30 minutes till Pride time! Any last thoughts?

That Midtown map is lookin’ really snazzy!

And I’m going to temporarily equip the Trans icon instead The Six Gun Killer. Not because I’m trans, but because we support trans rights! Am I right or am I right?



Midtown do be looking pretty nice. I don’t think I’m gonna be using the icons or anything but I’m glad they’re there for people that want to. Hopefully this is more fun than Starwatch lol


Wonder if diablo 4 will be good


I don’t think they’re doing anything TOO special beyond the icons and the map. But very swag nonetheless.

I’ll drink to that. Downs a glass of powdered lemonade.


From what I’ve seen on the forums, here’s my honest thought - rainbows are scary and a lot of people didn’t know they were signing up for a horror game.


It was developed by Activision. It will be as good as any of the other Blizzard games before they ruin them with egregious greed. After that, the fans will cry, “how could I have seen this coming? It is unprecedented!”


I just uninstalled but not due to the event. It’s that Blizz is more focused on releasing events with recycled skins and pushing us to the shop, instead of fixing the foundational issues with the game and giving us real content.

Whatever new map or arcade mode we see, it’s still going to have the same crap and it will only be a few hours before the forums are flooded with legitimate complaints. A few appetizers in arcade don’t qualify as PvE, 5v5 is just getting worse, and players are getting more toxic.

I could be wrong yea? But why would this one time be any different than the many times before? I’m gonna go to the beach instead of playing this game.

I’m straight af
But you better believe I’ll be using one of the cards to (hopefully) make some people irrational as I kill them on support (:

I’ve seen Wario/Waluigi colors. So that’s what I’m going with. And if they get vocal, I just “WAH” them. Should be fun.


I want to know if that stuff is forced in your account as soon as you login or do you have to go to the shop and get it

Want to be homophobic? Too bad! WALUIGI PRIDE!

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i wish everybody that equips any icon or banner goodluck, and in hopes that they wont be bashed by homophobes. heres a picture of kittens for the road


Yeah! Go to the beach! It’s dasuma! Let urjarbisaun!

Also 3 minutes! hopefully

wheres the event lol?

Usually, events release at noon pst. Sometimes earlier, sometimes later.

That’s what I’m wondering.

i’ll have to check dexerto or something

im bad with times, which would be noon? i like having exact numbers

noon pst would be 3PM est

Guess I was wrong.

Ah well! More No Limits time I guess!

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Icons and banners are in game already I just checked

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Noon is midday.
12 pm pacific.
1 pm mountain.
2 pm central.
3 pm eastern.

For US timezones.

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ah okay thank you so much!