

Its always been like this, I have had some opportunities to verify this when I had have a very minor issue (like trying to get voice chat to work I would quickly close the client and log back on during the mid-round).

As you pointed out there are other ways to shut down the game client forcefully, so why remove it? At that point it is more important that Blizzard can at least know when they do deliberately leave the game by clicking the button. No, they won’t change the level of the penalty when they do versus that of a crash/disconnection but they can at least get key information to determine how bad deliberate leavers really are in the game.

This sounds EXTREMELY annoying and unecessary, remember its not the other team’s fault the first team had a leaver. I also know from the post history from the old forums players DO NOT like it when a leaver on the opponent team affects their ability to win or gain SR. Ideas where its trying to compensate for the team with the leaver by harming the experience for the team without really is more harmful than helpful.

So you think a player who disconnects only once in weeks of play deserves a season ban? Please think about times you have had a disconnect or power outage and it affected you.


Think of this situation, Team A quickly wins a starting round on King’s Row with a 10 to 1 kill ratio and a 4:30 minute time back, Team B has a damage player rage quits, Team B gets a backfill and he picks say Doomfist then overwhelms Team A despite any effort to counter the Doomfist and now Team B has a time bank of 4:45. Team A wastes the entire 4:30 time bank trying to get point A and fails, Team B again using the Backfill Doomfist gets Point A in the first teamfight and wins. That would feel awful considering the state of the game was significantly different back then.

In quick play, a situation like this happens to me a lot. I like to play Pharah, and one time I was outplaying two hitscan heroes easily, they both ragequit along with a tank player and backfills come in. The backfill tank picks a D,Va which begins to focus me and I was forced to switch off of Pharah. It was a close game, but I still lost it because the backfills stepped up. Now this was quick play so its all for fun, but it felt pretty bad that I was doing so good that the game brought in players who could stop me in that same match.

Remember that Overwatch is a video game played by players of all ages, Phone Verification is not a very effective solution as it would impact too many players who really don’t have phones. Its noble idea and its a more proactive solution, but I don’t think it would benefit our community too well. Not without offering an unranked mode for all players.

Once again everyone…

Reactive actions to compensate or heavily punish for a leaver really are not effective. I still want to see changes that makes the game more engaging for all players with stronger progression in Competitive.

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Actually it seems like the time limit is within one minute.

This provides the perfect pause window so that they don’t negatively impact the game for their team mates and rejoin the match (though it seems like they’ll have to respawn as the game doesn’t behave like Dota in the way chars remain even if the player controlling them leaves).

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I think the portion for that support article for Overwatch is outdated. The return window was only one minute back during season one and I think the early part of season two. However it has been confirmed it has been extended since.

I’ll check with my CS contacts and see if they can verify the accuracy of the support article. This is something I don’t exactly test in competitive play Unless I’m already dealing with a technical issue, so I won’t be able to for sure verify it myself probably anytime soon.

Once again though pauses really just aren’t that great of an idea. A high majority of technical issues really do take more than 2 minutes to even have a chance to be resolved. So a pause for only one minute, is merely delaying the inevitable.

It’s actually pretty hard finding info on this stuff…

Another dev post I found may indicate this, but it’s more of an inference…


Yeh I’m not exactly keen to leave/rejoin matches and it’s pretty hard to get an accurate idea of the situation as when a disconnect happens you’re not exactly checking times and pre/post match SR for a couple games.

If it’s a significant issue sure. It’ll take longer than a match to work out but for a power surge, brief blackouts, crash, Windows 10 screwing something up a couple minutes is enough to restart Battlenet/Overwatch (I’ve got an NVME thing so I can do a full restart in that time).

I dunno about “high majority”… most leavers I see end up coming back pretty quickly and for the occasional >2min it’s pretty rare they come back (also everyone will have probably left anyways). A pause during that short time would go a long to encouraging people to hurry back as the impact of their disconnect would be drastically minimised. In fast modes like 2 CP that 5v6 has basically lost them them a point if on defence.

Also if we’re talking about who would and wouldn’t want it, I’d wager that at least half the players in that game would be more than happy with a brief pause and not be immediately screwed over and after the 1 or 2 minute period is up the game is probably over due to people leaving anyways.

If we’re talking about players leaving on purpose, outside of a backfill comp queue there’s not really any solution. Bots are worse than 5v6 and any sort of redistribution of power that people come up with would be impossible to balance for certain breakpoints (ie amp damaged widow/discorded targets). Harsher penalties probably aren’t the answer either as there’s already a huge problem with alt accounts trashing their way through the ranks or screwing about with their friends.
What needs to happen is to have one account per person but doing this is… hard… Theres also zero incentive for Blizzard to do this, but I can still dream :sleeping:

Because they know that in the OWL, the players will come back and play to win.

On live, there is absolutely no guarantee of anything. Should a match get delayed or cancelled, it’d be an easy way for the losing side to just abuse their way out of a loss.

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This is just silly. The few times that I have left is because the client crashed. It takes my machine about 15 seconds to clean up and reload the game.

Dota2 has a pause for when somebody leaves and gives the option for people to vote to continue if they believe the leaver is not coming back. It works really well. But I guess Blizzard still hasn’t learned from Dota’s success…

This also helps solve the problem of how to punish leavers. Right now if somebody “leaves”, it is hard to tell if the client just crashed or if they legit rage quit. With the pause, it gives some form of affirmative defense for the leaver if they can return before the pause to show that it wasn’t intentional. It also gives blizzard a more sure (not perfect, but better) way of punishing those who don’t return. If you don’t return within the time window then you get a day long ban or worse.

Well yeah I see where you are coming from with that but in all honesty I think everyone wins in this scenario. A team that’s down gets a player back and who know if the MM will give them a. Good or bad one. And the other team doesn’t suffer anything but a loss of it doesn’t work out. If a backfill comes in and leads a team to victory I feel like that individual
Should be rewarded