✅ 3-2-1 would reduce pressure on Damage players

I can count on one hand in three years of playing how often that has happened. Kinda the reason we have Brig and Moira.


Only one, maybe two heroes fit your description. There is no distinction in real terms between a “main” and “off tank”, because most tanks blur the lines.

Obviously, you have no control over your teammates - unless you find your own group. What’s stopping you from doing so?

Let me repeat the hard to swallow pill some people need to read, and I mean those “tank mains” that claim they need another tank:
If you needed an off tank to play properly, you were never a decent tank in the first place.

You can tank alone with the help of your supports and no offtank. That position can be done by any close range DPS acting as a guardian when it is truly needed.

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Brig and Moira exist because DPS dont peel and they have to do it themselves.

If you have issues with DPS queue times, why dont you find your own group? Its a team game after all.

Wanting less pressure on DPS players without even caring about the increased pressure on other roles is a very selfish attitude to have.


Oh boy I can only imagine the road hog / ball players that won’t switch. You get too many of them and let’s say this get implemented. What a crap show that would be,in a way it will be the return of 4 dps player meta lol.

That doesn’t solve the queue times. Furthermore, I never even brought up queue times as being the sole issue in this thread.

Players being encouraged to be a bit more self-reliant isn’t a bad thing.


Also DPS players: “Implement this major change for the benefit of ME!”


1-3-2 wont solve queue times either as tanks will quit. What other issues do you think are solved with 1-3-2?

So you admit that your “get the DPS to peel” concept wont work and the 2 supports will indeed feel more stressed when they have 3dps attacking them? Thus, less supports will play.

Wanting less pressure on DPS players without even caring about the increased pressure on other roles is a very selfish attitude to have.


You’re seriously underestimating the lengths they’d have to go to actually re-balance tanks, supports and DPS for 1-3-2. Can you imagine trying to balance the game for solo Dva play? Sounds hellish to me.

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Pressure on damage players. The fact that half of the cast in your game is only playable by one third of the players on a team, leading to the majority of heroes never seeing playtime.

You also have 3 Damage players attacking the enemy team, meaning they will die. Dead players obviously can’t attack you.

I care about “pressure on DPS” same as they care for me, which is little to none.


I just hope this change happens(1-3-2) this way I can be self-reliant Roadhog main lol.

Damage players already have less stress than supports or tanks. Tanks and healers have a more linked, symbiotic relationship - inter-reliance is more stressful.

Not being able to play all the heroes in your role at any time is not a source of stress.

Yes, more people will be attacking the supports, that is the cause of the stress.

Wanting less pressure on DPS players without even caring about the increased pressure on other roles is a very selfish attitude to have.


You’re now able to defend yourself better thanks to not having to focus as much on healing two “big bags of health points”.

Instead you will have to double focus one “big bag” of health points that’s also getting focus fired by two snipers AND a Reaper/Doomfist/Other-BS-Burst-DPS.

Your only option will be to hope the other big bag of health points will be melted by your Snipers + Doomfist faster.

Sure, DPS mains would love this braindead gameplay, but SELFISHLY at the expense of everyone else.


That does not reduce stress when one of those bags of health was helping you not get dead.

Also, yes, you’ll be focusing on another faster moving thing that dies much easier. That’s more stressful.

Wanting less pressure on DPS players without even caring about the increased pressure on other roles is a very selfish attitude to have.


It won’t. And Roadhog would be moved to DPS and changed accordingly, they’ve already said this.

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Faster moving heroes are naturally more able to quickly get to cover or health packs and take care of themselves.

Fine then Dva or Hammond FTW. I Sure that the genji, widow and junkrat on my team won’t mind if I roll around.

Well if you want to make the DPS actually care about the other roles you’d have to make them more reliant. That means stripping away all self healing and defensive abilities from DPS and removing health packs.