30 minutes till Pride time! Any last thoughts?

You sound like you had fun.

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Not sure if you meant to put it this way.

A bunch of pride flags…

And they forgot the bear flag. Stocky hairy big bearded dudes unite!

As someone who has an entire wardrobe primarily consisting of black with the occasional gray, yes, rainbows are pretty scary.

Dark blues and violets are fine. Silver is fine.

But anything comprised of the color yellow can just go away.

Perhaps we need a goth rainbow. It’s a rainbow, it just doesn’t need to stab the back of your retinas.



Does this Cardigan scare you?

I wear it a lot :sunglasses:


Cute, but not up to my taste. Prefer more neutral colors.

Sounds like clothes for someone stalking people in the night.

I love kidcore so it’s opposite for me ahhh

It just looks weird, when you are not a little girl anymore and wear something like that.

My life can wear what I want :face_with_head_bandage:

My bf thinks I look cute so that’s all that matters ig lol

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It does look cute, but also looks odd.

Once I saw woman in her 30s wearing something like that, and it was really strange.

You really don’t have to keep commenting how much you hate another person’s clothing choice…

Colours don’t have an age limit :sunglasses:

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Or you could, you know, stop giving money to corporations that ruin their games and make them pay to win to fight for better video games. People like you are the reason these corps are able to walk all over us. They become the worst greediest manipulative company that lies to their audience and never listens to anything they want and yall are just like “I HATE YOU BLIZZARD! HERE TAKE MY MONEY!”

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No, but there is moment, where it just doesn’t align with how you look like.

Thinking of you wearing it scares me because you’re murderous and it’s happy

anyway back to my genji grave

Did they buff lifeweaver?

Actual killers always wear cute clothes, it makes it easier to approach the victim.

its ok they just proved me right in discord.

bombastic side-eye

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Do you have experience?

This is getting scary…


:sunglasses: good, imagine I’m wearing a cute cardigan like that and under it is a Michael Myers t-shirt