5v6 in OWL= pause or even a reset. MEEEEEEEEANWHILE

you would queue into a game that is an automatic loss? are you suggesting you’re the exception or the rule?

I guess so because 5v6 is not an instant loss, yes it is harder to win but still quite possible and giving up in a 5v6 is the inly way to get a 100% loss

ah … you’re one of those snowflakes that will stay in game even after 3 people have left trying your best while wasting people’s time because it doesn’t matter to you.

people like you should stay out of comp modes.

If snowflakes are people that try even when chips are down instead of leaving a game becauseyou might lose then yes i am a snowflake


snowflakes don’t understand economically using their time, nor do they understand that they’re not all that special which leads them to waste other’s time.

there is no good reason to not have backfill. you being an obtuse snowflake doesn’t change that fact.

I love how people are now blaming the people actually playing the game and not the leavers, we are playing the match trying to have fun, since that is the whole point if a videogames existence to have fun and pass time but no we are in the wrong because we are not leaving a match


I think pausing games for 1-2 minutes due to leavers would be fine in competitive. I’d rather wait than have a ruined match.

At least for people disconnecting a match at the beginning of a game, they could put the rest of the players at the front of the queue and just do a whole 'nother re-matchmaking. And if you think that can be abused, the system is already abused with alt accounts.

That’s one of a number of issues with Competitive Play.

Personally I’d make it so the match became ‘suspended’ temporarily, while either waiting for the player to possibly return or while waiting to find another to backfill. If after two to three minutes there’s been no success in either attempt then resume the match. The matchmaker could also look at whether the person was in a group when they abandoned a match, therefore still reducing MMR/SR from those who were grouped with that player while those who weren’t ever grouped with that player get a reduced or neglible punishment as it wasn’t necessarily their fault (unless they somehow encouraged that player to leave for their own sake, but such scenarios I imagine would be rare anyway).

The person who left should get a harsher penalty (e.g. more SR/MMR lost) than those who were grouped up with that player, for example twice the amount or SR/MMR than usual. The players who grouped up (if any) with that player will lose the usual amount of SR/MMR. Those who weren’t grouped up with that player will lose less than the usual amount of SR/MMR. That’s on the assumption that the match was lost for the team who lost one or more players.

If a player is backfilled then their SR/MMR gain/loss should also be based on the time they participated in the match. For example, if they joined half way through the match then it should be approximately 50% of what they’d typically gain or lose.

Furthermore only one suspension can occur in a match for each team, to prevent possible abuse of suspending the match too often?

For a scenario where one or more players disconnect at the beginning of a match, therefore cancelling it, those who remained should get put back in the queue with a ‘high priority’ status (front of the line).

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They did that? The heck did overwatch become?
American football? Lol

Give people the option to backfill ranked matches … if you win the match you filled you get regular SR, but if you lose you don’t lose any SR.

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The winning team takes a low amount of wins, the losing team loses low amount of points and the leaver is banned for the day and loses all the point the whole team would have lost.

This is pretty harsh but honestly the only other way would be adding a bot to the team who lost a player or introducing a backfiller system where you cant lose points but still can gain some.

  • it’s not fair towards the winning team … it’s not their fault someone has dc or ragequits
  • easy to abuse to rank up in groupes
  • unfair for people who have a very rare DC
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I agree let us tick s box if we happy to back fill… It’s not fair on losing team either.
Backfill should be an option in comp people opt into if they on with.
I would be happy for a match to be paused for 2-3 min if my team or other team had fair match.

You should just do comp for the gold weapons. SR isn’t worth the time spent on it.

Who the hell will want to backfill?

Nobody is going to feel shortchanged because a backfill was good enough to carry. If normal matchmaking rules applied to the backfill, that person could just as easily have been in the match anyway. And even if someone did feel that way, surely it’s better to wonder how much of an impact the backfill had on the result than to wholeheartedly know that the leaver lost their team the match.

It wouldn’t disrupt MM nor would it cause “unnecessary inflation”. Backfilling would account for a very small proportion of players across competitive. I’d count any (small) “inflation” as a valid and appropriate price to pay to offset the disappointment and frustration that playing <6v6 incurs.

IMO the only real problem with making a fair backfill system work is balancing the window for the leaver to rejoin with the time a game of comp takes. Some do make it back.

As for who would want to backfill, I think the sting would be dampened from the player knowing that they won’t lose SR but could gain it.


They could offer incentive if you back fill. Less SR lost if lose. free loot box. Yes some won’t care but some will be willing to do it.

In wow I was glad as a backfill in a dungeon as often was over fast.

They would need incentives around Sr loss or gains tho or not worth risk.

I’m sorry, and I’ll quote and screenshot this for later, but I’ve had at least two instances where I was on a group, everyone joined the match while one of the teammates was sent back to the main menu with an “Error starting game, trying again”, with the “Play” button retitled as “Rejoin Match”, and clicking it doing nothing. The teammate was still grouped, but they never connected to the match, resulting on the match’s cancellation, and penalty to the teammate, requiring them to restart the game so they could access the “Play” menu. So no. Not even when the errors you specified happen Blizzard takes the blame.

EDIT: Also:


Also, i call hella BS that you can’t tell the difference between a person hitting escape, and then selecting leave game or exit to desktop and then further clicking exit after the big red warning … and a disconnection.

Seriously what kind of terrible coders cant detect a player manually leaving vs a connection problem. Just a terrible excuse.

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