40 million players? are you sure blizzard?

Is this based on how many copies of the game they have sold, or accounts made? How did they come across such a figure?

They say that because “40 million accounts” - despite being more accurate - sounds really fishy.


40 million accounts…

and 20 million of it is smurf


And only ~1 million active players.

Probably way less.


Oh boi, this thread is going to be full of literally nothing but speculation.


I’m willing to bet most smurf accounts are around 1/128 out of 40,000,000 estimated accounts announced by Blizzard. Since there have been multiple sales to this game since this year so far

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Don’t be so negative, only 90% of them are alt accounts!


40 million accounts but it takes me 2+ minutes to find a QP in Southern California at an average rank. :face_with_monocle::thinking:


The matchmaking is is making sure you are getting into balanced match :^)


True, you have to balance the stomps on both sides.


90% sure its 40 million accounts that bought overwatch

This doesn’t include how many are actually playing, how many have quit, or how many of them are just multiple accounts.


40 million accounts world wide
4 regions to play = 10 million accounts
3 platforms per region = 3.33 million accounts
5~ servers per region (Overwatch Forums) = 666,000 accounts
3~ timezones per region =222,000 accounts
(speculation time) 20% alt/smurf accounts = 176,600 accounts

Gold is the average rank, right? And QP matches similarly with comp rank, as far as we know. 59,000 accounts
59,000 accounts of the West Coast of the United States; .1% of the population of the West Coast.
Assuming most OW players have work or class or are just generally busy during the day, and OW tries to match people to be fairly close together to cut down on Lag, waiting a minute or two isn’t that bad. Now if it were consistent 5 minute waits or longer for someone in gold, then there’d be a problem


Thanks for that!

20 20

so 1 person has 40 accounts?

no but you can have 24 players playing one hour a day and only have 1 person active at a time

they are probally also counting all the accounts that get made for free weekends that never get activated

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Where is this 40mil number coming from? Have Blizzard officially posted this somewhere recently?

Actually it’s around 4,500,000 monthly played accs

Supposedly all this and they still cheap out on servers. Oh, I’m sorry if I don’t live in Irvine or Chicago.

25 million*

I own 3 accounts, but only really play on my main.

Then you have streamers and YT figures that have 5 or more.

And factoring in how many players stopped playing, out of my firends list of 3 pages, only 6 still play.