4.2k Symmetra here, she's very bad now

I’m 4280 as of now, probably will drop drastically after I post this…

Very hard to get any value out of Symmetra outside of teleporting to points on like 3 2 CP maps now. with a whopping 8 back to back nerfs, when she was barely meta in the first place, is unacceptable.

Her dmg is too sustained now, it can just get healed through, her tp bombs especially were massively nerfed.

She’s so easy to kill, I’m seriously always targeted first because of just how easy I am to kill.

You have Reaper, getting in people’s faces healing like no other, and Symmetra can sit back at her 12m range staying at critical health hoping her healers are pumping everything they have into her…

I don’t know why they had to massacre her like this…

Buff Symmetra
Either her survivability, dmg, or range.


Or even better yet, let’s get another rework. Preferably one that includes shield generator. Perhaps if they listen to Symmetra main feedback, they can get it right.


:crab: sym is dead :crab:


there, I fixed it.

hmm anyways…
I do think sym should be buffed, I feel useless sometimes.
especially the turrets and the beam feel lacking.

also the tp makes it hard to survive.


what could possibly go wrong?

Although that might be the only option left, seeing as they don’t want her to be viable.

That proves the complete opposite.

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She got nerfed a couple days ago, you don’t drop in SR instantly unless you play a lot.


No it doesn’t. I was gm with 2.0 Sym… the worst hero in the game. Just because I know how to play the hero doesn’t mean she’s not bad, you can climb with anyone.

Every hero in this game has mains of them in Gm. Heck, the number one player in the world right now is a Brigitte…


OOOh… another symmetra “main” who is now triggered because he cant kill anyone anymore because she is not overpowered anymore. Deal with having a balanced char mate, seems like you are not so “good” with a fixed char.


I agree she needed her beam fixed, but if your suggesting the Symmetra after the beam nerf was still broken then you’re delusional and probably a very low ranked player. Her stats were non existant.


I was pretty happy to finally play Sym in comp. I loved her since I started in s5, but didnt get to play her as a support main. Now I did with 222! Aaaaand she is gone again. Maybe its Torb/Mei time.

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funny how she went from trash tier to viable because of double barrier + a bug fix, then received several nerfs, so now she’s worse off than she was when she was already bad.

what is going on over there, devs?


or better yet remove the hero they cant make work… how many reworks nerfs and buffs does she need to go through… just give up and get rid of her


I know how they can make Sym viable.
Attach her to better character as an ultimate.


Symmetra is not in need of any buffs. get over it


Why is that? I thought the opposite.

The stats show she was never balanced and actullly always underpowered.

You are making only a fool out of you.


I have a lot of hours on Symmetra and I can say she shouldn’t have been left in her previous state. i was able to melt the face off hogs and entire teams WAY too easily. It was overtuned.

That being said, I do think the top damage nerf was way too harsh. The nerf to her lvl1 and 2 beam damage was fine, but the top damage should have remained close to what it was.

Also, I personally would like to see her get 6 turrets again, but I know after they buffed their damage they won’t bring it back up to 6 again.

Flat out wrong imo, there’s no way I’d say current symmetra is the worse she’s ever been, that’s way too dramatic.

I can still play her and get value out of her,e but it feels a lot worse - I agree.
Something should be done, but a flat revert of all he nerfs? No. I mean even if I supported that Blizz would never do it.


I agree that she did need nerfs. They just slightly overdid it.

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She didn’t need any nerfs. If anything she needed buffs, but whatever. >_>

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