40 million players? are you sure blizzard?

I’d say that a very conservative answer for active players would be around 6 million different people a month.

That sounds right actually. Did you get this data from anywhere?

This kinda reminds of the a smoker who had black lungs and said “Smoking is healthy because I didn’t get cancer yet!”

It’s an industry standard metric.

It’s their monthly active user count divided by 30. So take the number of players you get per day over the course of a month, and divide by 30.

If you play every single day on one account, you will count as one player after dividing the monthly active users by 30.

If you play every other day on one account, you will count as one half player.

If you play every day on a new acount, you will count as one full player.

You’re just guessing, aren’t you?

i guess you will like this topic:

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They probably just asked some kid “what number sounds impressive to you”?

It’s criminal that that hasn’t gotten a blue heart yet.

that 8% in bronze are complete trolls

50% of that 8% is actually GM.


They count every account which ever logged OW even for 1 second with no games played. Including the accounts from free weekends. Of course the number is completely ridiculous if you think of it as “real active” accounts.

They take the biggest number they can achieve without directly lying so the game looks as alive as possible to bait new players to buy it. But in reality game has less than 2M players who play at least 1 game in every week (my definition of “Active player”).

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… but that in itself is speculation SPECCEPTION!


if you like you can google MAUs (monthly active players)

blizzard has published some numbers … it looks very bad considering they sold over 40mio accounts if you ask me.

fe here is one report: Is This Activision Blizzard’s Biggest Weakness? | The Motley Fool

blizzard has IN TOTAL Blizzard 37 mio MAUs the last time they published numbers

The most concerning trend is within the Blizzard segment (the maker of Overwatch ), which saw MAUs decline by 9 million over the past year to 37 million in the second quarter. Management attributed Blizzard’s MAU decline to player losses in Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch .

they also defined MAUs in the original report… i think it was something like “account played 3 hours per month”…

(here is the original report https://investor.activision.com/news-releases/news-release-details/activision-blizzard-announces-third-quarter-2018-financial )

They will never give us the actual number of active players. They need to look good for investors

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40m+ was the number back around the 2 year anniversary, as said by Jeff in an dev update video if I remember right. I’m sure the number of accounts is even higher being it’s not saying players in game, just accounts.

Just pure speculation on my part but I highly doubt the alt/smurf account issue is even 15% of that number. As the main buyer of a 2nd/3rd account etc is hard core fan of the game and players up into the higher SR ranges.
So with 3k+ being less than 15% of the player pop I just don’t see how people come up with a 50% and 20million alts account number. Even if every single GM had an account GM is less than 1% of the player pop. So math wise that 1% all double up on account (and they don’t) it’s not all of a sudden 15% more accounts.

Most low SR player don’t have alt accounts, most of the player base to the tune of 60% or more can’t even get past gold. Yeah we have player with alts but most don’t being a lot of the 40m just stopped playing vs double down on +1 more account.
Odds are we have 5m-10m active players but keep in mind that has to cover 24/7/365 over all game modes and a 500-5000 SR range.
You can look at steam charts and see mid-level games pulling higher numbers of concurrent players than some doomsday people claim Overwatch is putting up. Like you don’t go from 40m accounts to 100k players concurrent as some suggest.

Or people like me who play nothing but QP because competitive gaming is silly.

Smurfs/alts for sure. Everyone I know has at least one extra account for one reason or another… I also happen to be one of them. No, I don’t smurf. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s highly exaggerated I’d be surprised if 10 million were smurfs

What have I done…

Hah! Thanks for the memories of that thread.

You know the funny thing… I take a fairly reasonable approach to provide a framework for guesstimates at the current playerbase and get absolutely ripped to shreds… @Xaron hand-waves a bit (not that I’m saying that’s wrong) and gets double my likes in an hour.

These forums be fickle… :joy:

Side note for others too lazy to click the link: my rough guesstimate was in the range of 300k to 3m active accounts (2+ hrs/mo). (N.B. active accounts has nothing to do with CCU [concurrent users].) One thing which was not guesswork that I managed to figure out in that post was that during S’18 there was a minimum of 40 OW games/second being played.