🐟 4 Possible Metas in the Future

The 5 dps and one flex healer team comp will come out on top.

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My vote is on the sniper meta.

2 sniper
1 support
3 dps

edit: or
2 sniper
2 support (lucio/zen and Ana)
2 dps

I wonder won’t repear becomes too powerful against tanks? With that armor nerf…

Death to ALL tanks!

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Yeah, if Reaper gets these buffs, he can chew through tanks harder than before.

Winston? Dead.
D.Va Meka? Not an issue anymore.
Orisa? Oh, you wanted her to be playable in a game with Reaper? Good luck with that.

If you haven’t seen the hero 30 stuff, I will point a link here: 🧨 Possible February Hero Release? (Busted)

I do believe triple DPS is underrated
Get a solid tank and two supports; you can certainly do some damage - no pun intended.

The reality is the game features so great DPS characters
If you have 1 upclose DPS, 1 mid/long range DPS and an assiassin DPS you’ve got a solid core.

I honestly feel like the game currently lacks a Tank that would enable this meta to really be consider desirable though.

Reaper won’t be meta because Hanzo deals the same amount of damage, but Hanzo is much more versatile and not trash outside of close combat.

Double Sniper don’t stand a chance vs speedboost shield Tanks.

I don’t think we’ll see Beyblade again. Reaper being hard to kill won’t really solve his problems of having virtually no mobility or range. NanoBlade will always be a superior combo. It’s far harder to shut down the Genji and the damage is far harder to heal through.

Double Sniper seems likely. It was never bad, other comps were simply easier.

GOATS is probably gunna be pretty dead with both a temporary Rally AND reduced effectiveness of armour.

I don’t think we’ll see the classic Dive (Tracer/Genji/Winston/Dva/Zen/Lucio), but I think the Widow/Mercy variation will be extremely strong, especially if peoples fears about Reaper being an unstoppable healing machine aren’t unfounded. I think the nerf to armour (and Dva) will hurt other comps far more than it’ll hurt Dive, despite Dva being arguably the most important hero in the comp.

If peoples fears are accurate and Reaper becomes unstoppable, we’re definitely gunna see an uptick in Snipers though, especially Widowmaker. After all, you can’t heal through a one-shot. :pointing_black_man:

I’m backing
3 DPS (Widow, Ash/Hanzo, Reaper)
1 Tank (zarya)
2 support (Ana, mercy)

I don’t think Ana and mercy would be able to sustain Zarya.
Widow should be able to protect the back line well enough, Ashe would be great mid range threat plus good ol’ Bobby is never a bad thing.

I’d be willing to check that comp out though
I have the most fun thinking about OW when I’m theory crafting compositions
Jayne’s videos are fun too - he’s why I support a triple DPS comp as underrated
It’s all about putting pieces of the puzzle together.

so if you mention every comp currently being played you can’t be wrong? Who would of thought it.

So “annoying when it happens but at least you see a variety of heroes,” “the reason this game isn’t fun,” “actually Hell” and “annoying.” Right, got it.

Sniper ruin every single game they’re in. Less snipers, more shotguns. You wanna kill a man, LOOK HIM IN THE EYE.

Wake me up when Boss comp is meta.

Dive meta is dead with dva’s death, winston is easy to counter solo and pseudo-dive with winston/zarya won’t work versus reaper, bastion or mei, I just don’t see it happening even if zarya is so good. Bunker comps are dead because orisa is so unviable even if hog is decent. Typical goats with brig and dva is dead.

It’s going to be:

  1. 2-2-2 with Rein/Zarya/Ana/Lucio with different dps, like flanker duo, mccree or reaper or sniper duo. Other tank and healer duos are going to be throw picks.

  2. Spam meta with bastion and pharmercy/other spam heroes, new bastion will be difficult to contest behind shields without a dva and being shot by bastion and pharah makes hitscan pretty busy to shoot both down. Possible niche BOS comp.

  3. Still goats, just with flex dps/hog/hammond/winston in place of dva and ana/zen/lucio.