✅ 3-2-1 would reduce pressure on Damage players

Some tank players have complained that 3-2-1 would put more stress on them. This is a very selfish mindset to have.

It reduces stress on Damage players, who are normally under the most pressure to perform and counter enemies. Being 1 out of 3 players, I no longer need to worry so much about swapping to counter.

It reduces stress on Support players. Now they needn’t worry so much about keeping the “big bags of health points” alive.

Why should the 1/6 of the team be catered to over the 5/6?

Bring 3-2-1 to the Arcade so we can try it with a large player population. Nobody is going to bother with PTR.


3-2-1 would also make 2x {Doom/snipers} into Doom + Hanzo + Widow every game. Imagine the hell. Wait we don’t have to imagine because that was the game pre-RQ.


Or simply revoke role queue.


And what makes you think it’s less stressful for dps? I would now have even less protection from snipers when I play dps and support in masters. Great…

Actually it’s worse when I play support because when I play around mid masters I play with top500 people a lot of the games.

You would get hard focused playing tank, making it feel impossible to play, you will get insta killed even more playing dps, you wont he able to heal the extra damage as support. All because dps cant wait an average of 7 mins? Jeez.


An extra Damage player means higher DPS output. Meaning reduced pressure on each individual Damage player to perform their role.

…that extra damage would be nullified by tank and healer re-balancing.


Regardless of balance, the role that was previously performed by 2 players is now performed by 3. Each individual has less pressure.

Yes, and that pressure is more than taken up by the tank having no backup and the healers having more targets attacking them.

Ultimately, you’d end up with less tanks and healers and no change to queue times. That’s why you should care about stress.

Wanting less pressure on DPS players without even caring about the increased pressure on other roles is a very selfish attitude to have.


3 Damage players means you can assign one to peel for Support.

Now you know that’s not how it works - players do whatever they want. Also, that’s the job of the offtank, so why dont you queue for that?

Wanting less pressure on DPS players without even caring about the increased pressure on other roles is a very selfish attitude to have.


So why then, when the DPS are now considering their stress over that of the Tanks, is that LESS selfish? Equally, sure. But certainly not less.

And don’t bring supports into this because 5 people is 5 people. Having less health only makes it more critical I have you topped off. Having three DPS at 150HP is more stressful to deal with than two tanks at 200HP, in my opinion.


There’s no indication from the Devs that this is the intended role of the “offtank” or that there is even supposed to be an offtank.

3>1. If 1 person starves to death but in exchange 3 people live, in exchange for 3 people starving to death.

“The devs havent said the word offtank so offtanks dont exist”. Untrue, they exist and they’re very good at peeling. You should join the tank queue instead of selfishly making the DPS queue longer

Wanting less pressure on DPS players without even caring about the increased pressure on other roles is a very selfish attitude to have.


Which is true. They don’t exist. Offtanks are an entirely made up concept, made by some Reddit dudes to constrain players to a certain way of playing and scold those who deviate from said way.

I do.

Correct, offtanks are a community created concept describing a tank that’s meant to assist, protect and peel. Your solution for removing them would be “get one of the DPS to peel like an offtank” which has already been proven as a thing they don’t want to do (because they dont join the tank queue).

Wanting less pressure on DPS players without even caring about the increased pressure on other roles is a very selfish attitude to have.


When drastic times call for it, sure.

But, to continue the analogy, in our current system nobody is starving. Some are hungry but there’s enough “stresslessness” to go around. There is no need to completely satiate the hunger of one if we’re just going to make the other die as a result.

You’re just telling Tanks to shut up and live with it because there are more DPS.


You’re right - players do NOT want to play tanks. We solve this by increasing Damage slots and reducing tank slots.

There is no widely agreed definition as to the role of an off-tank. There are some tanks that happen to be better at said duties. There is Wrecking Ball, who nobody can decide on, and there’s Hog who’s just a fat Damage hero.


Let the 3 of them die because they never adjusted to the situation.
Selfish solution lead to a worse state. I can only see more tank players quiting this game if this happens.


You don’t solve it by increasing the pressure on tanks, thus making them not want to tank any more and in turn increasing DPS queue times.

There is a widely agreed definition of the role of offtank, i just told you what it was. This is irrelevant though, since your solution is to dedicate a DPS to do a job that DPS have proven they dont want to do.

Wanting less pressure on DPS players without even caring about the increased pressure on other roles is a very selfish attitude to have.


This is some trained-from-birth-level mental gymnastics.

You could swap Tank and Damage out for any other class XD